Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight, let us Fight till all be exhausted and banner raised. The flood has come, it has taken its toll. While the church is asleep, and America is deluged with those Anti-Christs and their theologies; let us fight! For our fight is not with guns and bullets but with faith and the Sword of God, which is the WORD of the Lord. We are now at a place where the ship of state of many former countries have fell. Yet, this was of our own doing, led by those who desires were Anti-Christ in nature and perverse in its scheme! The Gauntlet has been thrown down, how say you to this? In Regard to Anti-Christ in America it is Business as Usual

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

We look back again into the fray of history and see in the not to distant past the struggle. One like we have today. I bring you into this past event to see how things today look compared to back then. As it is today, America is in the midst of an election season with the next to arrive soon. Back then Obama was a major threat to this nation along with others who wanted Marxism in this nation. While denying this, Ob ama nevertheless was lawless in the many things he allowed. Some language in this article is present tense. I leave it that way to keep original article as it was then.

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

2nd Jn 1:7-10 | Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

Moreover, in the midst of a pervasive election season where the division is greater than any other times here in America, business as usual politics goes on. Hillary with Billy the “I never had sex with that woman” Clinton continues on her course for the White House. This goes on even as the FBI, really late in heading off Clinton’s email problems; decided to go ahead with the investigation. Then Donald Trump who has more enemies of the News Media, Republican hierarchy, and among the Top Democrat’s continues his own quest for the prized seat at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Cursed be all that learning that is contrary to the cross of Christ."--America's Providential History by Stephen K. McDowell, p. 93.

Daily here at the WIBR/WARN Radio I am bombarded with those individuals who warn of the trouble that we face in America this election season. But the problem here is that nothing really gets done. I know, along with many that things are definitely wrong in this country. There is an underpinning of trouble that reaches the entire United States. The thing here is that for eight years the do nothing Republicans have virtually allowed Barack Obama to do as he pleases. He did just that. Even with Obamacare we find trouble. Today it has now opened up its push for the November sign up online. The premiums in some cases are astronomically high, massively high, and that is not good. Of course, in the opposition of the Obama Care in the first place we were telling everyone on our Radio shows and writing about it on our sites that this is ‘wrong-headed’. That in the end the premiums would skyrocket, in many cases the increases were included in the package we call collectively as Obama Care.

“There is a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray, but those times have passed away. There is a time to fight, and that time has now come.” –Peter Muhlenberg, from a Lutheran sermon read at Woodstock, Virginia, 1776

Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight –Peter Muhlenberg, from a Lutheran sermon read at Woodstock, Virginia, 1776

But we also know that Obama administration has resettled some 13,210 Syrian refugees, with a whopping 99.1% of those being Muslim. And among these refugees we find only 77, yep; Seventy Seven Christians allowed in!  In 2015 only 1,705 Syrian refugees came into the USA and among these were only 29 Christians. As the policies of the Obama administration continue right up to the end of his reign as the top potentate in America, his policies have been detrimental in changing America into his version of a socialized state. Yet, he has come up short. Somewhere in the middle of trouble and facing a rebellion from Americans who hate the direction of this nation is where both the Republicans and Democrats stand. Neither Party recognizes the trouble we are in.

“Many Americans do not take the God of the Bible seriously,” said Biltz. “This is due to all the hypocrisy, fighting and immorality found within all the denominations of Christianity. The church is asleep and has lost any influence much like Lot in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah. Most churches do not challenge people to live according to biblical principles. Americans are happy to be spoon fed like babies believing whatever they are told by their religious leaders just as long as they don’t have to alter their lives.”

Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight Mark Biltz, head of El Shaddai Ministries

As we watched the last eight years we have seen Obama’s recoil of policies send out bullets of change like a machine gun. From the changing of the military to openness and the GLBTQ agenda pushing itself into the forefront of political and social change, America is in trouble. For many years the educational system in America has pushed this GBLTQ agenda to all youngsters in school. Those in charge have worked hard to denigrate the sexes, to change morals, to make males less manly and females more dominate. We live in an American society that is so confusing to young people and has been that way for so long, that today; there is no right or wrong, no dominate male roles or leadership, and certainly not traditional marriage as we have known it. In short, the role playing models of America have been successfully changed.

We have seen over and over in regard to Christian bakers, restaurant owners, florists, and others that to live out your faith is not an option in this new Obama role model society. The anti-Christ attitude has arrived with the arrival of Obama policies, politics, and after he put his own Czars at the head of government agencies.  Still as this goes on, neither party has any regard as to how dangerous the nation we live is heading into.

But with Washington we can expect them to ignore values and biblical beliefs. For many years now the trend has been one of a secularized Christianity and a multiple faith society. It is here that our Forefathers differentiated themselves.

Jacob Duche’ was the first chaplain appointed by the Continental Congress in 1776. He was also the Pastor of Philadelphia’s Christ Church.  He was born January 31st in the year of our Lord 1738, his grandfather was Anthony Duche’ who had sailed to America on the same ship as William Penn.  It was on July 7th in the year 1775 that the Rev. Duche’ addressed the soldiers of the First Battalion of the City of Philadelphia. His sermon was titled ‘The Duty of Standing Fast in our Spiritual and Temporal Liberties.

Emphasizing that civil liberty is as much the gift of God in Christ Jesus he spoke of standing fast in both Civil and spiritual freedom. But that spiritual freedom was found in Jesus Christ.

If spiritual liberty calls upon its pious votaries to extend their views far forward to a glorious hereafter, civil liberty must at least be allowed to secure, in a considerable degree, our well-being here. And I believe it will be no difficult matter to prove, that the latter is as much the gift of God in Christ Jesus as the former, and consequently, that we are bound to stand fast in our civil as well as our spiritual freedom.

Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight Rev. Jacob Duche’ Pastor of Philadelphia’s Christ Church.

As Obama and those like him intend to flood America with individuals who neither regard Jesus Christ nor the Father in this regard; it threatens our very existence as it destroys our true faith. To yield to this threat is just what the Christian churches of today have done, for the most part. They neither beg nor borrow any method to stop the intrusion into this nation. As of late and even before the floods of anti-Christ led people have flooded into this nation and have left us without a reserve of hope that this is in fact the very America that Reverend Jacob Duche’ spoke about. But his words are also joined by many others from our past who herald in the danger to this society brought about by selfishness, greed, lust, and inordinate affection. In addition the churches voice has not one ounce of scrutiny in it for truth as they have laded themselves with Balaam’s ass full of gold.

In the State of American Theology study we find for instance an astounding lack of discernment among those who identify as Christian. It is no wonder Americans are so ignorant on this since the church stop preaching the gospel and has thwarted the Christian truth itself in many ways. The Study found out, in part that is an absolutely ignorant Christian response!

It found 64 percent agreed “strongly” or “somewhat” with the statement “God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam.”

Sixty percent of Americans agreed with the statement “heaven is a place where all people will ultimately be reunited with their loved ones.

Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

Daily we see chaos and division all the while the church takes its route to religious ease. Nary do we see them as they should of done many years ago stand up against the slide of immorality and the pervasiveness of foreigners who come to America and bring another god. The push to create a nation where many gods are honored and not the true and living God is the paramount goal for both church and government today. As America slides in the abyss of immoral perversions along with the true Christian faith, there is neither hope nor rescue from the sins that beset this nation. We have feasted on the things of the devil, enjoyed our pleasures as we please, and then enjoined ourselves to an anti-christ global society that heralds a new system of socialized engineering. It reduces Jesus Christ from the Son of Almighty God and our Savior to a person who is historic. They reject the truth, reduce the faith of Jesus Christ, and will persecute anyone who follows him in Truth and veracity.

I would have you possessed of more than this, even a courage that will prove you to be good Christians, as well as soldiers, a firm invincible fortitude of soul, founded upon religion, and the glorious hope of a better world; a courage, that will enable you not only to withstand an armed phalanx, to pierce a squadron, or force an entrenchment, when the cause of virtue and your country calls you to such a service, but will support you, likewise, against the principalities and powers of darkness, will stand by you under to assaults of pain and sickness, and give you firmness and consolation amid all the horrors of a death-bed scene.

Rev. Jacob Duche Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

The time has come to fight! While the church is asleep and America is deluged with those Anti-Christs and their theologies; let us fight!  For our fight is not with guns and bullets but with faith and the Sword of God. Let those who will fight do so, and those who cower; let them run and hide! For we shall never surrender faith or sword until the devil be vanquished in this nation!

Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.

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Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11

Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

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About Dana Glenn Smith

Dana G Smith is an Author, blogger, Christian Writer, Radio Host, and publisher of media and website content. He specializes in fiction, News, website content articles, and christian content. Dana is also the Watchman and President of the WIBR/WARN Radio Ministries at
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3 Responses to Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

  1. Pingback: Delusional: Alt-Left and Hollywood Trumped!

  2. “God bless you in all you do for Him!”

  3. George Sheehan says:

    Thanks Watchman…yes, folks are delusional, if they think that God is going to put up with this rebellion. All of this hedonism will bring His judgement. And it will be well deserved. The satan worshippers have, for decades, marinated American youth in this filth; that’s all the children were taught i.e. this racist patriarchy is evil, and we must change America. Total indoctrination of youth, and now we see it manifested on our televisions sets. All of this in yer face hedonism and rebellion. May the Lord destroy them, all of them. The Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.

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