The Conversation: End of Day America
A conversation in Character about the End of Days in America

The Conversation: End of Day America
Looking out the window, the darkened sky was almost black. Warnings of bad weather funneled out of the local weather service. The notifications were popping up on my screen behind me as I gazed into the abyss of blackness which filled the sky. It was threatening. Hail, rain, tornado watches, and flood watches were all being warned about. Sounded like the end of days I thought. Suddenly I heard him speak. He had been quiet.
“It is just like the end of days, those threatening black clouds represent that which is coming to America” the voice said with confidence and a hint of threat.
“Oh, hi Prophet did not know you were here” I replied startled.
“He is right you know and as the author of Steel the Darkness you know very well what we face in this country”, the voice trailed off!
“Really Reverend, you’re here too?” I asked surprised. Now both of them were looking out the window at the coming horizon of blackness with all it’s threats. Both are characters in my new book Steel the Darkness. They fight the enemy which are those given to serve Lucifer and want to take down traditional America. Lucifer also makes an appearance in the book.
“Don’t forget me, a laughing devious voice reminded us all.” The Reverend, the Prophet both looked, and it was a shining Lucifer who stood there.
“You all know I will win this don’t you he laughed with an evil grin on his face?” Lucifer gazed out the window, then spoke again “That storm is child’s play people, what I will do to America and the world will shake the very Throne of the Almighty God who threw me out of heaven” he stopped.
The Prophet could take no more, his words were both authoritative and direct, saying “The Lord rebuke you Satan, your light Lucifer is deception and your goal is murderous, and your end is perdition”!
I could not get in a word as the Reverend spoke, “Amen Prophet and to that I add we shall overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony, and we will not love our lives unto the death”!
I heard the conversation and looked up as both the Rev and the Prophet stood toe to toe with Lucifer who was a sturdy build of over nine feet with glowing golden hair. Lucifer taken aback, turned to go immediately.
The room was silent. I looked to where the Reverend and Prophet had been. They were now gone. Then suddenly two voices filled the air, “don’t hesitate, you’re the author; now get on to book two, we must let the people know what is at stake”!
The morning air was chilly now as the storm had arrived and the blackness was now a torrent of rain and large hail hitting the roof and the grass outside. I sat watching it and sipped my morning coffee. “yep, book two in the series of the end of days America will be written. It is the Steel series and I will do it”!
The Conversation End of Day America is a post on the book Steel the Darkness. A Christian Mystery thriller that is set in current day America. Pick up a copy of the book. This book is written by Dana G Smith.
Steel the Darkness available worldwide through Ingram, ask your bookstore to order it in!
It also is found on Amazon!
Get the Book Steel the Darkness and read it. Leave a review on amazon for it. Then be ready for the next book in the series.
Get Steel the Darkness paperback here!
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The media and info page is on my writer’s site here!
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Thanks Watchman…and dealing with this adversary, victory can only come through our Lord…no other way…Amen.