Living Lights and Looking for the Day of God while living in a world of darkness! Living Lights Truly. As holy, upright, and those who walk in true godliness; we are looking for the Day of God. That day when all things shall be dissolved and the righteousness which we have looked thereunto shall arrive when we see and behold our Lord Jesus Christ.

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Living Lights in a world of darkness
Living Lights in a world of darkness
While the world watches and does its own thing, there is a God who will judge all the nations of men. As Paul said, “Knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men”, for again he said, “Our God is a consuming fire”! It is this which should propel you as light to warn and to bring into the fold of safety through Jesus Christ our Lord as many as you can.
I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
John 17:14-16 | Living Lights in a world of darkness
Today as those who know the Lord walk in faith, there is one thing we are bombarded with daily. That is lawlessness. It never ends and usually doesn’t have much to encourage us in the way of hope. The world’s hope lies in mankind, man’s laws, his society, and the way of life. For those radical Muslims like ISIS, their hope lay in a façade of criminal activities that will get them sentenced to a death in the lake of fire and brimstone. We have all witnessed the killing done by the notorious Facebook killer and how he took his own life. Then we have the California shooting by a black man who killed three white men and then was tackled by Policemen. The world is not short of hate, blood guilt, and corruption; not to mention all the other vices we could mention.
“Reprobate infants are vipers of vengeance, which Jehovah will hold over hell, in the tongs of his wrath, till they turn and spit venom in his face!” You cannot stand before an infuriated tiger even; what then will you do when God rushes against you in all His wrath?”
–Jonathan Edwards, Preacher who gave this sermon: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”
The world is in darkness. There are many people that are in the dark about everything around them. This is not just another day in America; it is one step, one day closer to judgment. While many today work hard, pay their bills, and raise their children, the odds of them being affected by what is going on today is high. There is no chance you can ignore what is happening today.
But as I say this, I have a secret. Love will find a way. It found a way on the cross that day when Jesus Christ died for our sins. Today he is closer to coming back than ever before. His Spirit fills the hearts of his own and they are special to him. He knows very well the evil we face today and one day he will put it all down.
It is here that as Christians we must pull together, encourage one another unto faith and obedience to God’s word. The world will do as the world does, that is; it will always hate the Lord and those who follow him. Today as the racism, hate, bloodshed, and corruption fills the news; there is hope. Love can find a way in your life. It can lead you to the Son of God who loved you so much that he died for you. Love can find a way to help you fight that hate, that crime, that violence; but most of all, that love can protect you.
That is right; the Lord can keep you from the evil in the world and the devil that is instigating it. But when we speak of Living as Lights in a world of darkness, the truth is; this is something that a true believer cannot help but do. Those in Christ are different. They have repented and walk in him. These also keep his Word. His light is in them as is his love.
Living Lights in a world of darkness
The world hated Christ and it hates those who are Christs. End of story, right? Not so fast! The fact that the world hates Christians and those who live the light of Jesus Christ daily does not stop the fact that we are overcomers. That we win. That in the end evil will lose out. No matter how disgusting and vile humans are, evil will be put down and those who allow it. But the truth is, humans have so much potential for good, for greatness, and for perfection. That is why our Father gave his Son. We are more than worth it to save, so much so; his Son gave his life for us.
Today I choose to live for Christ. I choose to live in hope and not fear. I choose to believe that Love will win over hate. I choose to believe that Jesus Christ will come back for me and all those who are his. I choose to believe that he will keep us from evil as he prayed his Father to do in John 17:15. I choose to believe that he will count us worthy to escape all these things that are coming into the world, which follows what he told us to do. We are to watch and pray these things, Luke 21:34-36.
Moreover, there is no doubt times are stressful and we can be tempted to fall into the trap of the world. We can become lukewarm, cynical, hateful, and despondent, depressed, and believe that in all things we are without hope. This can happen and many Christians today are in that trap to some extent or another. But the good news is, he can keep you, guide you, love you, correct you, and bless you. Yes, even today, you can live an overcoming life and be able to help those who truly need help.
But the fact is, you need to be that light and that voice today. The world of darkness needs to hear about the Savior that died for them even if they heard it a million times before from a million Christians. We are to be that voice, that light, and live as such. God will keep us, and he will give his “angels charge over you to keep you in all thy ways”! They will encamp around about anyone who loves the Lord God our Father and his Son Jesus Christ, to keep them and deliver them. But you must believe, trust, and have faith these things are so.
Finally, we live for and in Christ Jesus; so too, we die in Christ through the Faith of Jesus Christ that lives in us. Let yourself be encouraged today. Have faith, have hope, and know that Love will conquer hate. The one who showed us that was Jesus Christ who so love us that he died for our sins on that cross at Calvary. The father showed us his love by giving us mercy and sending his Son to die for the sins of the world.
The day of the Lord will come, and it will be a surprise for many. But until he does, we are living in perilous times, evil days, and days of the end. The dark one comes one day and with him a worldwide deception. But no matter, I will live in Christ and trust him. I live a life for him and live each day thanking him for his blessings and protection. He can keep that which we have committed unto him against that day and surely no one can take us out of his hands or the hands of the Father.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
2nd Peter 3:10-13 | Living Lights in a world of darkness
Living Lights in a world of darkness by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
The Work and Ministry of the WIBR/WARN Radio is about: The Testimony of Jesus Christ, Through the faith of Jesus Christ; By the Mercy of God our Father through His Grace extended, flowing from the Love of God to all People everywhere; Commanding everyone to Repent!
Light Shining in the Darkness
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We find the Hitleresque leader known as the “Colonel” heading up the blood thirsty battle to assassinate and destroy the Remnant. The Remnant is headed up by the “Rev”. As the Colonel is bloodthirsty and a cold-blooded assassin; the Reverend is dedicated to protecting the biblical foundation and values he grew up with. Surrounded by an army of dedicated Christians, they find themselves in over their heads as all hell breaks loose.
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Living Lights in a world of darknesss
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Living Lights in a world of darknesss
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Living Lights in a world of darknesss
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Thanks Watchman…yes, most people are aware that there is something deeply wrong in the world today. But because they don’t know the Lord, they think it’s the world economic trouble, or global warming, or this or that. If they would truly trust the Lord, they could pin point these problems, and be secure in His protection. But they refuse to follow Him, so just like the days of Lot or the days of Noah, they go about their daily lives, with no real hope. Interesting how most people read “He will come as a thief in the night” that this will be a silent coming of the Lord. Mike Brown, author of The Strength of Samson, wrote that thieves in Biblical times were a maurauding horde on horse back, the ancient equivalent of an outlaw motorcycle gang. And scripture says His coming will be noisy, with fervent heat and melting away. This will not be silent, but the entire population of earth (those that are left alive) will see all of this, in awe. We eagerly await His justice!! The Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.