Persuasion Persistence Perfection is what being a believer in our Lord is about. In America for many centuries, we were deemed a Christian nation. Long ago it changed as this nation became antichrist in its beliefs. While today there are many Christians and their leaders who deny this, I challenge the perspective that we are a Christian nation. Yet this topic of a Post Christian era is one many look aside from. We ask the question is America post Christian? A conversation on and about Post Christian era in America and the nations. Is the Christian era ending in the nations of men? This has been a topic of much discussion. Considering these ends of days there is a sure answer. There is a path to which Christians walk and a light to which they are to testify. This is the truth. Christianity is alive despite the rumors of its demise. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the center of what people believe. He is also alive and coming soon. While America may find itself at the Post Christian time, true believers in Jesus Christ are not.

Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day, and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
I have been warning about this Post Christian Era for over two decades. Even before that, I was warning people as was Tower. The first time I mentioned what was coming to America was back in 1973. The Words echo to me today from so long ago. However, the good news is that America is still here. Just not like the one I grew up in. Surely not at all like the one my grandfather or my parents would recognize. We look at the Post Christian era and may think it is gone. However, this is really a misnomer. Although the influence of Christianity in the major western industrialized nations has been reduced, it is still there.
The question I have is direct. Why is it that Sin has a greater voice than Righteousness? Today in this nation the rights of everyone except Christians are brought up. White America, White Christianity, and White influence is bantered about from the leftists who see race as paramount. It is as if God choose white people to have the faith and no one else. Or white people to be the only ones in America with rights. All this is foolish. Typical liberal rant that many young people notice and repeat. It is the main target of Antifa and other radical groups who malign others with protests of bigotry, fascism, and Hitler. No amount of talk will change their mind. The hype and talk from liberal colleges, professors, and in the political realm is mind numbingly idiotic many times. But the truth here is the ones with the biggest voices are coming from the lawless. Yes, as in Second Thessalonians chapter two mentions the rise of Lawlessness, while 2 Timothy chapter three discusses how lawless people will be.
Today we are passing laws to give driver licenses to people which came here illegally. Today many of them live in sanctuary cities. We have states passing laws to kill babies at birth. The push of transgenderism, homosexuality, lesbianism, and every other form of ism is rampant. If anyone disagrees with the current lawless ‘no sin attitude’, then they are castigated. We do live in lawless societies today and have been for many years.
Christian influence on major levels stopped many, many years ago. But today in America, despite the lawlessness; Christians are still free. Free to walk in Jesus Christ, testify, speak, and preach in his name. In America you are free to go or not to go to a church. Free to have faith in anyone or anything. The good news is that America is still here. Just not like the one I grew up in. Surely not at all like the one my grandfather or my parents would recognize. America has fallen from her traditional moorings of both faith and constitutional foundations.
Yet here we are, still a viable nation. Leastwise for now. Yet America has fallen from her traditional moorings of both faith and constitutional foundations. Although the influence of Christianity in the major western industrialized nations has been reduced, it is still there. True Christian persecution has not occurred in America nor Europe nor the UK. We thank the Lord for that. Yet Christian influence has waned considerably. People are not being persecuted in these free nations as they are in other countries. Many Christians are persecuted for their faith around the world. In fact, many pay with their lives for the faith of Christ! For them, life is unjust, persecuted, and comes with prison, beatings, near death, or even death. It comes with starvation, cold, homelessness, and threats to their lives. Yet the warm comfortable west and in Europe the governments of men ignore all this persecution.
I can guarantee you that in most Islamic run nations Christians are persecuted. Persecution can vary to the degree of which it is found in these nations. Yet if you show me a persecuted believer, I will show you an Islamic sharia state. But we find in the Hindu nations the same type of persecution. This also extends to communist nations like China. Christianity and other faiths are banned if they don’t follow the Chinese laws on the state church. In Russia it is the state Orthodox church. Outside of that arena you can run into problems, like the latest crackdown on evangelical churches there. In North Korea it is forbidden to be a Christian.
No, we are not Post Christian. Not Yet, but one day we will be along with the nations of men who will give credence and obedience to the beast of Revelation 13. Don’t cry over your spilled milk of rights today, for tomorrow you may be fed a mug of mud. Stand up, don’t weep, don’t fear, and stop trembling. Can America and the westernized nations really stand against the tide of immorality and anti-Christ agendas. It is as Peter warned about not “being led away with the error of the wicked and thus fall from your own steadfastness.”
Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
2Pe 3:17-18 | Persuasion Persistence Perfection
Here let our Persuasion walk with Persistence onto Perfection. Our persuasion is found in scripture. It is embedded within our hearts by the Holy Ghost given to us. God’s love is shed abroad in our hearts so that we can by His grace be a light to those in darkness. There is a light shining in America, it is hedonism. There are other lights as well. They embrace the human genome from sexuality to the world around us. Humans get so carried away with knowledge, politics, civil rights, and other discourses they lose track of all things important.
We live, as all Christians do in societies that have problems. They have other faiths, beliefs, and desires. Daily we are confronted with challenges to our faith. While in America and the west we do not necessarily face death and prison for our faith; we can be so beat down, we stay silent. There were a people once in Germany who stayed silent. They did not stand up to evil itself. Bonhoeffer did and paid for it with his loss of freedom and then his life. He stood his ground. The truth was more important to him than his own life. He reflects below his persuasion.
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
Bonhoeffer | Persuasion Persistence Perfection
Today despite what governments legislate or the offenses people commit; they are not against us. They will affect us and how we do feel or act. However, they are against the Lord God and his Son. Just read Psalm two and think on it for a while. In America, the killing of babies at birth is sickening. We cannot do a thing to stop it. That is, except legally and that is exactly what the ACLJ does. Standing up for life in the courts. There are others who stand against abortion, but many Americans are all for it. They also stand up in court for other reasons, like for Christians persecuted for their faith in other nations. The ACLJ has been successful in bringing justice here. This is the rub. The world wants Christians to be just like them. Well, we are not of the world, although we live in the world. Our desires are not like theirs. We are of the light of Christ and follow his deeds, his Word. The gap between us grows all the time. That is, until the one in darkness finds the redemptive light of Christ and follows Him.
Moreover, there are many ministries and humanitarian organizations that work hard to alleviate the suffering of people around the world. Many like Samaritans Purse are on the front lines. There are reports coming in daily to our office on the issues and dangers in this. We do find and report on miracles, and redemptive works occurring. It is true today, many that were an enemy of God are coming to faith in Christ Jesus. This is not a fluke. The reports come from many quarters today.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
1st John 5:4-5 | Persuasion Persistence Perfection scripture
Jeff King is the President of International Christian Concern. He addresses what they do in this paragraph quoted below. Their goal is to heal these people by restoring what they lost, including faith. They do this by replacing what Satan stole. Whatever Satan destroyed. The goal is to allow the believers to be salt and light wherever they live. Some things cannot be replaced like a martyred family, husband, wife, child, friend, or other Christian in the faith. Thus, when ministries like this are successful, they raise the hopes in believers that have faced persecution. Here the goal is to re-ignite the faith to a point it renews itself. There is Hope and with Faith we can do all things through Christ Jesus. This includes being a light in a society where the Christian era is waning. For God, there is no waning, only love, grace, mercy, and hope. We are fully functional with what God will supply us through His Spirit to the glory of His Son Jesus Christ.
Satan’s goal, as well as the persecutor’s, is to cripple the Body of Christ, but our goal is to restore it. We replace and restore what Satan steals and destroys, so that Christians can continue to be salt and light in the places where God has sent them.
-Jeff King, President International Christian Concern
Our Hope today consists of our Persuasion, our Persistence, and our Perfection, through Christ Jesus! Every day I personally need Hope. Why am I here? It is precisely because of the Hope I have in Jesus Christ. He can transform your life. He has changed ours and those of our kids. We have seen many other changes in those we have known through the years. While we are not perfect, we are and can be found in Christ Jesus. Your hope is not your government, although you want it to make the right laws. Your hope is not your nation, although you may love it where you are.
Here at the WIBR/WARN Radio; we are Americans. Our roots are very deep in the area we live in. My grandparents were homesteaders here. Towers roots are found in the history of our state. The line of our forebears in lineage are linked to the beginning of America. Our family had land in the beginning of this nation according to family research and old documents. Yet, while it is agonizing to see the hatred, vitriol, and division in America; we are filled with Hope. Not in this nation per-se; we would like to see it healed. We are filled with the Hope eternal found in Christ. We preach, teach, write, broadcast shows, and warn all who will listen. We depend on the Lord, and his blessing to reach the lost. But our hope is solid in Christ as we have found others to have this same hope. The Apostle John writes of this truth, a hope in the Son of God.
And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.
1st John 5:19-20 | Persuasion Persistence Perfection
Meanwhile, your Hope will be tested. For Hope is fueled by your faith and vise-versa. Hope encourages you when things are dark. Hope is refueled by your faith when you read Gods Word, Pray, and continue to believe the Lord. For without this Hope and without this faith; you cannot make it. Of the two, only faith is paramount foundation. To hope in anything, you must first believe it exists. For no matter what you do, if you have no faith in Christ Jesus and the fact his Father and our God sent him to die for your sins; then you cannot be saved. You must believe that God exists, and he fulfills his word.
Yet today God is shaking the kingdoms of this world. Including America and the western nations; not to forget the entire world. You and I have a kingdom through Jesus Christ that cannot be shaken, taken, or destroyed. We are found in Him when we have believed and received. As the nations are shaken and troubles find the cities, towns, and villages of our world; people are shaken. People comfortable in their life, their faith, and the nation where they live will be shaken. It is here that our faith is put to the test. We must have the answer and the power to bring people more than mere words. We must bring them the power of the Gospel to save and the deliverance through Christ Jesus from Sins, and the miracles of the Holy Spirit to give evidence of those things we believe.
Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
Heb 12:26-29 | Persuasion Persistence Perfection
Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.
However, today pride gets in the way. This is especially true in the high-tech world we live in. As Paul said of people in his day that they were “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth!” Society can learn technology, healing arts, and religion. They can learn sociology, psychology, and the political sciences. But to know the Lord God our Father and his Son; they must be spiritually discerned. This takes prayer, fasting, and the word of God. It takes someone who is in Christ to bring this to them. But even the most ardent of preachers or teachers cannot persuade someone who is hardened with Pride. But even this, through fasting and prayer can be brought to a decision for Christ. But if that person says, no; it is God who has given them the choice.
Pride is the engine which propels the locomotive on the way to Hell. Rebellion is the Caboose. Sin is the fuel. The Canyon which lay in the path of the locomotive is that separation between God and man because of Sin. The bridge over that Canyon is Christ Jesus. The locomotive is going full speed down the track. They will cross over the Canyon or so they think. Without Christ, there is no bridge. There is no Hope. Thus, they fall into the Abyss and are lost.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
1st Timothy 2:3-6 | Persuasion Persistence Perfection
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
Why does is seem like Sin has a greater voice than Righteousness? This is simple. The only reason Sin has a greater voice is that it is louder than anything else. One day the great voice of the Lord Jesus Christ will bring all enemies before him to judge them. At that time, there will be one voice and one judgment which will be heard. The ungodly and sinners will be trembling and lying face down, naked before the Almighty One who came to save all people. At that time, His Truth will be eternal voice heard along with all the saints of God praising The Father and the Son for their redemption. I can’t wait! That is my Hope.
Warning Nations ~ Preparing Generations
Persuasion Persistence Perfection by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
The Work and Ministry of the WIBR/WARN Radio is about: The Testimony of Jesus Christ, Through the faith of Jesus Christ; By the Mercy of God our Father through His Grace extended, flowing from the Love of God to all People everywhere; Commanding everyone to Repent!
Persuasion Persistence Perfection
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Persuasion Persistence Perfections
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“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Persuasion Persistence Perfections
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Thanks Watchman…yes, the whole world lieth in sin. This stubborn/prideful sin is loud and vulgar. These heathen wake up every morning angry, ready to strike out at anything of God. satan’s heathen have infiltrated every aspect of society. Nothing exists today, which has not been corrupted. It is difficult to observe what is going on today…one feels like exploding in righteous indignation at a world marching angrily against our Lord. But we will continue to preach the word, to persuade men to repent. Our Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.