Monthly Archives: August 2023

Kept from the Evil

Kept from the Evil, Jesus in John 17 prays for those who believe on him. For these followers to be kept in the world. Here the words “should not take them out of the world” are pertinent. But in this context, he also said “but that thou should keep them from evil.” Here this evil is consummate evil, the devil, Satan, and all his attacks along with the evil in the world. Today believers face a lot of evil in the world where they live. Continue reading

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Light of Christ Jesus Kingdoms Call

Light of Christ Jesus Kingdoms Call is woven deep within all believers in the Lord today. The proof is in the fact of the fruits and the walk of Christian believers today. In addition, the Love of Christ flows through believers no matter where they live. True as well are those who hate this light. As the battle of darkness versus light is ongoing in the world, we see many times wickedness and evil prevailing. The fact is, Jesus Christ has already overcome all principalities and powers. Thus, as we see the upheaval in the last days, we must remember we are victors. Continue reading

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Our Enduring Christian Hope

Our Enduring Christian Hope resides within the sphere of the provisions of God. For sure, we have no Continuing City here. We are to seek one to come. It is the City of God where Righteousness Dwells!
The Apostle Paul was ready to check out of hotel earth and go to his mansion in Heaven. This Apostle knew it would be far better for those to whom he ministers if he stayed. Yet he was hard pressed to be with Christ, which was far better. The Apostle was surely aware of Our Enduring Christian Hope to be present with the Lord. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Congo Ebola, Islam vs Christ, China's crackdown continues, Mali war on Christians, Nigeria's Fulani war, Freed from Slavery; the latest Gospel news from WIBR/WARN Radio |

This year so far has illustrated the Islamic war against Christians, against countries that try to push equal rights, and against civil societies in general. Their tools are the same, they goal the same, and the result is often bloody. … Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian Persecution | Comments Off on Congo Ebola, Islam vs Christ, China's crackdown continues, Mali war on Christians, Nigeria's Fulani war, Freed from Slavery; the latest Gospel news from WIBR/WARN Radio |

Gospel News, Christian Persecution, Porn to Gospel, Prosperity Gospel, More Warn Radio Advocacy | WIBR/WARN Radio |

Gospel News Christian Persecution Classic Warn Radio brings you featured broadcasts from Warn Radio. This is a featured Advocacy broadcast featuring important events and news on the persecuted church. The post Gospel News Christian Persecution Classic Warn Radio appeared first … Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A1 Warn Radio Classic, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian Hope, Christian Persecution, Jesus christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Comments Off on Gospel News, Christian Persecution, Porn to Gospel, Prosperity Gospel, More Warn Radio Advocacy | WIBR/WARN Radio |

Christ Jesus of the Faith you Follow

Follow the Faith of Jesus Christ of the Faith. It is not the religion, the denomination, the current trend, or any other man-made thing or theology. The brass tack of the situation. The hard nose fact of who we are. It’s not the Faith, but the Christ of the Faith whom you are to follow. We don’t follow faith. We are to have faith. Continue reading

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