Last Days Deception Ever Learning but not the truth! Wisdom of the world, knowledge, and always learning doesn’t mean you really know the Truth! The Apostle warned us of the last days, which is the farthest or final or ends of; the days which humans live in. Here defined as the days which God has given man, which can be in its context time and days of men and women that can be both good or bad or in-between. It is life and living in our quest to live our days that God has given us. But in Paul’s example this is the farthest time or days or the final days or the ends of the human time clock to live out the period which God has given to us by His grace to live in.

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Last Days Deception Ever Learning
Last Days Deception Ever Learning
The days which Paul warned are not only the final time or the end of human days they are defined particularly by perilousness. This final time of men living on earth would be a grim time. This era would reduce the strength of those living at that time because it would be fierce in its nature. Just living with all the danger and stress daily would reduce the strength, both moral and physical, that humans possess. It would reduce the very ability to be able to cope with what is going on.
In addition, we find that humans at the very core of who they are would be tested to the limit. Here the Apostle reveals that this period would have people whose traits were fundamentally evil and opposed to God. Yet they would have a form of godliness. They would also deny the Lords true power to be delivered. Matter of fact for many decades led by church leaders and theologians we have swayed from many of the original teachings of the Apostles. Adapting the scripture and its message to a more updated gospel. The gospel, the power of the Spirit, and the miraculous has been limited. I have personally discussed with other Pastors and leaders the aspects of this. The unbelief, the no more miraculous, and the purposeful hedonism in the church are part of this problem. The description Paul gives reveals to us not only a society but religion itself would be powerless to bring deliverance as a true encounter with the Son of God. In fact, as you can read the descriptions found in second Timothy below the fruits of society at that time and of this form of godliness would be anything but Godly.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
2nd Timothy 3:2-7 | Last Days Deception Ever Learning
The evil of the day can be seen very clearly. While seeing evil in the lives of society today, consummate evil abounds. Yet during this are those who have not bowed their knee or their heart to this wave of godlessness. Much evil is pushed on society because of their personal agendas or vendettas. Look at ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, and other radical Muslim groups who profess to know God but clearly, they do not know the True and Living God.
As we see Europe and even the United States overrun by immigrants, we also see that many today are Islamic and profess eventually that they will take over the nation of which they have just been allowed entrance to! The reason these people can get in clearly is the result of politicians. Not too long in our past we saw Angela Merkle’s immigration push joining the European push along with the Brussels governance of the E.U. In America we saw Obama push this open border theme. Today under Biden we have seen much more illegal entry to America that Obama ever allowed. Yet a globalist society rejects the nationalist views of independent nations and their own freedoms.
Billionaire political devotee Soros wants to open borders. I have quoted Soro’s directly before as he said the goal is to see the “fall of America.” International globalists want the nations of men absolute subservient to the global interests. All this is exactly where the Beast of Revelation 13 is going to bring the world right along with the mark. While many young people have been taught a socialistic vision of America, the beast will be anything but social. His way is darkness, power, and miraculous. It is deceptive and linked to convincing the world he is God.
The truth in all this is seen also in the conclusion of this context where Paul says that people would be ‘Ever Learning’ but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. People in this society would be on the receiving end of Daniels prophecy as well. Found in Daniel chapter twelve, many who watch prophecy and fulfillment of scripture quote Daniels “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” This knowledge, or cunning knowledge used in an unwitting manner will be the hallmark of this society. A Knowledge that has a people which are always learning, everywhere, i.e. ‘At all times. People are learning and seeking after that knowledge and what they think is truth. This seeking also includes religion. Yet for all their seeking, learning, and available technology; they do not know the truth. This is the Truth of our God and Father and our Redeemer Savior, Jesus Christ.
‘Ever Learning’
2nd Timothy 3:7 ‘Ever Learning’ | Last Days Deception Ever Learning but not the truth!
Now the society we speak of is the very one we are living in today. A people living in at a biblical time we call the end of the days. These are days to which God has given to man to live. This time is also known as Grace. It is a period when man will find the end of all things and the judgment of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. But knowing these things will not bring an end quickly. For the times will be perilous. Society will be filled with knowledge seekers, learners, and knowing all things. At one-time Christianity was enough. Today it is not enough for many. Society will also reject the gospel and the savior Jesus Christ. It will reject the Jewish state and surround Jerusalem over this rejection. It is a time when just living can be trouble for many.
Yet the real problem both in America and elsewhere is the fact that the leaders of nations do not know the truth. They don’t know the truth of our God and Father and his only begotten Son Jesus Christ. They don’t know the truth about what technology and all this knowledge will do to them. The first thing the Serpent promised Eve in the Garden was knowledge. He told the woman “In the day when ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”. This is found in Genesis chapter 3 and verse five. The fall of man began with a lie that you will have knowledge.
Here that knowledge was ‘knowing good and evil’. Eve at the time could not have known what evil was. Nor could she know how to measure being good at it. She and Adam lived in the Garden of Eden, were perfect, and knew the Lord God. Yet the enemy put doubt into her mind and heart. She pondered just what “good and evil” were. What would it be like to know all this Eve asked herself? Now both had knowledge anyway. Adam named the animals. Both knew how to keep the garden. But that was not enough for Eve. Once doubt entered in, Sin followed.
Eve found out Satan was right. Immediately following the sin, Eve knew she had sinned. She went to Adam and told him; Adam followed doing the same thing. Both knew then they were naked. They also knew they needed to hide from the Lord when he came around asking for them. They hid because they knew the evil they had done. They had disobeyed the Lord God.
What Satan did not tell her was just how bad the effects would be on all humans who followed them. Yes, they both found out what good was and what evil was. They knew what it was like to disobey God, to be thrown out of the Garden, and to have to live as mere mortals. They had to have clothing, food, fire to keep warm, and more. They finally knew it all, but in the real avenue of success; the devil had managed to lie his way into the heart of Eve.
The devil has been doing the same thing since the fall of man. Yet man still falls for this trick. Today we have scientists, technologies, internet enthusiasts, among many others that create their technological marvels. All this ability to create and know how to do it is the result of the Daniel prophecy. It came from our ‘always learning’ which poured out of the supernatural realm from the hand of God. It fulfilled prophecy. It was destined for man and along the way the Devil took advantage of it. The angel told Daniel that “knowledge would be increased”. It surely has increased.
Moreover, technology is a tool. Who would have known the extent of this increase of learning? Now thanks to this technology and the humans that have created them we have robots that humans want to have sex with. Leave it to man to find out how to use it according to the flesh. We have nations who want warrior robots to win any war. Here we find greed, power, and lust again that would use technology. War itself has always utilized technology to kill, murder, rape, and pillage. It also is greed and the lust for power through conquering. We have the most technology and learning of any society at any time. But we are the worse for it, as we are further from God.
Today society has no problem rejecting biblical commands. They turn upside down the truth of God. Today science pushes the limits to which God has told us not to go. One thing for sure, all this knowledge and learning has never brought us closer to the Lord God and His Son Jesus Christ. In fact, it has replaced the gospel and our Savior. It has also tossed out the need for salvation. Whatever benefits knowledge is it never made humans closer to the Lord. In fact, it has separated us again from God, just as in the beginning. Satan has used this to remove God even further and this will bring us into the tribulation sooner than you would like.
The point of this is not exactly to describe to you all the aspects of technology and learning we have done. You know perfectly well what we have today in society. I like technology, the internet, and those tools which make our lives a bit easier. However, I like them in measure, with limits. Society through their learning and all its benefits is careening down the path of destruction. Oh yes society does know a god or two; but not the True God and our Father and his Son Yeshua; Jesus Christ! Many today have one foot in hell and the other firmly planted in a religious idea of some sort. I know this well in dealing with people. One young man told me he was a Christian and followed Satan. What church teaches that? Well today self-indulgence, pleasure, and loose grace along with ignorance provides the foundation for this deception. Let their own gods deliver them out the hands of an Angry God, for our God is a consuming fire. Ignore God’s grace and his command to repent at your own peril!
Therefore, we are out of bounds in our world today. We crossed the line. With all that I have discussed so far, we proceed onward to other issues. Society has corrupted our youth, leastwise many of them. We have downplayed the Gospel and the redemption which comes only through Jesus Christ. There is an ongoing active war in the world to kill the children of the cross. Here I am speaking of Christians. Worldwide Christian persecution is ongoing and in many nations around the world. Daily we find Christians who are murdered or imprisoned for believing in Jesus Christ. Yet the world stands by and does nothing.
The world does not see Christian persecution as being a problem. This is the conclusion one must come to when addressing the issue of this. Neither will they see it. When the Beast arrives, he will make war against the Children of the cross. He has done so since the first believers in Yeshua; Jesus Christ were there. He will continue during his reign of darkness and the world will watch and do nothing.
Further the evidence is that while there are groups that advocate for the Persecuted church, many nations simply get away with it. The world does not see that most persecutors are not only anti-god like North Korea and China, but they are Muslim. We see the E.U. and the rest of Europe; including Great Britain threatened by Islamic fervor in their nation. Yet the politicians do not see Islam as a threat. Neither do those huge Internet giants like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and others. Islam is embraced and given an excuse for their attitudes and actions, like raping at any provocation.
This is the gospel truth taught by Jesus [Yeshua] Christ to his disciples. This is the very Truth his Apostles taught to the early church and preached throughout the known world at that time. It is the very gospel truth that both Tower and I preach. Also make no mistake here, we are not the only ones who preach this truth. This Truth of the Gospel cannot be mitigated by polluting the truth, limiting the truth, or obscuring the truth. While men may try to remove it, ignore it, or abuse it; Gods Truth will shine forever. That is, our God and Father sent his Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to this earth to bring us redemption through his death, burial, and resurrection.
If you have the Son of God, you have life and if you do not have the Son Jesus [Yeshua] Christ; then you do not have life. This is the true God and eternal life.
America, Great Britain, and the rest of the world will be Anti-Christ, Anti-Christian, and Anti-God our Father. While I do not like to see what is happening in this nation and with believers around the world, there is no stopping what is coming. We must be prepared and ready to go forward. No matter what happens in the world, our hope is coming Soon. That Hope is the Messiah, Jesus Christ; Yeshua Ha Massiach. He is the only Begotten Son of God!
Last Days Deception Ever Learning
And this is love that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
2nd John 1:6-7 | Last Days Deception Ever Learning
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Last Days Deception Ever Learning by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
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Last Days Deception Ever Learning
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Incognito, War of Identity and Deceit

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Last Days Deception Ever Learnings
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Last Days Deception Ever Learnings
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Thanks Watchman…spot on analysis, again. Todays educated youth have been marinated in marxism, pure and simple. These government indoctrination centers have sewn the seeds for this latest push towards communism in America. Just as you pointed out in your book Incognito, saul alinsky’s rules for radicals is their playbook. This is all out in the open, they aren’t even trying to hide their true agendas. This bizare/ in yer face attitude, is going to increase…it will not get better. And these jackals seethe with hatred for the Father, His Son Jesus, and all of His loyal followers. Make no mistake, they want us dead. And these nut jobs, saying that they follow the Lord, but satan also…huh?? You refered to it as loose grace, and I heard someone on youtube call it cheap grace; same thing, some body dabbling in his religion, while he’s up to his neck in sin. This entire world is bizare, and it is going to get worse. Our Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.