Prophetic Winter – America’s Winter of Discontent stands as a warning to America and the nations of men. Within this article we move from the pages of John Steinbeck’s acclaimed novel to the Words of a Shakespeare play, and on to the current events in America. The pages of the 60’s revolution to the burning of America and overthrow of the foundations this nation has forged through the fire of the past the Winter of Discontent has revealed itself. Prophetically as these events unfold, history will not lie; for truth can be skewered to those living it. Yet the truth will unveil itself in ways the deceived cannot imagine. For those wise to do evil, there will be an overcoming day that the redeemed will find themselves in. Will you dare take this journey with me today? Do not miss this extend look into the abyss of America’s melting pot.

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Prophetic Winter of our Discontent
Today in 2024 we know of the deceit, fake elections, and push towards global governance. Included in this is the aimed destruction of Nations that want to be independent. No nationalism, patriotism, or Christianity or other faith that might be a hindrance to the global order of things. This Prophetic Winter of our Discontent continues each year. This year in Europe they face a shortage of fuels for heating. There are many troubles, only the Lord can fix; he comes soon. So, look-up, for your redeemer cometh and so does your redemption.
I remember the sixties well and if you were an adult in those years, you were the enemy, this includes the government and anyone in authority! Yes, I was there as well, beholding it. It was a time of loose morals, rebellion, sex, drugs, and the war in Vietnam. It was the rebellion of the youth, the counterculture of hippies, drug out and doped out, living loosely that heralded in the vast immorality of the seventies, eighties, and nineties, much of which we now consider mainstream. It is no wonder the LORD God through the Prophet Samuel first told us that ‘rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft’, adding that ‘stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry’. So, in that context, the sixties were full of witchcraft, iniquity, and idolatry! I was there and know it to be true, these were the days to behold and wonder!
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
The phrase ‘Winter of our Discontent’ sounds ominous and foreboding. When first contemplating such a task as writing on the ‘Winter of our Discontent’, it is to be understood in the full meaning and scope to which it pertains too! No doubt when John Steinbeck wrote his novel and published it in 1961, he had an incredibly unique purpose. This was to be his last book before his death in 1968.
The title alone is surprising, saying “The Winter of Our Discontent”! Many sources I have read reveal the same idea. John Steinbeck clearly states, the sources say that “he wrote the novel to address the moral degeneration of American culture in 1960’s”. Here I infuse, a decade of the 60’s moving forward to the 1970’s. One of his other novels that I believe to be the finest of works was the Grapes of Wrath. An era of the great depression. The same event that my dad, grandfather, and mother along with her parents were affected by. The movie of the book also is shocking as those greatly affected by this event move to California. Our family came from Catalina Island and lived an area of Whittier later. The surprising thing is one family can go through the Great Depression and not have it affect them a bit. While others are on the verge of starvation, homelessness, and no hope beyond the day they live in.
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore, from henceforth thou shalt have wars.
I now move forward to place such an event as the winter of America’s Discontent during our generation. This has already begun with the election of liberal and leftist Joe Biden. No need to relay the ultra-leftists Biden has put in office. It is worthy to mention here that the United association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters endorsed Joe Biden. Many Unions such as this one always trusted the Democratic Party to stand by them. Voting Unions were solidly behind Democrats. Not today in the current situation of our nation.
Now the course is set for court action with many states lining up to reject the litany of executive orders Biden pushed out in the first days of his presidency. Backed by Susan Rice and other former Obama officials, they made sure the orders were all lined up and ready for his signature. Nothing of which Biden has done is surprising to us at the WIBR/WARN Radio. We knew of Obama’s policies and what his administration would do. Which he did accomplish. Biden is no different. Biden turned to dictatorial standards and within one day upset many states and organizations in America. Doing the same as Obama, Biden pushed ahead. We warned what he would do, President Trump did as well. For those who voted for Biden, we say we told you so. Your Big Mistake is not understanding the leftist agendas.
So, when the Keystone XL was cancelled by Biden, not to forget stopping the work on the border wall which was funded by Congress; now we have tens of thousands unemployed. The president of the Union for Plumbers and Pipefitters said in a statement his words on the matter.
“Let me very clear: when built with union labor by the men and women of the United Association, pipelines like Keystone XL remain the safest and most efficient modes of energy transportation in the world.
Sadly, the Biden Administration has now put thousands of union workers out of work.
For the average American family, it means energy costs will go up and communities will no longer see the local investments that come with pipeline construction.”
Pres. Mark McManus, Gen. Assoc. of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters | PROPHETIC WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT
A threat, we also knew from Obama. Obama’s extreme policies crippled our economy and threatened the livelihoods of the entire state. They do not only want to close XL, but they also want to shutter every coal mine, every gas plant, every oil well; and do it permanently. The survival of our economy, families, and cities will depend not just on the income, but the ability to heat our homes and stay warm in our tough winters here. We are not alone. In discussing the Winter of our Discontent, Bidens executive orders alone provide enough fodder to start a blazing fire of Discontent. Yet, for what it is worth; again, I repeat it here that we knew as did many others of this agenda.
Marxist ideology requires it to shutter a nation’s economy any way you can. Remove all those things society depends on. Make a chaotic situation out of the economy, remove stability, jobs, safety nets; and then once a nation is destroyed. They will rebuild it into Marxist. At the hands of government take over of industries, private ownership, and by the force of military. But first they disarm the people.
This alone produces another level of the winter of discontent. For those hell-bent on destroying all vestiges of our nation will continue until and unless Americans stop them. Make no doubt here, many rich, well to do, and liberal Americans would like this Marxist ideal. They have tapped into the idea of an American socialism. This also is a lie, it will be pure 100% death to our constitution, bill of rights, and way of life. Nothing America about it. This is exactly what they want.
Moreover, one famous such Winter of Discontent was Valley Forge and the Continental Army along with George Washington who faced a horrendous experience. Starvation and looking destitute and beaten, this army bravely faced a terrible winter. If the Army along with Washington would have quit, then America as we know it would not have happened. But after this terrible Winter, courage and faith brought victory.
George Washington and His Army at the time in 1777 had trouble with the British who defeated the continental army. One failing to stop General William Howe from taking control of the colonial capital at Philadelphia. The other was a defeat at Germantown in October of that year. It was after this that the Army went to Valley Forge as a defeated, tired group. Valley Forge was hell on the Army with disease killing an estimated 3000 men. Cold, hungry, some with no shoes, clothes not readily available for warmer weather, shelter; and then they had to be ready for the spring to meet the British. That winter was terrible, yet George Washington along with General von Steuben worked to train the men. By the time the warmer weather emerged the colonial army was hard bitten, tough, trained, and was the strongest it had ever been. Six years later, the British surrendered at Yorktown. America had won and the Winter of Discontent proved a training and building ground for the men who survived it.
When looking at this Winter of Discontent, I remember John Steinbeck had written another novel which was produced into a movie. That movie notably titled the Grapes of Wrath starred a young Henry Fonda facing the great depression. It was a moving and stark portrayal of that time. A time my own family went through. But it was the Winter of Discontent that Steinbeck published in 1961. The title is said to have come from Shakespeare’s play Richard III, where in the speech comes the phrase “Now is the winter of our discontent.” This reveals within the Steinbeck novel and from the play that the troubles man can face. It says that within this we find a discontented person facing the harsh realities of life, barren, cold, chilling, remote, and cut off by the storm around him. As in a brutal winter, when there is nothing to do except survive the bone chilling cold, howling wind, the blizzard of snow and for all intents cut off from humanity. Steinbeck wrote the novel to project the moral degeneration of the 1960’s youth in America. Make no mistake the 60’s encompassed many generations of youth during that ten years. It was brutal on morals, inescapable for American society to ignore, and problematic for parents to endure.
When I address the Prophetic Winter of our Discontent I do so with the true biblical meaning of sifting, refining, and judgment. Today American’s have seen this Winter of Discontent which reflects not just the season of Winter but much more. It Prophetically looks at a duration of time, a season over an expanded number of years, decades, or even a century. In America for many years, I date back to the year 2000 when I began looking at the troubles coming at this nation. Yet it increased in intensity after 9-1-1. When we came to the double blood moons in the spring and fall feasts, both in 2014 and 2015; the signs were everywhere of the upheaval occurring in the world. First and foremost was the bloody push of ISIS through the corridors of Syria, Iraq, and outlying areas. This push saw the greatest spilling of Christian blood and of other faiths in recent memory.
Then in the great summer eclipse of 2017 we saw the literal division of America as the line of this eclipse went from the western boundary through the US to the eastern boundary. It divided America in half at that time. The prophetic meaning was evident, and a prophecy I gave at the time was it represented the division in America. We saw this divide widen much more when President Trump was elected. A person who simply wanted to Make America Great Again. For this, he was hated by Democrats, Republicans, Tech giants, and the leftist Media. For four years America was flooded with hate speech, rhetoric, plots, and attempts to stop President Trump. This was categorically satanic. With the election of Biden and the plots thereof to stop Trump, many were happy. Billions of dollars were spent to elect Biden, many of whom who supported Biden the traditionalist found he was an ultra-leftist. The division continues today and Making America Great is not on Biden’s Agenda.
The push against skin color and hatred of Whites were pushed, traditional statue’s torn down, Cities burned, businesses closed, and amidst this the Dem’s kept silent. That is until a rigged push by Antifa hijacked the Trump crowd and the Capitol was invaded. Now the leftist Dem’s in control are pushing to again impeach Trump. Illegally and immorally equipped, any impeachment of a non-sitting President is idiotic and useless. It is constitutionally retarded and of no use. Again, all this reflects the Winter of our Discontent. I could put more examples here, but you get the idea if you are reading this, then you know what has gone on.
The issue is that the sin of America is not the color of a person’s skin that is a threat. It is the Sin within the Skin. It is an issue of a nation forsaking the truth of God. It is true that American Witches against Trump made their debut. We can find stories of witches plotting against Trump in the “Sun”, “CBN” published an article on it, and the “BBC” even had their own story on it. I will not add the links here, just do your own search on American Witches against Trump. Even true Satanists came out against Trumps pro-life stance. Their trouble is “Satanic Temple Claims Killing Babies in Abortions is the way they sacrifice to Satan.” This reflects the issue of blood guilt which I also warned of for many years. It is a curse to the people and nation who are drenched in the blood of the innocent and they are guilty. This makes another layer of the Winter of our Discontent. To be truthful, it has been a Winter of Discontent for the nations of men and those who are in them. The Judgment, shaking, refining, and bringing this to the nations is from the one who will Judge all men and nations.
The Winter of Discontent removes your comfort zone. In many ways the shaking and unease can awaken many from their own lifestyles. I first wrote this article back in 2009. But much has happened, so I had to rewrite. This article is a total rewrite of that former one so many years ago. In addition, the former article was no longer on our websites but in my personal writing archive. Many Americans will find that this season of ‘America’s discontent’, will last for many years to come.
While we are used to comfort, ease, plenty, and abundance; the truth is, we will see little of it. In time it can be biblically and prophetically foretold that what we have will be erased by the judgments of the LORD. The true nature and full scope of these coming judgments is a yet to be experienced future. But it approaches. It is time to draw nigh to the Lord. It is time to get serious with our God and find his redemption through Jesus [Yeshua] Christ. It is in this that we must understand, “America’s season of Discontent, the Winter of Discontent” is here! It will be with the nation for years to come. It will also be upon the nations! It is the time of the end, the time of shaking and judgment! These are the days of the vengeance of my God and your God, my Lord, and your Lord! It will be upon all those who are in rebellion against him, his word, and his ways!
Prophetic Winter of our Discontent
It is here that the true servants of the LORD, those who are seen in Revelation, are described thusly: This verse describes the ‘blood of the covenant.’ Through Christ Jesus, and his work on the Cross, by the ‘blood of the Lamb, and their testimony, with the fact they are disciples unto death!
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
These verses warn of the need to keep ‘patience and faith’ as a saint amidst death and captivity and the war the beast makes with them! It also warns of the need to keep the commandments of god and keep the faith of Jesus! All this requires ‘patience and faith’!
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
I mention this because this is the time of the end! We as believers need to understand the truth of what God wants and expects of us. We cannot be fence sitters, but true disciples. If our Lord tells us to walk in his ways, he means it. If our LORD tells us to have faith, patience, and a testimony, we must. If Jesus Christ tell us to keep his word, his commandments, we must! For when we truly follow him, seek him, and follow his words, then we can expect him to deliver us from our enemies. However, if we are rebellious, this is as witchcraft, then the Lord will act accordingly!
For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
These are the days for the believers in America to change their ways, behavior, and walk-in accordance with the will of God. But know this, Judgment will begin in God’s house. That means for those of us who claim to know this God and his Son, Jesus Christ, we will see this! If we are walking in a manner pleasing to the Lord, then we have nothing to worry about. In fact, we can expect him to deliver us as we cry out to him.
PROPHETIC WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT |The Judgment of God must begin at the house of God!
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
This is where many in the church today leave this thought! They are on the train, so they think that will take them out of here! Yes, the Lord will come, but not before this judgment upon the church, nor upon those in the earth that do not believe. He will come, that is sure and certain! We will meet with him, that is sure and certain! We will be saved if we do not faint, give up, or quit!
This is sure and certain!
In Mark 4, we read of Jesus telling us a parable of the sower. In Mark four, verse sixteen, it says of those who have the seed sown on stony ground, that they “heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness.” But then he says, “these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground, who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended.”
And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended.
And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
It is here that many in American churches can and possibly will find themselves. The scripture itself is self-explanatory! They have no root; any persecution or affliction will offend them! Why? They have been taught that to be a believer, there will be no ‘persecution or affliction’. It is a worldly life, that God endorses, or so they have been taught. Money, fame, riches, wealth, ease, comfort, and the love of things, all this is what they can enjoy! Or so they thought! When this comes, and it will they will be offended, quit, and leave. They will turn on those who keep in the Truth of God’s word and follow him. They will betray, hate, and even follow false prophets and false Christs. Because of the iniquity in the world, especially in America, their love for Christ will grow cold! The warning here, “he that endures to the end, will be saved.”
All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
The warning and times are clear, make ready for the ‘Winter of your discontent is here’. Unless you are in Christ, keeping his commandments and the testimony of Jesus! Draw nigh to him today, follow him with all your heart, for the season is here! America and American’s, men and women, children and teens, believers and non-believers, the search light of God is on. The shaking is here, and the ‘Winter of your discontent’ is it knocking on the door! The only way to answer this is in Christ, in his word, by faith, by discipleship, and doing as his word commands us!
Prophetic Winter of our Discontent by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
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Prophetic Winter of our Discontent
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Prophetic Winter of our Discontent
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Prophetic Winter of our Discontent
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Prophetic Winter of our Discontent
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Thanks Watchman…as a witness to the train wreck known as planet earth. Since we are about the same age, I do indeed remember the 1960s. Packed full of rebellion and self indulgience. The seeds of rebellion were planted well before the 60s, so we saw the blooming of these seeds of rebellion in the 1960s. In 1984, G. Edward Griffin interviewed former soviet agent Yuri Bexmenov. Yuri marvelled at how far America had come towards it’s own downfall…and this was in 1984, so our downfall is much further along now. And now we have the rebellious burning of America going on, tearing down statues, claiming that all white people are rascists etc etc etc. The beginnings of God’s wrath is on America, but how many are really aware of this? Lot’s of pride in America, and this attitude will be the nation’s downfall. Our Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.
Thanks Dana , I’ve had a life like yours , Very close to Good from within but wild according to the Adults , abused , lied to lied on , for a while there I just had god. How did I come on God? Dunno! Not by going to Sunday school. Never thought Sunday was the right day to worship but Saturday , I had a special Spirit in me, I was free and loved God / Jesus as I understand Him, oh not to forget those dreams I had as a toddler ? , where End of Days nightmares! ….. all I could do was hug the Cocker Spaniel. And cry myself to sleep ( in a nutshell I was at peace with Life watching the clouds , butterfly’s would perch near me, It was so quite , I was on a Mountain , then all hell broke loose. The earth ,rocks ,soil , and me blew up and imploded Massive total Annihilation ,years later I still recall,, then came my drifting away from my lord. Still knew he was Somewhere?…..than the 60’s came along I did it all my way. I was a self made man, made with Unskilled labor! LSD, weed, speed , Hippie love, I guess with my vulnerable weak soul I Snapped!!!!!! Oh Doctors had all sorts of Freudian theories and Thorazine types, but I was trapped by Satan 10 yrs! No holyspirit , felt like I was just cotton, dead No Doug , no love,No feeling of my God around,no soul? I had my foxhole prayers , and Psalms.( 91)I was ALone an extrovert stuck down in that bottomless pit , Well that’s enough of the first 25 years, If you ever want me to tell , These now Sunny years, after my help from the Lord after 40 years, Salvation….. 2 things…. There is Evil!!!……stay clear! .. and there is Salvation! Hope I didn’t Ramble. But the part 2 after I was totally filled with the Holy Spirit , for another time ThankYou Jesus. And ThankYou Dana for such effort you put in your Ministry
Your Welcome Doug, glad the Lord delivered you and today you are on track with Jesus and the Spirit of God and the WORD of God, Blessings from The Watchman [Dana] and Tower