Conspiracy beyond the Conspiracies

There is a Conspiracy beyond the Conspiracies that people have followed for years. This post introduces you to two books in the Steel Series. The first book is Steel the Darkness which introduces an underbelly of the world you see. Meanwhile, the second book brings into the world of today and present-day America in The Rising. There are items written therein which take you into the spiritual realm to see the spiritual plots taking place. We then move you back onto the plain of man where all nations are gathered. It is here you learn the reason for Conspiracies and the plots to power darkness into total control. One man is centered in the Conspiracy theories. While even in mentioning him, many know of him. But the real threat is not Weishaupt, but the principalities that go further back in time than him.

Conspiracy beyond the Conspiracies

When it was said and done Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian professor, philosopher had to flee his position at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria. The date was 1784 and his ideas, writings, and words were sedition, thus he was banned. He had to flee. His source was one of reasoning joined with the golden rule, ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’!

The Rising front cover display image
The Rising latest in Steel Series, featured book page with Links to distribution and more information.
Christian Bookstore Resource Shop image
Christian Bookstore Resource Shop image

As such, Adam with a doctorate in law was well able to put down into writing all that his followers of the illuminati were to do. From his first Illuminati meeting May first in 1776 in Ingolstadt to his banishment in Gotha in Saxony where he lived the rest of his life teaching philosophy, he could never have known the extent to which his illuminati creation would grow. It is also believed that Weishaupt was falsely accused of helping to plot the French Revolution. The illuminati were blamed for the assassination of John F. Kennedy. His ideas influenced Dan Browns work. It has fostered countless conspiracies.

This is the great object held out by this association; and the means of attaining it is illumination, enlightening the understanding by the sun of reason which will dispell the clouds of superstition and of prejudice.

Adam Weishaupt reason versus faith in Christ Jesus

Because of this, whenever you discuss conspiracies; the illuminati are mentioned. What I am about to tell you is so secret that only a few beyond closed doors know this. The illuminati are not behind all this, but they along with many other conspiracies are out there to keep secret the one conspiracy that is beyond all the others. This project is so secret, there is no classification for it. The money for it comes from a well spring of money acquired for it. Yet no one misses it, no one knows where it came from, and no one asks either.

Adam Weishaupt reason versus faith in Christ Jesus

It is into this maze of conspiracies and the foundation of America that my book Steel the Darkness and the series I call the ‘Steel Series’ works out. We find a group who is in the shadow of the fight for America. They are the Guardians, who are blood relatives or relatives of those who were friends of the signers of the declaration of independence. They have been in the shadows for over two hundred years.

The Steel Series comprises two books, Steel the Darkness and The Rising, exploring the world of conspiracy theories with a focus on Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian professor and the founder of the Illuminati. The books delve into spiritual plots and global power dynamics and introduce the Guardians, descendants of the Declaration of Independence’s signers. They fight against a secret mega conspiracy while working towards mankind’s freedom through faith in Jesus Christ.

Summary of Steel Series and the Rising

Now out of the shadows come two identical twins, hidden; both of whom who are connected to this group. They know what pure evil is and now they are watching the group whom they have been fighting work it’s devilish plan in America. There is no power to stop them. There is no one equipped to understand the powers behind them. That is, except those who know this evil and it’s source.

However, the two forces meet; one moves in the darkness bringing in a kingdom while the others; mere mortals of faith fight for their lives.

The Steel Series now has two books published. For now the plans to publish anymore are based upon the response and interest of the public. The real ideal of the Series is that we point you to the one in whom lay all Truth and Faith. That is our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach.

Get the Latest Christian Fiction Thriller by the Watchman Dana G Smith.

Set in America, Written before COVID.

No Classification: Conspiracy beyond the Conspiracies is an article to point your interest to these two books and the deeper workings of the powers that control most of what we enjoy on earth. These are principalities and powers of darkness. Meanwhile, there are also the powers and spiritual warfare of Christian believers who challenge the evil and work to see mankind delivered and free through our Lord.

A battle of hope, a battle of faith, and the winner takes it all!

Every last piece of dirt we call America.

Get the original book Steel the Darkness by Dana G Smith

Steel the Darkness is all about.

Meet the Guardians who work in secrecy and yet live out in the open.

You never know who your neighbor really is!

Get the Books The Rising and Steel the Darkness. Be sure to leave a review on this comment section or send it us through our contact page. You can also leave a review where you purchased the book online.

Thanks for reading this, enjoy the journey! Seek the Lord.

No Classification: Conspiracy beyond the Conspiracies

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About Dana Glenn Smith

Dana G Smith is an Author, blogger, Christian Writer, Radio Host, and publisher of media and website content. He specializes in fiction, News, website content articles, and christian content. Dana is also the Watchman and President of the WIBR/WARN Radio Ministries at
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One Response to Conspiracy beyond the Conspiracies

  1. George Sheehan says:

    Thanks watchman…most people haven’t got a clue, as to the extent that the evil conspiracy lurks in America. Just coining the term “concpiracy theorist” was meant to discredit people, and marginalize them. But these concpirators do exist, and have existed for many years. Woodrow Wilson talked about speaking in hushed tones in Washington, lest these evil conspirators get wind of what you said, and systematically eliminate you. As followers of Christ, we prefer to simply rise our families and live in quiet peace…but they will not allow that, which is why we are in a continuous battle, each and every day, for our God given freedoms. Looking forward to your series of books. Our Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.

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