Breaking Unveiling Delusion: ‘Something they’re not telling you! Relates key details and information concerning things that have happened in America. There are contacts that I mention below which today are not alive. The situation introduced me to people I had not known previously but when doing the investigation, truths related to me that in years to come would present themselves as fact. This is a summary of events, some of those things presented to me, and how those became truth. Today, it is more relevant than ever as America, as I once knew it ceases to exist.

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Breaking Unveiling Delusion
Breaking Unveiling Delusion
This is a remember when moment. Although we can remember Donald Trump in the oval office replacing Barack Obama, things today are worse than ever. I don’t need to tell you why. I can tell you emphatically that there is a Coup d’état going on in the White house as I have stated before. The intent is to overthrow this nation, constitution, and way of life. There is no doubt that many believe Obama is behind the work to take down America as many believe Soros is as well. The work was and is done in secrecy with many involved silent.
Over the years of this ministry, I have encountered many who provided information that was both surprising and prophetic. One contact I met, which will remain nameless, was brought to my attention when I was speaking of an individual by the last name of Obama. The information that came out over a few weeks presented a Kenyan, using certain spiritual means, contacts, and efforts to target America. He was not American but Kenyan. This was confirmed by a Kenyan Pastor who knew Obama and discussed what he did with the witchdoctors including blood sacrifices. Indeed, at the time there was discussion and even conflict over whether he was really an American. As a result, long before he was elected, I was informed about this coming event.
“The essence of press power lies in the authority to select, elevate and promote one set of ideas, issues, and personalities and to ignore others. The press determines what ‘people will talk and think about’ because of the monopoly it holds over the news and information flowing out of Washington.”
Among the reasons for Trump’s political success, such as it is, is that today’s conservative media did not exist back then, nor did the new social media that he has mastered so well.
Yet still, the left’s power over America’s character- and culture-forming institutions remains overwhelming. It dominates public schools and teachers’ unions, mainstream churches, college and university faculties, media and entertainment, TV, and film.
What is taking place in the West today might be described as a struggle between the capital and the country it rules. England voted to leave the EU; London voted to remain.”
-Pat Buchanan When Democracy Fails to Deliver
We have been covering the Brexit and noted along with everyone else the controversy and division. At the time there was no doubt this world was in chaos. I believe that while many see these things occurring, many do not link them to the end days and the coming of the Lord. However, it is true, I believe, that especially in America, people are ‘rich and in need of nothing‘.
The issue with Brexit, as with the lockdowns, COVID, and pandemics; is control. The day is not far off that in fact, there will a one world leader who will control all things. I passionately believe that the world’s elite, rich, and controlling leaderships want a one world government. We see the final effort since Biden’s election to destroy America and bring in their so-called democratic Marxism. But the world’s financial institutions and governments will not tell you that they already know this is the goal. One thing is evident the rich and powerful already expected this day to hit. It will be one more step to total control of the masses.
If America is the ‘Whore’ of Revelation 18, Then Great Britain is the God of that ‘Whore’! The Two are linked. The UK will survive Brexit and America is leading the way into this new world of Chaos.
Breaking Unveiling Delusion
Breaking Unveiling Delusion -Hemorrhaging cash
Financial institutions, Banks, and governments have been hemorrhaging cash. It will get worse. One day it will break open, cash will be like fodder you can burn. Gold will recede, and other precious metals will lose out. Colleges and universities will be the scene of massive unrest and riots by young people who see their lives being ruined by the ongoing chaos of the financials. Cities will be in their personal struggle to survive the trouble. The reserves that have kept banks and governments running will spill open with no reserve’s worth anything. It will be chaos. People will run to and fro and rob those they think have money and cash. All will set things up for a one world digital currency and the mark. Today the words are truer than the day I penned them in 2016. However, in biblical prophecy we see a global chaos. The world is fitting into the glove of the prophetic called by the Lord long ago.

To be clear, let me repeat that scripture points to a time when there will be a worldwide crash, seen here with the ‘black horse’ with a rider who held a ‘pair of balances’ [see scripture below]. In the old west, gold miners would go to the assayer’s office who used balances and weights to figure how much he had and how much to pay him. These balances represent such financial chaos that a person would work all day for a loaf of bread. The black represents the fear, death, famine, and chaos at the time. Either through shortages of supply like food, meat, grains, oil, wine; or through financial chaos, these things will occur. A time when needed funds by governments push for huge taxes on the people along with a shortage of product. This includes the oil and wine, which can be seen through the lens of the vineyard supply and taxation as well. Oil and wine today are a luxury; but in the days of Rome and elsewhere at the time wine was drunk often It replaced the water which was not drinkable many times. Oil [we are not talking about crude oil] was also a necessity. In all these scriptures we find they represent a very dark day, food shortages, and lack of ability to buy them. One works an entire day to buy something to eat. Nothing left over.
Breaking Unveiling Delusion -Worldwide dark day
Rev 6:5-6
(5) And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
(6) And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
I can relate that during Barack Obama’s presidency he did manage to shutter energy companies by himself. It was unprecedented and it impacted our state. During this time, it was true that republicans and democrats did little or nothing to stop him. Coal mines went bankrupt, oil companies shuttered drilling rigs, and the industry fell into a hole. Layoffs were hitting continually, and the reverberation was being felt. It was also feared by many that Obama will declare martial law and cancel the elections in 2016. While this did not happen, the election of Donald Trump did. Because of his work, everything Obama did was turned around. Jobs were available, the economy was on a record roll, and much more. Today though, through Biden everything in the numbers on economy, social aspect, and morality are in the dumps. In fact, America today is the worst that it has ever been. That said, many do not see it.
Breaking Unveiling Delusion: ‘Something they’re not telling you!’ -Personal Witness
The Breaking: ‘Something they’re not telling you!’ -We were told this before Obama was elected
- I was warned about a black man who would be president that was not American perse; but Kenyan
- I told on air how forces worked, even with interviews with Pat Holiday who knew a Kenyan Pastor that told us of what he knew about Obama becoming President.
- I personally received a plain manilla envelope week after week for some time detailing his rise [Obama’s rise to power] and how dark forces had manipulated things to get him in place.
- This was years before Obama was even on the scene.
- I had a private conversation, off the record with a General who told me of certain things about Obama. One thing I can tell you he met Obama long before he was President and told Obama when he met him secretly “Hello Mr. President”. Obama smiled and looked at him and said, “So you know I am going to be President then?” To this the General said “Yes, Sir I do”! There are other things in this meeting I cannot say.
- I warned the public about his lawlessness, which he followed to use in office
- We told the public this could be when Obama was elected, many believe that the last election in America would occur with Obama.

Breaking Unveiling Delusion – Martial law
The scope, though, of the situation worldwide is chaotic. Endless wars, floods of immigrants from those wars. Europe unstable from the masses of people; rape, crime, and migrant camps all over the E.U. Today in America we have an invasion of people over the border that Biden won’t secure. Our economy is faltering badly. In truth, again let me say Biden is the perfect tool to ruin, destroy, and allow this nation to be either a fallen nation or he will cause a civil war. Then the other alternative is, we will win this in the end and stop all this foolishness. For the wicked and all nations shall be turned into hell. See the bible for this quote, look it up.
Trouble exactly what must occur for the ‘son of perdition’ to arrive. Chao’s will give birth to the God of Chaos. Chaos from all the turmoil in the world will allow the God of Chaos [Beast to arrive]. But the God of all Gods, even our Father is the God who allows all this. It is the time when he is shaking everything.
It is a time for faith not fear. A time to believe not falter. A time to trust the Lord to provide. As Paul said, ‘having food and raiment, therewith let us be content’.
Breaking Unveiling Delusion by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host. | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
Breaking Unveiling Delusion: ‘Something they’re not telling you!’ Original title Breaking: Something they’re not telling you! Originally Published in June of 2016, updated and rewritten 2022.
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Breaking Unveiling Delusion
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Breaking Unveiling Delusion
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Breaking Unveiling Delusion
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Thanks Watchman…yes, dark forces indeed manuevered this greasy/oily serpent known as berry sotero aka barrack hussein obama, into the White House. Stupid/ignorant fools voted for him; twice. No matter how much incontrovertable evidence exists to damn him to ignominy, the stupid fools still will not believe it. These fools are like the three monkies i.e. see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. And this snake will not go quietly into retirement…no, he still has his hands on bringing down America. May our Lord pour hot coals upon their evil heads. Our Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.