Monthly Archives: August 2024

Mystery of Iniquity and the Truth

Have generations of children been in the dark concerning these truths? The answer is obvious. Do you know this answer yourself? The mystery of Iniquity feeds on this. It grows and nourishes itself in this. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Sustainable Delusion

Sustainable Delusion “It is evident that such an event and the work to deceive would be impossible. However, it is a sustainable one. A sustainable event to such a magnitude which such delusion that affects so many people; one would … Continue reading

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Prophetic Endtime Shaking and Division

Prophetic Endtime is revealed by the continual shaking of nations, dividing of people, and tearing down of principalities. But for the True Believer and one who knows the truth; there is provision and help found in the Lord. Continue reading

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Discern Signs amidst the Times

Discern Signs -The Signs are evident, allowing us to Discern the Times in which we live! When dealing with signs, wonders, prophecy, and plain good sage teachings from the Apostles; one must pay attention. The Apostle John says in his second epistle, chapter one; verse ten, that if anyone comes to you and as John says, “bring not this doctrine”, then do not have anything to do with him. If you give quarter to him, invite him in, then you are a “partaker of his evil deeds”! Siding with evil or giving your consent to evil or wrong doctrine is wrong. John here is giving solid biblical teaching. If you hang around blasphemy, sin, and evil; soon it will rub off on you or someone close to you. What he was referring to is the “doctrine of Christ” which is both the Father and the Son. Further, this should say something to Christian churches and their pastors who allow those unbiblical teachings into the church! Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The Apocalypse Waits for No One

The Apocalypse waits, or does it? While the World marches on in all its faint-hearted glory, the Apocalypse will wait for none of them! Apostles James and Jude warn about what is coming, but for the most part; the world ignores this. Instead choosing to do their own thing. Party on is the mantra, live for today for tomorrow we die. It can be solidly stated today, The Apocalypse Waits for No One; that is, except the Lord. All things are held in balance by, supported by, and for the Lord and his glory. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian discipleship, Commentary | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Hear Ye the Thunder

Here Ye the Thunder! Do not ignore, do not laugh, for the Day of the Lord and the Judgment of all people comes. However, those who have come unto me and walk righteously in the earth before me shall sit at my table and feast with me on that day of restoration of all things. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian Hope, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Hear Ye the Thunder

Look unto the Lord

Look unto the Lord “All ye Ends of the Earth” is a psalm, a warning, and a call from the Lord to heed what is coming. The signs are all around us today, yet you have not a clue what … Continue reading

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