American Choice Blessing or Cursing has not been a concern over the decades since my birth. For that matter, in recent memory you can attribute an attitude of America that is Anti-Christ. This puts America in the same place that many gentile nations are at. North Korea who scoffs at any God or religion that is big enough to bring them down. China’s Communists who have dared put their party ideals and the Chinese race above any fear of God. India who has decided to remove all Christians and Muslims from their country. These are just a few examples as to those Gentile nations that have no fear of God or judgment.

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | American Choice Blessing or Cursing
American Choice Blessing or Cursing
America, however has been different. The faith of Christ Jesus was here in the beginning. We have had many blessings, even during World War two while Europe and most of the world was overrun by the Third Reich, America was never touched, bombed as Europe, or occupied by foreign forces. Yet today we are occupied by those whose goal is to dare God. We have deemed those things unclean as clean and those as unholy as fit and proper. It seems today that our freedoms and blessings came at too cheap a price for this generation. As it is true “what we esteem too lightly is this America and it’s blessings.” We take it for granted and even work to destroy it. Enter in then, at American Choice for this generation. Will it be Blessing or Cursing?
Recognizing the reality of America and its choices. Of course, America itself a republic but now a Democracy pushed into the brink of socialism and globalist behavior is the point to this. Thomas Paine spoke of obtaining things “too cheap”, in this he rightly spoke that to get such things cheaply means we “esteem” these things “too Lightly”! For the open border Democrats and the communists and socialists who align themselves with the Dems, to obtain cheaply is the order of the day. To cross the border into America, get free healthcare, have a baby and presto instant citizenship. Then there are all the free perks of money and food; among other items. Here the American who lives here really is the one out of the loop, paying taxes, and working hard; no free stuff for them.
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”
Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 1, 1776 American Choice Blessing or Cursing
Yet in these things, I find myself looking at this nation. I spend my time warning a nation of the consequences of its action. It is pretty much what I did in the early 80’s. Today, we have mass murders, high murder rates in Chicago, NY City, and others. We have Millions of babies aborted and murdered through organizations like Planned Parenthood. Women who think their bodies are their own and that they can freely choose to kill the fetus march to prove their ownership of their bodies. The bodies are their own, yet they never made them; they are created beings of the Lord God and he says such things are murder. Today though, it is mute! All over the world we find murder, bloodshed, and violence.
To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.
Jer 6:10 American Choice Blessing or Cursing
But today I see America, every day we work at the WIBR/WARN Radio to teach, preach, write, exhort, and advocate for the Lord and his purposes. America has a choice just as Israel did. Choose blessing or cursing. Rebel against the Lords commands, then you will find judgment and a curse facing you. Follow in truth, justice, and faith in the Lord God and in His Son Yeshua, Jesus Christ; then a blessing is yours. Yes, you may die for his names sake, or suffer; but in the end, you will overcome. See Revelation 12:11!
I look at America and I see just in my state many beautiful areas, National parks, lakes, mountains, prairie’s, wildlife, and so much more. In our nation you can multiply what our state has in blessing by just that many. How many states count the blessings in those states. Lands, houses, people, jobs, cities, technology, and life. Happy, sad, wicked, or righteous; it is all a choice for you.
I have places here where walking by the river I inhale fresh air; watch wildlife of all kinds romp and play. Lakes that are pristine with crystal clear waters ‘much of the time’. I inhale the freedom, breathe in the atmosphere, and at night I watch the sky. Thanking God for every moment, every day of grace. It is all His creation and in that I feel blessed. Yes, we have difficult days. I have cried, wept, and fasted over the state of this nation, over the sins of this people, and to get a victory for someone I was praying for. But in the living, there is the battle and to this end, I look up and choose blessing, life, and look to the Lord God and to His Son Jesus Christ!
This nation has a choice, but unfortunately Pride in the land makes people blinded and haughty. While I say blessing, others scream curses. While I hear others declare faith and righteousness; I can hear whispers of schemes and contrivances to overthrow. This land I call America, I see it losing ground daily. This country that my grandfather and my dad fought for, has lost their vision. This nation where My great, great grandfather had a goldmine in the High Sierras in California is one where that adventure and courage is lost. The very land where both my grandparents on my mothers and my father’s sides had land. One was a farmer and the other a Cattle Rancher. They lived a truly American life of freedom, dreams, and walking in this dream that so many take for granted.
I no longer, if I ever did; take this land for granted. It is on borrowed time. I pray thusly, “Lord in your judgment grant us mercy”. I ask forgiveness for this land and its people, yet the bloodguilt and pride are swamping the land in a curse. While many would or might take issue with what I am writing, I am used to their rejection and indifference. But in my soul, I want this country to continue; doing so in Truth and in righteousness. I will not live in a Islamic America, a globalist America, a Socialist America; I will only life in the nation I and my family poured blood, sweat, and tears; along with prayers into. I will be a friend to those who will be one. But I will defend myself, my family, and this nation; but most of all, I will live my faith for the Lord Jesus Christ who died for me.
American Choice Blessing or Cursing
What is your choice? People will do what they will do. Nations rise and fall. Kingdoms rise and fall. America is no different. While I see America as different, it is not. I came to really know that when the Lord spoke to me in a vision many, many years ago and said “America as you know it will cease to exist!”
For me, that already has occurred, but in my Spirit; the Holy Ghost is telling me, the real end is coming. Now a tear, a heartache, and a goodbye to the nation I was born in, raised up in, and lived in; raising my own family. No, it can’t be; not yet, but everyday hope against hope; I pray and ask the Lord for more time, more mercy, and for a people who will repent. The end is not written yet, but it is close.
In the final analysis, as I stated at the beginning of this article America and Americans have a choice! Many come to this nation for other reasons than to become a true blood American and one believing in our Constitutional Republic. Judgment is in stages but in the end this finality of Gods justice is in the hands of people who God gives a choice to repent or not. The whole of this nation and whether it stands will be judged by how this people reacts and repents or not! Be sure, just as Israel choose, Judah did as well. All the while the Prophets were warning her to repent. Today, America; God has given you a choice to have blessing or cursing and judgment. Which will you choose? If History and the Prophets are any clue here, then judgment will be set and sealed upon this land and its people! For they will not listen nor believe these things. They will continue on until destruction comes in total.
Look up, be thankful, and bless the Lord for this great nation; what you see on the internet, on the social feed, and in the news broadcasts; yes, that is what America and the world has become. Self-infatuated with itself living in a world that thinks little of the True and Living God and his Son. That is why Psalms 2 says “Kiss the Son lest he be angry”! Personally, Jeremiah speaks loudly here; “Stand ye in the ways” and “ask for the old paths”, where is the “good way, and walk therein”! In this, the Prophet says “ye shall find rest for your souls”! That is where I long to be, in the good way, walking therein, finding rest for my soul amidst a lawless world and living in a nation that daily flaunts it’s rebellion and sin.
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.
Jer 6:16-17 American Choice Blessing or Cursing
American Choice Blessing or Cursing by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
The Work and Ministry of the WIBR/WARN Radio is about: The Testimony of Jesus Christ, Through the faith of Jesus Christ; By the Mercy of God our Father through His Grace extended, flowing from the Love of God to all People everywhere; Commanding everyone to Repent!
American Choice Blessing or Cursing
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We find the Hitleresque leader known as the “Colonel” heading up the blood thirsty battle to assassinate and destroy the Remnant. The Remnant is headed up by the “Rev”. As the Colonel is bloodthirsty and a cold-blooded assassin; the Reverend is dedicated to protecting the biblical foundation and values he grew up with. Surrounded by an army of dedicated Christians, they find themselves in over their heads as all hell breaks loose.
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American Choice Blessing or Cursing
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American Choice Blessing or Cursing
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
American Choice Blessing or Cursing
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Thanks Watchman…as a witness to the train wreck known as planet earth. You have warned America for decades, as Jeremiah warned Israel for decades. Both in Israel and America, the inhabitants KNEW what was right. That’s right, everyone in these countries KNEW what was right. And yet, they WILLFULLY did that which was against God’s teachings. Both were totally saturated in pride and blood guilt. May our Lord pour onto their heads snares, hot coals and a fiery tempest…that shall be the portion of their cup!!! May the Lord have gracious mercy upon His anointed…Amen.