Christianity 101 is really a matter of Faith that you and I should not Fret! Faith and hope in Jesus Christ were meant for times like these. Most Christians that are in their bible and study prophecy from time to time know what is coming from the basic prophetic warnings. We also know of prophetic events from the Spirit of God which reveals such to the prophetic believers. Yet as we know and are informed, and even waiting for the return of the Lord; enduring troubles and tribulation can be hard for many. Even the ardent preacher, teacher, or prophet can warn, teach, and exhort; yet they must also live by faith. The battle of faith and the Word of God unite to bring believers through such times.

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ
Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ
Christianity 101 reminds us of what we have overcome and that the future should not be feared. From the 8 years of Obama to four years of President Trump, then onto Joe Biden; we can say we have seen it all. We are more divided than ever and the liberal to the liberal extremists; there is no middle ground. It was evident as Democrats sought to overthrow the Trump Presidency. Republicans and others endured the Presidency of Barack Obama.
During all the past troubles America has endured we are at an impasse in this nation as Biden pushes his agenday witl alt-left appointees. All this while a mass, a majority of Americans of all races, creeds, and beliefs rallies behind former President Trump. All this reminds us of what it was like back then and what we now face. It is a battle of Americanism, Constitutionalism, the Bill of Rights versus Marxism. It is also a battle of morality, faith, and those scriptural admonitions which are pointed directed at America. It takes faith in the Lord to get us through this one!
“God who gave us life gave us Liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.”
–Thomas Jefferson (1774)
Moreover, Christianity and those who follow Jesus Christ have opposites in the world and among the people. As our Lord said, “the world will hate you. It hated me before you.” In America, Christianity flourished from this nation’s founding and today a battle rages for its soul. Today the Evildoers do not see what they do as Evil or wicked. In America sin is a three letter word for “hate monger”. Those who believe that America sins, its people sin, or certain behavior is sin are viewed as hate mongers.
In the simplest matters of faith, we are not to Fret. The synonyms are ‘worry, fuss, agonize, vex, bother, upset’. It is relatively easy to say, do not worry, do not fuss about situations, and certainly do not agonize over it. But that is exactly what I have done in the past, and without even knowing you; I can say with that same certainty; you also have or are currently fretting about something. In fact, going beyond fretting; we find being bothered or upset comes with the territory. This means you are not fun to be around. Who wants to associate with someone who is constantly in a state of emergency over something? I certainly do not!
Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ: Challenged Faith
Yet with the election of Donald Trump we found two important life changing things that happened. First we find Donald Trumps election stopped many conservatives, many Christians, and others who did not like Obama’s eight years of change from fretting. Those eight years caused the anti-Obama field to constantly fret and worry. The nation under Obama changed into something many did not like nor did they accept! In fact, while those who voted for Trump may not agree with him on everything, they saw hope for the first time. It was among other things that Donald Trump wanted to ‘drain the swamp’ in DC. This was received warmly and became a life changer for many. However, His success in many levels as President from the economy and jobs to social change; those who hated what it had become continued their radicalism.
A Psalm of David. Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
Psa 37:1-2 Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ
As a result a deep swathe of the population gathered together to elect Trump. In this group of Trump followers we find: freed democrats [from the slavery of democratic liberalism], independents, non-republican republicans, and others from all races and creeds and religions. These people saw in Trump a most important aspect. One that other politicians overlooked, and that which the main population knew. The deep state embedded in DC never thought it would happen. Donald Trump proved that someone could actually be voted in who was not a politician. He is now opposed by a ‘deep state of embedded professional bureaucrats, politicians, and political pundits! Many thought he would never win. But he did and now the other most important thing happened!
Those democrats, globalists, GLBTQ crowd, Feminists, and Hollywood [in general, but not all of them] who loved the policies of Barack Hussein Obama went from ecstatic elation over the success of Obama’s policies to sheer terror in one night. Obama who monitored the whole thing never thought Hillary would lose, neither did the democrats. The horror struck the liberal crowd so much they have plotted, schemed, wire tapped, wrote tons of anti-Trump fodder, and ran up and down America’s streets in protest. They love their free speech and ability to protest, but they believe this also means they can burn cars, break windows, beat up Trump supporters, and do anything else they want to show their disdain for Trump.
Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ -Reversal
Their vehement behavior has not stopped. And now the swamp is really fighting back. Barack Obama had headquartered in DC where he kept a close eye on Trump, while directing his end of the battle front Soros and he are waging. Their objective through this shadow mix of opposition is to destroy Trump, stop his agenda, and to get him thrown out of office. The Obama supporters who loved his agenda for eight years and believed all was heavenly are in total meltdown today. Certainly now we can say they are vexed, bothered, fussing, worrying, and upset over Trumps dismantling of Obama’s pile of directives and policies he put into law. But all this continues and is even worse with President Biden at the helm.
Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked; For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?
Pro 24:19, 2 Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ
The Obama opposition, Christians mainly, conservatives mostly, and Republicans probably but not all because some of them received some donations from Soros. In addition, mainline old party line Republicans like John McCain opposed Trump on many fronts. Other Republicans had previously bedded with Democrats to give us Obamacare and other items.
The election of Donald Trump made all the difference. In one day, one moment; they went from one thing to another. So while one party is in meltdown, those who supported Trump and his agenda were happy. But not so fast as you have time ahead and Donald Trump had many enemies. In the end we all know the outcome that Joe Biden who could not gather a crowd larger than a 100 people beat out Donald Trump. The Dem’s were happy, the nation went back to corrupt marxist 101 behavior and more looting, riots, murders, and a nation in economic chaos has ensued. I had told people that this election Biden being elected meant judgment for America. It was revealed to me in advance.
Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ
If we remember back in recent history here in America we found that opposites do not attract! It is very true that during Obama’s tenure the opposition, I speak directly of those who really opposed Obama and his policies; people who disliked his lawlessness did not turn out into the streets to burn cars, burn American flags, or to beat up Obama supporters [unlike what has gone on during Trumps tenure as President].
Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
Psa 37:7,11 Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ
It is truth then as now that many Christians prayed to change things. It is really funny that when Trump was elected an article or two appeared in the liberal press mentioning the worldwide Witch push to pray and curse Trump. But also let us take note as Christians; with the name and power of Jesus Christ these black hearted anti-Trump deviants can be stopped. When you get witches, warlocks, and the democrats mad, then you must be doing well in DC. Matter of fact, it is rumored that the Trump Team found the main plug to pull in the ‘DC swamp draining push’.
Now I move back to a statement I made at the time concerning Trumps end of his Presidency. I said then:
“When Trumps time in the Presidential saddle is finished and he saunters off into the sunset; this whole situation is not finished. The agenda of Obama is a liberal globalist agenda. The nations of men around the world [except North Korea, China, and Russia among others] all adhere to this globalist ideal of a one world government, one world court, one world religion, and not one single piece of nationalism will be left untouched.”
In place of Trump, unless someone like him takes over; the next President after Trump if he is a liberal globalist like Obama; yes, this one will simply undo all those things Trump accomplished.
This will happen because we are divided more today than at any time in American history, including the Civil War. Today issues of open borders, Islamic influence, Islamic one world rule, GLBTQ issues, Americanism, Patriotism, Flag wavers, and Christians [not to mention ultra-conservative Christians] all will be targets of future administrations. Add to this issue global persecution of Christians, one where the Obama administration blatantly ignored while allowing in a flood of others into this nation but few Christians is also a paramount concern today and it will be in the future.
No matter how much Evil and hate is in the world, this is not, I repeat NOT all there is! Gods Mercy, God’s Grace and his heart is extended to those who love him! Gods ability to forgive and redeem is always much greater than anything else there is!
Cori Ten Boom
For Christians there is hope. Our hope is not in this world or in Donald Trump. We are not to fret when the Evildoer plots. Believe me they will plot and as David describes this war he says: “the wicked plots against the just”, gnash their teeth i.e. to grate their teeth at the just [like a rabid wild dog or other animal does], they draw out their ‘weapons’ to do their evil casting down any and all of an ‘upright conversation’. They do this because righteousness and being upright is a consummate enemy of liberalism and agendas like Obama’s.
Of course, here is the problem because from the liberal side of Obama supporters they see he has done no wrong. To them Liberal policies that allow GLBTQ to sue Christian business owners because they do not want to bake a cake or build a floral display for a same sex wedding is great. What is more, suing said Christian business owners is great. Then the dismantling of Christianity in the military, the rebuke of Christian Chaplin’s from using Jesus name in the military is okay as well. Making the military truly gay and liberal minded is fantastic as well. To push policies that take lands away from Ranchers, to control water and wetlands, and also to allow the IRS to target Christian ministries 501c3 status is fine as well. They see absolutely nothing wrong with any of his agenda including preferring Muslims over Christians in the refugee allowances. But this is a mere partial list. Today in Biden’s house as President we have the most virulent left wing marxists every to occupy the government.
What is more, they justify their damnable street provocations as okay, so what if things are burned, broken, and people who support the other guy is beaten up. What is more if this leads to more chaos, they you deserve it for opposing Obama and those who support him. They will not and cannot ever forgive the opposition or Trump. They will never give in and they would push their agenda down our throats even if they had to imprison us or God forbid shoot us. From what I have seen of the marches and those who participate in them, they are mad, crazy, and plain nuts. What is more, much of the world is already like this. They surely reject the Lord Jesus Christ, except for those who are His. This gospel of the Lord will be preached in all the world for a witness and then shall the end come. One day the beast of Revelation 13 will have the helm of leadership taking the world into global disaster.
Let us pray, fast, and seek the Lord; believing that he will keep us and direct us! God will keep you and you need to pray: John 17:5 “pray that the Lord will keep you from the Evil” God will keep you and you need to pray to escape all these things: Luke 21:36 “pray you will be worthy to escape”! Pray the word, putting yourself and your family in it and end with “I believe, I receive” and continue to believe!
No matter How much Evil and hate is in the world; Gods Mercy, God’s Grace, and his heart is extended to those who love him is always much greater than anything else there is! He also continues to call men and women to repentance. His gospel will go out until the end. True Remnant Christians will proclaim that gospel and walk in his ways, no matter what the nations do or say.
Now in writing this, I want to add an addendum. Not all liberals, democrats, republicans, conservatives, Christians, Muslims, and any other person related to the above story fits exactly into this article. Although we are all different and we are now in a massive divide over differences; we are all Americans and that is to whom I address this. As it has been said, we all bleed the same red blood. We also breathe the same air. For all our differences, we are still very much alike. Yet we are more divided than ever as a nation and a people, not to mention the world.
I address this to all Americans, lawfully and legally residing in this nation; and to those who come to this country legally and are lawfully following requirements to become an American.
Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
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Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ
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Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Christianity 101 Prepared in Christ
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Thanks Watchman…sage advise, we do need to trust the Lord. And it is EXTREMELY hard not to fret, when one sees the images on the tv screen, of demon possesed/America hating/Jesus hating rabid animals…commies, domestic enemies of the Constitution. During the summer of 2016, seeing paid thugs attacking Trump supporters (and I have names and faces of those committing these crimes in multiple locations across America), I contemplated flying to SoCal, putting on a Trump t shirt, and walking the streets with my K Bar knife, wanting to dare any commie to put their hands on me, I was going to gut them like a Christmas hog!!!!! Well, my friend David Winnett talked me out of it i.e. “Don’t waste your time, Sledge, no one will touch your hulking frame.” And like you said, it will get worse in days to come…much/much worse. I need to seek the Lord’s counsel in these matters, and it is a comfort to play the audio cds of Psalms/Proverbs on my sound system. The Lord’s salve/balm to calm me down. May the Lord’s peace and love go to you and Tower…Amen.
Yes Sledge, it is hard to keep from Fretting; but we need to get before the Lord. He is the judge and he will cut off the wicked in his time; meanwhile let us bask in the presence of the Lord and his goodness. blessings Tower and the Watchman