This Featured article from our archives some years back reminds us that the threat to any nation’s sovereignty is not far away. The same threat that occurred in the Philippines, today threatens the United States because of liberal left-wing political shift which will destroy this Nation. However, in the Philippines it was a lawless and damnable threat of an age-old use of Jihad by Islamic followers. It is not surprising that in this battle in Marawi, the damnable Islamic fighters have taken hostages and used them as human shields. A practice that recently proves it is a tactic they use regularly. This is an old tactic of the cowardly Islamic fighter, who cannot just stand and fight. It should not come as a surprise that we find Sunni Muslims fighting. Worldwide Sunnis work, many of them to see their version of a worldwide Caliphate, along with a viable Caliph to bring in their version of hell on earth. Now this hell is trying to gain a foothold in the southern Island of Mindanao.

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Philippines Marawi Crisis and the ISIS threat
In Jihad, Sunnis and other Muslims believe they must attack without warning, kill, maim, send in children to be blown up, or use some dumbfounded fighter who believes that killing and raping and pillaging will get them to heaven. There are many such Islamic fighters in Hell right now because of the stupidity and ignorance of the doctrine of jihad as these ill advised and murdering thugs go about their job. Even in the Philippines, we find that the scope of hate and destruction is the same as we have seen elsewhere. There is no doubt ISIS has been reduced to nothing in Libya, Iraq, and Syria; so they move to the Island in the south pacific where Islamic fighters of the Sunni sect are willing to take on ISIS identity and move forward.
The latest word is that bomb blasts were ringing out in the city of Marawi. This came as Vice Provincial Governor Mamintal Adiong Jr. called on his so called “Islamic Brothers” to “stop their meaningless fight because we are all Muslims”! The Governor was addressing a crowd during a the raising of the national flag to mark their independence day according to a reuters article.
When I first wrote this article, we had contact with source in the Philippines. We researched the available news from the area at that time. What looked like a sudden rise in ISIS presence has now become a battle where more than 200 militants are in the corner of Marawi on Mindanao according to Reuters. It had been reported stateside US news that the US had an active part in the battle. This news made it look and sound like Philippine forces could not ouster the foreigners from the town. However, as policy is, US forces have a limited amount of people on the ground in the southern Philippines. Further Duterte said that “our soldiers are pro-American”, but also that he did not “ask US help”!
The militants that are still in the town of Marawi are made up of “insurgents, separatists, and bandits” on Mindanao. It is not surprising that in the Philippines those willing to fight and make a living of it by stealing and trying to overthrow the government continue. There has always been an ongoing presence in the jungles of the islands of the Philippines. Even the Japanese could not rout the Americans and local Filipino fighters out of the jungles during World War two. The problem of such resistance is not helped by ongoing Islamic jihadists who have taken on the identity and purpose of ISIS, more to the point they see the success of the group and emulate its strategies.
The main Islamist faction that is dug in around the city are the Maute group. The army continues to battle the group, and, in such circumstances, you can bet these fighters of the Maute along with others know the methods to make the battle slow and costly. They don’t fight fair, they are dogs, and unclean who work to overthrow ongoing organized societies and government.
“The fight against terrorism, however, is not only the concern of the Philippines or the United States but it is a concern of many nations around the world, the Philippines is open to assistance from other countries if they offer it” -Presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella.
Reuters source
Update to the original article: Reuters source and information 06-12-17
Reports coming out of the Philippines directly attributes the problems in the Island Mindanao in the south Philippine group of Islands to militants. President Rodrigo Duterte has declared ‘Martial law’ on the Island and threatened to extend it to Visayas and Luzon so reported the Philsar. ‘Some video and other reports here in America and elsewhere detail it as ISIS taking over the Island of Mindanao where the Police chief Romeo Enriquez was reported as being beheaded.
But the Police chief told the AP that he is fine. The Chief noted that his predecessor in Malabang was killed, which is located close to Marawi. ‘The clash is reported to have started when the government troops raided the hideout of Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon in Marawi on Mindinao’. The city is a Muslim city of over 200,000. It was at this time that the targeted leader called in help from another group known as Maute who are among a number of groups who openly work in this area of the Philippines.
In recent reports the government claims to have taken the city of Marawi from the Islamists who attacked it. The worry among officials both in and out of the Philippines is that ISIS, whose name came up in association with this recent fighting between groups and the government was a worry. There is a history of groups that are Islamic and fighting their own jihad taking on the name and identity of ISIS. We find that in Nigeria as well where the Boko Haram also took to ISIS and followed its main group’s teachings. The success of ISIS as viewed by many other Muslim radicals made the name and the method of fighting one to immulate. But if they do take on the Name of ISIS, they also bring immediate wrath of the international community. In Libya, Syria, and Iraq; ISIS has been almost annihilated with a few pockets remaining along with their main leader Baghdadi.
But reports of ISIS recruitment in Minanao goes back to at least 2014 when the topic was brought to the attention of authorities when some ‘Sunni preachers were found to be conducting recruitment for ISIS in the region’.
Habib Mujahab Hashim, chief of the MNLF’s Islamic Command Council, said they heard about the reported presence of Sunni preachers allegedly conducting recruitment for ISIS members.
‘But I cannot confirm nor deny it’ Hashim said. ‘But it is very possible.’
Hashim said the situation in Mindanao region might allow local militants to be lured by joining the dreaded Islamic extremist group that wants to propagate the Islamic caliphate.
‘The Philippine government should solve the persistent problem of Abu Sayyaf and other militant problems’ Hashim said. Philstar
That specific year of 2014 was one where we also were covering extensive ISIS movements throughout Syria and into Iraq. The fighting there began in earnest during the double blood moons occurring on the Jewish spring and fall feasts in 2014 and 2015. This was a sign of the onslaught and a warning of what was to come. During that time, more Christian blood was shed than at any other time in recent memory. It was this success that made Islamic Jihadists worldwide want to immulate ISIS.
Philippine General Eduardo Ario told the Associated Press that the ‘military has made advances in containing the weeklong siege of Maraqwi city’. In addition, he noted that foreign fighters have been killed in the fighting including ‘three Malaysians, an Indonesian, and possibly Arab extremists’. The group had been working to ‘burn entirely’ the village as part of ‘an audacious plot to project the lethal influence of the Islamic State group.’
“They are weak,” the military chief of staff, said of the gunmen, speaking at a hospital where injured soldiers were being treated. “It’s just a matter of time for us to clear them from all their hiding places.” -General Eduardo Ario source IBIB Associated Press quoted by Philstar
The idea that this was ISIS spreading itself and not an uprising against Duterte and his government by Filipino citizens was bolstered by the Government itself when they said categorically that this was not a rebellion. As such the government confirmed the killing of twelve members of the group that started the fighting and half of those were foreigners.
“What is happening in Mindanao is no longer a rebellion of Filipino citizens,” Calida told reporters in Manila. “It has transmogrified into an invasion by foreign terrorists who heeded the clarion call of [the Islamic State].” Armed Forces of the Philippines spokesperson Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla
The situation is ongoing as of now, but the latest word is that the government continues its cleanup of the area and the rebellion was an ill attempt by some foreign militant ISIS fighters to spread its fame into the greater Mindinao area. Since the island is indeed a sanctuary with a large city of 200,000 it is easy to see how foreign fighters fleeing the war in the middle east could find a safe place to hide among Sunnis in the Island city on-clave.
To repeat, reports of the Philippines being taken over and attacked by a large swathe of ISIS militants is ill informed and wrong. According to the on the ground sources, this was not a citizen rebellion to overthrow the Filipino Pres. Duterte, but an ill attempt by a few ISIS militant fighters to get local Sunnis to fight and burn to push fame for the Filipino segment of ISIS. This segment of ISIS is said to be very weak as pointed out above.
As of the latest word, the Armed forces of the Philippines [AFP] have given the Maute gunmen who are still holding out in the city of Marawi to surrender or die.
‘For the terrorists, not surrendering will mean their sure death,’ AFP spokesman Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla
While the Philippines may have many problems and groups like Abu Sayyaf and other militants, the threat of ISIS is not there. That is good for now and it is also true that those who do live in the Philippines are more aware than anyone where the threat is and who is doing the threatening.
No other updates on this story are planned.
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Philippines Marawi Crisis and Isis by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
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Philippines Marawi Crisis and Isis
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Philippines Marawi Crisis and Isiss
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Thanks Watchman…spot on reporting. The muslim problem in Mindinao is an ongoing problem. The muslims there have been causing trouble for decades, since President Marcos time. The few foreign fighters who trickled into Marawi City are being eliminated by government forces. Many of the locals were evacuated for safety. And there are armed elements of anti muslim militias around Mindinao also, so this problem will be festering for a while. Ultimately, true believers in the Lord will trust His help and protection in these last days. The Lord’s pece to you and Tower…Amen.
George thanks for the tip and the info, America will not be let off scot free…. I have warned for years of it and many still don’t believe major persecution will come to the USA…. Blessings and peace to you and yours… Watchman n Tower