America’s Second & Final Civil War

America’s Second & Final Civil War! In Proverbs we read that “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” It can be seen, especially in America, that through the years, from the founding of this nation, the blessings afforded our great state. In this we must be humbled and acknowledge that true to the founding father’s intention, our constitution was laid bare upon the great truths of the Ten Commandments.

America’s Second & Final Civil War article image
America’s Second & Final Civil War

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!

America’s Second & Final Civil War

Our nation as it was founded was intended for a righteous people. If wickedness entered the equation, then the republic would be short lived. Truth has a way of manifesting itself. For Christians it is through scripture and by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is through a redemptive process found only in the true Son of God. Yet in the beginning of America, not all were born again Christians. Neither is America a Christian nation nor a theocracy. Our republic and constitutional form of Governance is attacked, changed, and headed for change. This is the last days of the former republic, only the Lord knows how long she shall stand.

We realized at the time of the Revolutionary war that if we were to have a nation; it could not exist nor tarry long at rebellion against a heavy-handed foe as Great Britain without divine intervention of the Great God of the universe. In this we saw that a little band of rebels, pushed by a desire for what they thought were God given rights, which is the right to be a free people. So that this people can say what they want, worship their God in the manner they deem fit, and to be protected under the bill of rights. It was more than an American civil war; it was a revolution.

“For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth.” Psalms 47:2

“If you wouldst live long, live well; for folly and wickedness shorten life.”

Psalms 47:2 | Benjamin Franklin (1706-90)

This avenue of belief and pursuit of faith formed a contrary manner to those in power in the Church of England at the time. The people of the new land did not delude themselves to the dangers. Those who did keep their faith in this manner in the foreign country in which they found themselves formed the foundation of the new land. Believers are not of this world. They live in it but are pilgrims and foreigners who like Abraham sought a city. This city would be the city of Lord God and formed the hope of Abram and of any person who seeks truth. Thus, it was Grand Britain’s own church that had become the oppressor church. They did much to slay the innocent victims of the faith during the time of the pilgrim’s trip to this shore. In so doing, this lit a fire that to this day has not gone out. Little would they have guessed that not just one, but a second American civil war would occur.

The new band in a new land would look for help. To whom could they look for the solid fresh example of righteousness and truth in a nation? The nations were a composite of kingdoms ruled by selfish bloated egos and self-centered religious bigots. These nations had conspired with the Church of Rome to execute and destroy all vestiges of opposition. Then when the other church became so strong, the foe of the Catholic Church, the protestant as they became known, did what the Catholic Church had done. This church as well oppressed and crushed its opposition. It was then, in this nation, that became a particular nation. One that grew out of the Revolution in the beginning, one that was torn apart during our American civil war, and one that has had many troubles.

It is in this scene we find the pilgrims, coming with faith differing from the protestant of the English church. This new believer had been cast down and castigated for their way of life and belief. So it was that this group sought shelter at the shores of the Americas. Here they would learn the lessons from the past, and forge a new nation, a nation that would be destined to grow to staggering wealth, prominence, and power.

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people”

Proverbs 14:34 | in the example of America we have seen this true.

Today we can see that the nation of America has seen great revivals, multitudes of churches, denominations, pastors, evangelists, parishioners, and meetings. There were lots and lots of religious meetings. It is said in America, we who represent only about 20% of the world’s population, have 80% of the world’s pastors, churches, and bible seminaries.

Have we now come full circle? I mean, is this the end? We have been around the block; had a revolution, then our American civil war, more wars, fights, and then more troubles, only to come to this end. What is this end? I mean an end to the belief that this nation and the belief in God are one. They were in the beginning, and they should be today. Where else can our congressmen, representatives and even the President open their day in prayer, talk about prayer, and their faith, while at the same time disallowing prayer and that same talk in our schools. Where but here in America can we find that one lone person unhappy with the words “In God we trust” on our money and then try to have it taken off the bills?

Again, I refer to Benjamin Franklin who warned “Think of these things, whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account.” We must remember where we came from. Then we must ask ourselves where are we going? Do we want to make this country, which was the greatest nation on earth [so to speak] like unto some other country? What will it take to bring it back? Will a Second American civil war do the trick?

As we look around today, we see many nations in the grip of civil war. Currently our nation whose own history contains the bloody American civil war, has been in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Then there is Vietnam, the First and Second World wars, and the Korean war. Today we have bases and military stationed around the world. This is more than the Forefathers would have agreed too! We have simply lost, as citizens of America our voices being heard in Washington DC.

Then considering this, let us ask this question: To what country in the world do we want to liken ours to? In the beginning our forefathers could not find such a country to pattern it after. That is why today, our country is a Constitutional Republic not a democracy. A constitution was formed, based upon the Word of God. This was not a Theocracy, but the main idea was to take the principles lined in God’s word and make this the basis for a new nation. It worked then, why change it? These people who built our nation knew to whom they must give account [as is reflected in the warnings from scripture. But what if we don’t believe scripture anymore? What if we no longer look to the Lord God and our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ at all anymore? Will the fortunes of this nation change? They will and they have. God’s grace allows for a nation to repent. Jeremiah outlined Lord God’s covenant with nations in chapter 17.

“In the house of the righteous is much treasure: but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble.”

To make it more serious, in Proverbs 15:6 it says;

We have worked to change the format of this nation. Daily this country distances itself from a Godly heritage. We do not honor the principles based in God’s word. We dishonor the law of God beginning with the Ten Commandments. Just remove them, this will solve the problem. A wicked people do not like to be reminded of a Greater righteousness to which they will be judged one day. In short, much of America and its people dishonors such things. Today America faces the ‘revenues of the wicked.’

We have gone from these being the Ten Commandments to the Ten Suggestions. We have gone from believing God is the ‘King of all nations’ to thinking he is asleep or at least doesn’t care what we do. The fear of God and of His judgment is farther from our minds than it has ever been. Again, we find ourselves locked out of the rolling processes that are inevitably leading our nation into a conglomeration of nations called the new world order. Today, even more serious is the “Great Reset” which is moving through the nations. The goal is to solidify power, reducing the authority and power of the people. Is this what our Forefathers had in mind? No, not at all! Even this government and its agencies have called our Patriot forefathers ‘terrorists’. It is not good, but if they continue, the Second American civil war will arrive sooner than later. An American civil war which will not prosper but hinder, not one that will help but will kill. In short, devastation is ahead.

Great Reset is the global elite’s plan to instate a communist world order by abolishing private property while using COVID-19 to solve overpopulation and enslaving what remains of humanity with vaccines1.
COVID-19 virus provided an ‘opportunity for a reset … to re-imagine economic systems2.
Since the first quarter of 2020, we’ve already gotten a taste of what the Great Reset will mean for public health. It’s basically founded on the premise that we live in a biosecurity state, where these unelected ‘stakeholders’ decide what is best for us, regardless of how we feel about it3.

Ivan Wecke1 IBId see Open Democracy on3 | Trudeau of Canada2 | Ivan wecke, Open Democracy, Conspiracy Theories Aside, There is Something Fishy About the Great Reset et/ 3

Based upon these things and watching the daily events unfold, America is on her last leg in this journey. The inheritance will be forged in copper and rusty iron for our children. It will be our own fault.

They recovered from the first Civil war. The second one will bury America. We can surely track that our trouble has come since the sixty’s when the rebellion started to come mainstream. In the current year of 2021, we see the great reset being pushed by our congress and President. We have a large population in our nation who hates our beginning, hates patriots, and hates Christianity. The end comes soon, for this nation divided cannot long stand sure and certain.

Further, when this article was first published in 2005, we understood at that time that we could lay aside the pretense and realize what we have done. If you are hoping in America to survive, it won’t last as you have known it. Sure, there will always be people on the shores in this great country. The problem will be that life as we have known it, living as Americans in America a constitutional republic will cease to exist. Already we have been in a so called ‘American civil war’, a second American revolution for some time. Led by liberals, proactive loose moral anything goes individuals; the change is already taking place. Away with it all they cry, no more God, no more prayer, no more preaching in the streets, no more guilt for the way we live. They reason, America is great, she did not get that way by the hand of an unseen mean God who hates sin and pride.

The epitaph will read; “here lays America, she did not trust in the Lord God anymore.” In route to that epitaph will be another, “here lies a land that had not one but two American civil wars.”

The Watchman Dana G Smith 2005 | The second American Civil war was 1st published in 2005 and since has been republished several times.

Furthermore, as this takes on steam, it will lead full force into the Apocalypse. With America and her steamroller for help, the Anti-Christ will take over all nations. America will in fact be made impotent by the loss of the belief we have had in God for so many years. The church will stand by as it has since the sixties and let the loose moral ship in the harbor. The church will embrace with a new theology, the fornication and idolatry of the world. Now we will have believers, disciples who will stand up. God will always have a voice through His people, but they will suffer for their stand in Christ they take. This, my friend is the ‘Second American Revolution, the second American civil war’.

Eventually, this revolution will lead right into the deceptive arms of the smooth talking and captivating personage of the ‘false prophet’ who promotes the leader of the nations. This leader of the nations will arrive, and we know him by this description:

and then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivable ness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Thessalonians 2:8-12

America’s Second & Final Civil War Formerly the Second and Final American Civil War by the Watchman Dana G Smith. This was originally written in 2005, then published on our sites then. The site was attacked, and all info was lost. It was then republished by this title on our sites in 2006. It has been republished numerous times.

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America’s Second & Final Civil War by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.

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America’s Second & Final Civil War

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America’s Second & Final Civil War

“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11

America’s Second & Final Civil War

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About Dana Glenn Smith

Dana G Smith is an Author, blogger, Christian Writer, Radio Host, and publisher of media and website content. He specializes in fiction, News, website content articles, and christian content. Dana is also the Watchman and President of the WIBR/WARN Radio Ministries at
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One Response to America’s Second & Final Civil War

  1. George Sheehan says:

    Thanks Watchman…as a witness to the train wreck known as planet earth. I do recall the time that all of what you had on the web site, was crashed. And you had to toil, to fix the problem. Praise God for His help. You have described the epitaph we are all facing. Party on is the mantra of this hedonistic crowd. Full of their stiff necked pride. And yes, this will enable the steam roller to crush any opposition, to the implementation of their great reset. Only the Lord knows the exact time, but these are the last days. Our Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.

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