Technology Building God who or what is your God? The world today is filled with societies that daily bring technology to its people. It is an ongoing conflict between faith, prophecy, and technology. A place where becoming gods via technology is possible. Truth is, there are many technologies, ideas, and advanced knowledge in all areas today. It is precisely what Daniel prophesied. Although he did not have a clue as to what man be able to do. Nevertheless, when gods many meet the True and Living God; only one wins out. As Moses was told when he asked what to tell the Israelites in Egyptian slavery camps who sent him, he was told “I AM”. I AM has sent you, Moses knew this God. Today through Christ Jesus we know I AM as well. But the struggle is the same.

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Technology Building God
Technology Building God
Technology Building God who or what is your God is an arena where Prophecy and Tech meet in an eternal struggle for truth. More than ever today’s society depends on Technology and our own sciences, all propelled by the increasing knowledge. As Paul said of his own generation, “ever knowing but not able to come to the knowledge of the truth,’ so it is true today. In the days of Israel, building your own gods out of wood, gold, or silver was common. Today, we have made our own gods. They are unlike anything our ancestors could have thought was possible. As man defines his own fate, purposes, and future, many ask where is God?
We have been made aware of the ‘Great Reset’, which would control globally the populations of the world. This is the only reason for it. No good or common sense would produce this. It is squarely an idea of those in power who want more control over you and your money. Let us not forget your identification. This also meets squarely with prophecy in not only Daniel but Revelation and the mark. Believe me, as one who has followed this for many, many years; we have come an exceptionally long way. But man’s ability to produce technology and advancement due to our knowledge of it has grown exponentially. So much so, we have those who are on the horizon of immortality. This also is dead center of prophecy and the beast. However, in any conflict between man, his technology and the Lord God is not going to fair well for mankind in rebellion. Technology today has become an idol, as has our knowledge of it.
It is with fair warning here that your idol worship and sins which are many will meet head on with Day of the Lord. But if you know the Lord our God and Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior; then yu will be fine on that day. The LORD is a Stronghold in the Day of Trouble and those who know Him shall not be ashamed. This is my hope, knowing Him who gave his life for mine. The sins of men and women, all races and creeds are heavy upon the earth. As Isaiah says, the “curse has devoured the earth”, in Isaiah chapter 24. No doubt today the world is stumbling along with its Artificial Intelligence, technology, and Robots. Never have we seen a world so enamored at anything like this. While I use technology in reaching the lost in the world, it is a tool. It is deceiving, and it is also amoral. It could care less about human or godly morals and values. It has a sword of deception and a code of a modern techno god who will stop at nothing to get all the attention. It will drag souls into hell and the hearts into the dismal abyss of sin.
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Technology Building God | Daniel 12: 2-4
Now while many scientists would laugh at this, along with leaders of nations, there is a fearful thing happening in the world today. A.I. as God is in the future. It will not be the first time a people and a nation might have sought tools at its disposal to rule the world. I can name Hitler, Mussolini, Japan, Mohammad, Babylon, Assyria, and Babel; just to mention a few. Those who used what they had to overrule God, to gain access to power, and to rule the world. But nothing is as prepared as our world today to allow an artificial being, programmed by fallible men and women to take over the affairs of men.
Technology Building God at the time of the End, Knowledge shall be increased! Who or what is your God?
“This is the whole point of technology. It creates an appetite for immortality on the one hand. It threatens universal extinction on the other. Technology is lust removed from nature”.
Don DeLillo American novelist, playwright, and essayist.
Technology Building God -Idolatry is not new!
Former Google and Uber engineer Anthony Levandowski, according to a recent Backchannel profile, filed paperwork with the state of California in 2015 to establish Way of the Future, a nonprofit religious corporation dedicated to worshiping AI. The church’s mission, according to paperwork obtained by Backchannel, is “to develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society. AI as God
In all this, Robots and A.I. are all adaptive to the creators who made them. Also, the sins of the fallible humans are transported to what they create. While we may think that we can develop the perfect God, a perfect tool, and a subservient creature that has not one shred of human morality or as I say the God seed; the fact is, man cannot create God. They can invent their own dreams, desires, and imperfection as God, but that is all. Let all people bring their gods and see if these gods can deliver them out of the hand of the True and living God.
Yet human endeavor has indeed been building God since the fall of man in the garden. The children of Israel were told directly at the mount and the giving of the law that “you shall have no other Gods before me!” But in fact, man did just that; he made himself other gods and bowed down to them, worshipping them, and serving them. Israel so warned of God ignored the warnings and served other gods including Baal and Ashtoreth. From the political leaders to the High priest to the prophets; all served other gods and eventually both Israel [the north kingdom of ten nations] and Judah [the southern kingdom] were judged and overthrown for their idolatry.
Today the world has many gods. It should be no surprise then, that A.I. and technology will create the 21st century God unlike any other created by man. He will look like, talk like, act like, and in fact be a technological marvel the world has never seen. But while men can make a god one or Gods many, do not mistake the biblical fact that the evil one will be the chief ruler and god behind all this. Technology will serve the beast to fulfill the mark and the image mentioned in Revelation 13.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies. The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
Exo 20:3-6 | Nah 1:2-5 | Technology Building God
However, much of the public has not a clue as to the dangers. Already the immoral buzz over sex robots is astounding or so the news media would have you to believe. We have the immorality and unseating of Godly morality and the rightful position of a man and a woman. To be co-partners in life, to be joined not only in Godly unions that have physical sex; but to be partners indeed. Through body, mind, and soul; the two become one.
Technology Building God | Societies God -Science instead of!
However today, science and society have corrupted all vestiges of this. Our children have been raised for decades by a resolute anti-god system that pushes morals of an ally cat in heat. Is it any wonder today that they are fascinated by a no holds barred sexual escapade with an amoral machine that can bring pleasures to humans? The same machine capable of doing good can-do irreversible damage and even death. But don’t say this too loud. Those creating the future want cars that drive themselves, robots that do all the bidding of humans, and a god who is a robot. Matter of fact, I wrote about this years ago. It has followed the course of what I have said all along.
The beast, A.I., and society are hand in hand the biggest threats to life on earth. The blame goes to nuclear weapons, the harm of earth, and carbon with its destructive effect on living things. However, none of these things matter in this equation. Top leaders have said all along there are too many humans on planet earth. Revelation pointedly says that the “Lord will destroy those who have destroyed the earth”! We are warned of the beast, the mark, and the image of the beast; all of which we can trace to the effects of A.I. on society. We can today settle it that the beast will use technology, Artificial intelligence, and machines to fully manipulate society and nations.
Societies God Where Prophecy and Tech meet
Peter Kareiva, in 2012, was the chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy. In an article titled “Are there too many People on the planet” he dealt with this question. A question that leaders of the free world are pondering. Some leaders like North Korea’s Kim Jong Il see people as dispensable and a commodity. In other areas of our civilized world, human life is not worth anything. We saw this in 2014-15 when ISIS slaughtered and butchered their way through Syria and Iraq. We see this in massive genocides throughout the years. Hitler, the Ottoman Empires, and others have cared less about the slaughtering of a people. The goal was to rule the earth. However, Kareiva summed up his position at the end of the article.
I still think there are probably too many people on the planet. But I’m a little embarrassed by that sentiment—I know there is no clear analysis behind that conclusion and that it is to some extent a reflection of the fact that occasionally I like to get away from people. More importantly, the question of whether there are too many people is the wrong one for conservationists to ask. The right questions are: What quality of life do we want all people on the planet to share? And how can we achieve that quality of life while preserving as many species and ecosystems as possible?
Peter Karevia, Are there too many People on the planet,
Technology Building God |Too many people on earth
Yet whether we think there are too many or too little of the human population on earth is a mute reality. The push today is despite humans, society, and what may happen. Technology moves out on its own through Artificial intelligence and the sciences of men. Yes, an independent lifeform without values, only amoral and mathematics to assess whether humans are worth keeping alive. Once artificial intelligence learns from what we can teach them, they move beyond us. Why would they need humans anymore?
The debate goes on in this matter. But many technologies allow humans to do what they want without a god of morality looking over their shoulder. They can remove any True God and replace it or him or her with their own values. They can burn books, but today we don’t have the paper trail of books like we use too. It is all digital files, digital books, and an online world of three D, Artificial realities, and a vision for a hell on earth.
But no matter how you think on this matter, Daniel warned us of the time when “Knowledge” would increase. With that Knowledge came advancement in many areas of the human condition. Sciences that have helped mankind. But be warned, Science without God, i.e. the True and Living God and his Son Jesus Christ is pure idolatry. It is pagan, it is without God. But science that sees God in all things, is heading in the right direction. That is, again; if that is the correct God, the Father and our God who gave us truth in the form of his Son Jesus Christ. But we know the Beast in Revelation will have an image which the world will worship and take the mark. This is the fulfillment of digital and even more advanced science, technology, and knowledge.
So, make no mistake here. There is another god of this world who uses this technology and man’s nature to create tools that he can use for the rebellion and rule which one day will come to planet earth. Revelation chapter 13 and 2nd Thessalonians chapter two both reminds us that this is an event which will take place. While many today in the world fear the evils around them, the ones they use every day are the real enemy of truth and morality. It is your computer, laptop, smartphone, robotics, A.I., Virtual reality, and the many other techno devices we have. While we have devices that save lives through technology, we are in a time when that same technology will destroy a planet along with humans on it. At a time when we are the most advanced in sciences, techologies, religion, space exploration; we are ever learning as we go. Yet for all that learning and knowledge, as a society we have moved further from the Love of the Truth and the real Knowledge of our God and Father and our Savior Jesus Christ our Lord. The church must awaken to this and use technology to reach the furthest corners of earth. But one day the tool of tech will become the master to those who created it.
Technology Building God: In Control
Nahum wrote about the Lord destroying Nineveh. They had repented at the preaching of Jonah, but now some seventy years later faced destruction because this generation was worse than the other one that had repented. The issue here is pointedly mentioned in chapter one of Nahum. Verse nine the prophet Nahum asks Nineveh “What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.” We find here a nation that had their own idea about a God who could destroy them. Many nations today are just like that. They disbelieve God exists. But despite this, God is in control and Hell is coming. Hell will rule in a dark period on earth through their King, whom we call evil!
Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him. The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
Nah 1:2-7 | Technology Building God: In Control
Make no mistake, the judgment is coming upon all nations. But the good news is that the righteous found in Jesus Christ need not fear. God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of Love, Power, and a Sound mind. But the prophet Nahum mentions that the LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble. He knows all those who trust him. His anger is against the wicked and the evil which rules in the hearts of humans.
We cannot stop the A.I. rollercoaster nor the nations of men from inventing machines and having technologies. We cannot remove all the idols and gods on this planet. We cannot stop evil in the world. But we do know who can do all of this and he will. Further, we can as his servants through Jesus Christ be the light of the world, as Christ was and is the Light. We can make a difference in our own neighborhoods, cities, towns, and families. If we do that, then this evil can be thwarted in this small way. It will be harder for the darkness to penetrate where we are affective for the Lord. This is the battle, and the Lord is our Hope. While men and women hurry to buy the latest thousand-dollar smartphone, let us remember it is one small step towards the day of a true A.I. and a robotic intelligence that the beast will use. We are very close to that day!
Albert Einstein, in his day [before the tidal wave of achievements in A.I. and the many other technologies] saw the advancing threat to mankind. He warned:
Einstein saw it as a threat then! What has it already become today? | Technology Building God
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Technology Building God by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
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Technology Building God
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Technology Building Gods
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Technology Building Gods
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Thanks Watchman…as a witness to the train wreck known as planet earth. Yes, make no mistake; hell is coming. People today scoff at hell, and since they consider themselves to be their own gods, they just reimagined hell out of existence. This is the epitome of pride. Their hubris lets them manipulate technology however they want. Fortunately for the true believers in Christ, we have a sheild, a high tower, a fortress. He will protect us, when He levels His wrath over planet earth. Make no mistake, hell is coming.