American Clarity Radicalized Agenda has many wondering how this nation got to the point of such upheaval. The years of division in America have drug on. Today we have a division so complete that many conservatives, patriots, and others who disagree with the liberal globalist push for socialism have been banned on major social media platforms. What is more constitutional rights are violated, yet no one stops what is going on. This is part of an ongoing agenda, yet clarity for many Americans has not been realized. This is the time for American Clarity regarding the Radicalized Agenda that has set up shop in our government. The enemy has become the Congress and the government who view many groups as targets for their type of justice. It is Socialism 101 in action. But it is deeper than that. It is true today more than before “I am from the Government and I am here to Help.”

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
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“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | American Clarity Radicalized Agenda
American Clarity Radicalized Agenda
We are well into a new reign of radicals at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue in Washington D.C. After signing a deluge of Executive Orders at the will of those who oppose everything MAGA represented we are left with tens of thousands out of work from the XL pipeline. We have seen that Antifa and it’s own fascist ways are still on the streets protesting and causing destruction while no one does anything. We have also seen Biden making China mad, Putin angry, and also North Korea and Iran both are added to the friends of the Russian state. Biden has pretty much alienated the true socialists in the world. Yet Biden’s own agenday is Marxist. Our fearless mislead leader then with his team intact seemed to have called out North Korea, who responded with a challenge. For the liberals, Socialism, dictatorial orders, and waves of Democratic agendas rolling out of Congress we can firmly see that America is headed toward the toilet. Now open borders, seems to be closed after so many wanted in. In one word, we could label this a Mess. Worse yet, we have a long way to go.
Thus with Clarity which has been brought to bear this time. It is a Rising of the division that separates us. In the Civil War it was slavery, today it is the differences in which direction this nation shall go! In the midst of the spring, a cry sounds forth, the battle wages on, and yet as it does; we find our God is still on the throne. In these moments we find just whom we serve, God or mammon; the USA or Jesus Christ! It is as Thomas Jefferson Warned so long ago.
“God who gave us life gave us Liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.”
–Thomas Jefferson (1774)
While nature, the earth, and the season take their course there is another continuation, that of the resistance of the dark powers and human principalities that want globalism. Only this global utopia will be headed by the beast eventually. I say that because the system for his take over must be in place. Then he will step in. There is this though, those who want this hate any nationalism, populism, Christianism, or any other system that will stop this push to bring in the beast. Those who push this rebellion circulates their poison with a evil heart and lawlessness is at the core of it.
We have for years now been a divided people in America. It is hatred, division, contempt, and loathing for patriots, conservatives, Christians, and even people from other parties. Agenda’s, anti-constitutional objectives, and even the goal to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights in America. Today we have seen a united push to put down any resistance by the Democrats. We can clearly see this by the onslaught of laws, executive orders, and working to stop anyone objecting. I am reminded; however that Thomas Jefferson warned “not to make it a blank paper by construction”. If we allow people to push their own interests and despotic ways on us, then that written constitution becomes a blank piece of paper in regard to the true freedoms that were meant for this nation. Jefferson said pointedly to “bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution”.
“Our peculiar security is in possession of a written Constitution. Let us not make it a blank paper by construction. … If it is, then we have no Constitution. … [T]o consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions … would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. … In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”
Thomas Jefferson
Plain and simple words, the Judicial judges: local, state and federal are not to legislate change, nor be the one constructing the rights of the constitution. Judges today are oligarchs, depots who are politically appointed, who rule politically and in favor of their own ideas. They are not based on the constitution and certainly are not held accountable by anyone for their devious decisions. Judges today are not held accountable nor bound to the truth of the US Constitution, they are certainly not chained to it, this is obvious by their decisions.
We therefore enter into the spring of both this overthrow of the constitution and a push to bring in millions of undocumented aliens. The goal is to fill this land with people who have already lived under a 3rd world socialist regime. They would easily fit into this new American socialism. In the end the goal is to remove Americans today who disagree and replace everything with a new people. Along with this will be a new constitution and a socialist agenda; that is if they succeed. They have not succeeded yet and this nation is not overthrown by the liberal socialist and communist agendas of this leftwing democratic party.
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Rev 22: 11-13 American Clarity Radicalized Agenda | I Come Quickly
In our neck of the woods of this great erstwhile nation, I shall embrace green grass, growth, gardens of plenty, and activities of family and friends. While there are enemies in America, this will not be the first time. I will apply to the Lord God, through his word; so that which is provided for me and my family through faith will arrive according to the abundance of his grace, mercy, and love towards me. But it is also towards all those who love him, embrace him, and walk in his ways. Let the evil do their evil, but let the righteous and the holy; be just that. In the end, should America fail or fall; at least we have had one last chance to truly repent and live for the Lord Jesus Christ in this nation. For me personally that means that the One True God and our Father and his only begotten Son Jesus Christ are again in the folds of the Constitution and in the fabric of US society.
As of this moment in time America is not where it should be. It can be said that evil rules the day and this nation. In addition globally we find evil rising as is the persecution of Christians. There are many other signs that let us know, these are the perilous end of days Paul warned about. In light of this, let us be Righteous and Holy according to Gods word! For our Hope is in the final analysis in our God and Father through Jesus Christ our Lord. For us, here Habakkuk’s last words have a permanent place and root in these days we live in. I call this section “bottom line faith”!
(17) Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:
(18) Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
(19) The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.
Bottom Line Faith | Hab 3:17-19
If chaos comes by the evil hands of those in America, then I shall not be found in chaos; but peace. I shall walk in faith and not fear, for great is the Lord who has redeemed me and kept me. While chaos reigns, his peace shall rule my soul and his words shall light my path. For the LORD God is my strength and my Hope through Jesus Christ. If God be for us, who can be against us? The avenue of Evil or Righteousness is judged by the Word of the Lord, the commandments written in the scriptures, and by those who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord; see John 1, John 3, and 1st John chapters 1-5. The righteousness of men is not judged in the flesh, by being Democrat or Republican; a follower of Obama or Soros or of Donald Trump. The Judgment of God will be upon all nations and men and that judge will be Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach; Lord of Lords and King of Kings. For he alone is Alpha and Omega and everything in between. He is the Almighty!
Thus for those living in America their own American Clarity will mean they can see the truth in what has been going on in this nation for decades. This clarity will reveal an evil Radicalized Agenda to win at all costs. Their goal is to destroy the America as our forefathers created and to bring into being an American Socialism. This socialism, even run by America will bring this nation fully under the control of the global elite who will follow the beast.
Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.
(Psa 27:12-14) American Clarity Radicalized Agenda
American Clarity Radicalized Agenda by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
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American Clarity Radicalized Agenda
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American Clarity Radicalized Agenda
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American Clarity Radicalized Agenda
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
American Clarity Radicalized Agenda
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Thanks Watchman…yes, the legion of haters i.e. haters of the Lord Jesus, haters of freedom and liberty, haters of America and the Constitution etc etc are reminding me of the screaming whordes during the french revoution. Chaos and terror reigned during that time, and it is the same now. These demented banshees remind me of the terror during mao’s 1966/67 “cultural revolution”. Frenzied, rabid haters, devoid of any rational thinking. I would love to see soros, obama, lynch, holdren, brazile et al on a chain gang, clearing the weeds along side the road. But, as you said, we true believers in our Lord, must walk circumspectly, redeeming the time, for the days are evil. Peace and love in our Lord to you and Tower…Amen.
Yes, again it is a painful for many in this nation to live everyday with all these things going on. It is very hard to see how these people can be so opposite, so ugly in their actions, so hateful, and so evil all at the same time. That is unless you really understand these people are not redeemed, do not walk in the faith or testimony of the Lord, and look upon our faith and our Lord as the enemy.
It moves me as well, just to think about being with the Lord and thinking about the millennial reign of Christ; this is something to look forward too! Shalom, love in Christ to you and yours from Tower and the Watchman