Today we find President Trump running for President again. In fact, he has been running for a very long time, all with the total resistance of the liberalized portion of the Democratic Party and also some Rhino’s. However, we go back to the time when there was the upcoming 2020 election. It was then we placed the title of the post as: “Elect President Trump Reject Liberal Agendas”. We found out that it is not beyond the pale, so to speak; for the Democrats to use any means possible to win. Today we know what it means to “Use any means possible to Win” as we refer to Democrats in Congress and the government itself. At the time we recall Van Jones declared it was a “White Lash”, speaking of the election of Trump the first time. Make no mistake the Trump event hit in all its glory and majesty for his supporters. Meanwhile for the Democrats and other extra liberals out there, this was an unmitigated nightmare. Even today, President Trump has made sure just by running that this is indeed a nightmare for all stages of liberals in this nation. This was a Revolution against Obama’s Policies and Globalism. The Ordinary turned into Extra-Ordinary.

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day, and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for an nonstandard world! | Phenomenon of President Trump
Phenomenon of President Trump
On January 20th, 2017 Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. While the first four years of Trumps term was filled with one attack and impeachment or investigation after another, it was a bonus and a win for the United States. The Democrats and their followers to this day deny the record breaking things that we saw during that time. This included unparalleled employment and economic gains; plus the respect of China, Russia, and North Korea; not to forget the whole of Europe.
As the next election approached and as the Trump supporters knew he would be a definate winner, other events transpired. I wrote at the time:
It is again a dynamic of politics, life, and agendas. Globalist versus Socialist versus Constitutional Republic. In the year 2020, we face it again. Remember the election of 2016 is history now and Pres. Trump has undone all of Obama’s policies. In spite of the loss of the House, Republicans have the Senate. In spite of Schumer and Pelosi’s hatred of Trump and his politics; life goes on. All is set for the next election in 2020. Yet for America, the threat to all we have is there. For Democrats intent is to destroy the last vestiges of our Constitutional Republic.
Author comments above at the time of the initial writing of this post. | circa before the upcoming election in 2020
As we look back at the 2016 and the 2020 past processes of the election, I remind you that this post demonstrates the Phenomenon of President Trump while at the same time those who hated him would stop at nothing to make sure he was to become a distant memory. Today in 2022, we look at the election this year for senators and representatives. All the while looking at the election of 2044. With Joe Biden in the White House, the coup d’état as I call it is ongoing in this administration. The overthrow is aimed at this republic and the Socialist Marxist America is the target to bring in.
Along with all this a swill of godlessness, hedonism, and mayhem has filled this nation. America today is further down the swamp into the runoff of the sewer system today than ever before. The division is greater than ever. Yet, President Trump is more involved in the personal battle of the states as they elect new officials. He is also involved in making sure, as best he can; that the right people get elected in order to takeover the house and the senate. For all that is happened, Donald Trump is a winner, a phenomenon, and you can never take that away from Him or History. He will always have more supporters than those who hate him.
Phenomenon of President Trump reviewing the former days
Remembering 2016 is sweet for some, and sour for others. For the entirety of 2020 the Democrats never accepted the 2016 election results. Take a journey with me to that time. Here we have Van Jones, who is a racist black spokesman on Hillarie’s news network aka CNN; believes openly that this was a racist blatant ‘White Lash’. But he is wrong, as I point out in this article; it is open and in your face rejection of Obama and globalism! Again, it’s not a White Lash, it is a Revolution against Obama’s Policies and Globalism. CNN had Van Jones, according to Rush Limbaugh who says Jones is the “resident communist at CNN” reflect on Trumps win. The two words rang out as Van Jones declared this is a “White Lash” against a “Black Spirit”! It is here that race was brought up in the CNN Coverage. CNN also known as the “Hillary News Network” was one of the last to admit defeat all the while hanging heads as they reported the dismal news for Hillary supporters. In the end the headlines rang out of the Trump victory.
Today, however; Alex Jones is somber and yet happy as he declares a victory against the globalists and Obama’s agendas. He has had a bad gut feeling he says and is warning of a comeback by the ‘death star’ democrats and globalists who lost. Using the analogy of the Star Wars and the death star became a meme for Jones coverage as the push against the ‘death star’ globalists took shape and finally the ‘death star’ was defeated. Just as in Star Wars, the victory was temporary, mainly because they wanted more movies in the series. So you can’t destroy the bad buys, but in the next movie they come back.
But this is not a Hollywood movie and as Gaga, Spielberg, and many others all came out in disgust over Trumps win; it became apparent they took the wrong ship to sail. The Hillary boat was sunk, being torpedoed by Donald Trump. It makes no difference at all if the so called Hollywood lovers are sad over their miss at Hillary this time. It makes not a dimes worth to me if they all leave. Matter of fact, I will be watching closely at anything I may watch from Hellywood and the Helly actors and actresses from now on. Good, leave! Don’t let the door slam on you, get out!
But personally hearing Van Jones label this a White Lash is meant to sound racist. It is racist, but for some odd reason black communists like Jones are not racist for being racist against Whites, Christians, and those who love liberty and our constitution. For some eight years now I have seen racism increase under Barack Obama who has actually brought out the hate and division more than at any other time. Today the division is huge and Jones tried to make it even bigger than it was. I have talked with blacks on this racial issue that has occurred during Obama’s tenure as President. They have made note of this division as well. On this and many other subjects I found that Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, Indians, Muslims, and Men and Women all agree. Obama must go.
There is not one ounce of doubt that on Trumps team were all of the aforementioned. They saw hope in Trump and freedom in his words. To be blunt, people ‘believed Donald Trump’! While the liberal media blasted Trump, while Paul Ryan danced around endorsing Trump, while Bushes and the Republican elite forsook Trump, and while Trump still maintained many grass root followers; the Democrats and Hillary never saw it coming.
Not only was this an astounding defeat, it was historic.
No matter how they play it from today forward, Donald won. The same people who voted for Donald will rise up in civil war if the elitists, globalists, liberals, and racists of many colors riot and try to tear down our country! While the USA needs healing, make sure to note this; words and simple rhetoric will not heal eight years of Obama’s slanted version of America. Nor will Donald do it alone.
To heal America you need everyone on board! But we have made a start with electing Donald trump. While he won’t change the morality of America, he can turn around the damnable policies of Obama and his many avenues which he used to put people and companies out of work in this nation. Starting with Wyoming where his crazy globalism and climate change push has put companies into bankruptcies. But in spite of Obama, this is even coming back. Now that Donald will be at the helm of the USA with the help of those who voted for him, there is more to hope for today. While liberal media, liberal movie stars, and liberals of all strips are sad and horrified today, I am glad they lost.
Their version of America is hell and their ideal for America is damnable. What is more so are their leaders!
For those who savor this victory and see hope once again, it is a moment when Gods grace and his mercy shone down to allow us one little chance to make things right or at least start back in that direction. I had warned of the division time and again in this nation going back before Trumps election.
Make no mistake, darkness nor the devil; and certainly not the democrats and liberals who lost to Donald Trump will take this lying down. They will not be conciliatory nor congratulatory. Although they seem that they would work with Trump and his administration, they will oppose him at every turn. Their plots are devious, and actions are always the same. Get back at those who did this to you!
WIBR/WARN Radio Editorial note
Phenomenon of President Trump
President Trump will not fade into history alone. For there are millions of Americans who were reminded that America was meant to be Great. He knew America slid into the ashpot of decay. He could see it and inside something stirred him. P.M. Netanyahu called Trump a familiar name with all Jewish people. That name “Cyrus” was the anointed one whom God chose to deliver Judah from Babylon after 70 years in captivity. Would the modern Cyrus “Trump” be able to match the original “Cyrus”. Today that story is not finished yet. Even if Trump falls short of the intended goal, we are much better for having him here. For others, however; their hatred for him could be likened to the Babylonians who were invaded and overthrown by Cyrus in order to release the Captives.
Today many Americans are held Captive by the liberal policies, globalist agendas, and secret plans that have been in place for years. We can trace much of it pre-2000 and going back to the era of world war One. No matter, there is hope; and the God who blessed America and who has redeemed many a sinner through His Son Jesus Christ, Yeshua; is coming back. Then and only then will all the hidden things be made clear to us. For many today the Phenonmen of President Trump will never go away for his help, hope, and ability to challenged the nations are one of a kind.
Phenomenon of President Trump by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
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Phenomenon of President Trump
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Phenomenon of President Trump
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Phenomenon of President Trump
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Thanks Watchman…yes, let the hellywood commies depart the area, post haste!!! Commies on the communist news netowrk are all the same i.e. tear down America, and in it’s place leave a 3rd world banana tyranny in it’s place. All one needs to do is read George Orwell’s 1984, to see what the commies (dummycrats) have in store for us. Reeducation camps (re the ministry of love…1984), dictatorial control, and a boot in the face. You are right, they will not accept this defeat, but will use malevolent cunning to disrupt everything that would help ALL Americans. May the peace of our Lord be unto you and Tower…Amen.
No doubt George as you and I both know as do many others that all victories are short lived, unless your enemy passes on. Yet around our area and in those places who are like us, this is a great victory. They are licking their wounds and the best part, it took people of all races and creeds who came together.. Shalom and peace to you and yours love in Christ Tower and the Watchman
Yes George, it is all this and they will not see. It doesn’t make it easy for believers to watch; let alone just sit still and see streets and businesses ravaged. You cannot talk to these people, nor can you stop this. America is headed into big trouble as are the nations of men. Shalom, love in Christ Tower and the Watchman
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