“Showers of Blessings, this phrase is connected with the greatest end time prophecies of all time” In the context of this is also a paramount warning to the Shepherds today of the Lords Flock. A Journey into the time of Shepherds, Israel, and the Prophets. We also look at the today’s’ End Time Shepherds. While much has changed, many things have not! Sin is Sin and God is still on the Throne. Jesus [Yeshua] Christ is coming soon. We must understand that while trouble and tribulation persist today, the Showers of Blessings will also be an End time Harvest when we will be with the Lord.
“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Warn-USA.com Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
Showers of Blessings End Time Harvest
I looked out from the hills of the Sinai; it was early morning. The sun was shining crisp, clean, and a very bright yellow. It beaconed me to welcome in the day. It was a blessing to walk here, in these hills. Although there was not much, yet, in the arid landscape of what I saw before me I knew that history had laid claim to this area. Many peoples before me had walked this land, claimed it, and lived on it. Yet for this day, at this moment, it was a place where my foot was placed. For every foot that I now treaded was mine, For I had inherited it from the L-rd G-d of Israel. From the Sinai to the red sea, then onto the mount of olives and into the squares of the city, yes, I had arrived. The enemies had been vanquished, the Lord had come, and now here I was. Amidst the very places that it all started, in the place, the ground, the dirt, that bit of earth that the L-rd chose out of all places on this planet he could have chosen, yet he chose Jerusalem.
Showers of Blessings and End time Shepherds the arena of blessing and hope!
Well, as you know that I am not in Jerusalem, but the above paragraph is one where in my morning scripture reading, study, and meditation I pictured myself in. That arena of the blessing, during the Lamb, his throne, now being filled by the Son of David. The millennium having been started; it was all behind us i.e. the great tribulation. Now, here I was, with my family, and many others I might add. They too, finding themselves there, in this place of blessing. Where blood had been spilled for centuries, now the land cleansed, it is blooming and the blessings flow out of the ground, down from the sky, and in the air. Indeed, showers of blessings, so much so you could not contain it.
For Israel it started centuries ago, but it really ended when they no longer listened to the Lord God nor repented. I know in the church today we get hard on Israel wondering why they did what they did. After all many of us think, we would not do that. But in fact, today, the church in America is doing that very thing and according to Paul in 2 Thessalonians can be attributed to the great falling away. Even as many scholars try to discredit this interpretation saying it doesn’t mean that at all, in the end, however you explain it away the fact is true.
That fact is that the church today is indeed lukewarm, fallen away from the traditional apostolic doctrines. With this they have shred the gospel, the fact of the Jewish savior, feasts, Sabbaths, and more. They have gone their own way, their own shepherds leading the way. They have in fact created a Jesus that is not Jewish, does not keep the feasts, has no idea of the Sabbath, and is gentile. Of course, all this again is purely man-made whitewash and anti-Jewish sentiment dating back to Constantine and his mother when in fact the ban was on Christians forbidding them to keep the Sabbath or feasts as many early Christians did then. If one were to look at what happened to Israel and then look at our churches today, it all stemmed from the shepherds over the flock.
In Israel’s day it was attributed to the King. His duty was to see the flock of Israel fed, clothed, kept safe from enemies. His duty also was to serve the Lord God and keep idols out of the land. Then there was the prophet or the mouthpiece of the Lord. He was to warn, exhort, and give word directly from the throne room of God to the King and Priests. It was their duty to see to it that all this was carried out. The Priests were the daily ministering agents of the Lord. Keeping the flock, the temple, and even the Lord’s work in the process. The trouble was they did not do this. Over time they became given over to money, greed, bloodshed, lust, idols, false g-ds, and more. So much so they were sent prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others to warn them. They did not listen and thus they were cast out of the land. Ezekiel gives a picture of this:
Showers of Blessings and Endtime Shepherds Land defiled by their own way and by their own doings: it was uncleanness
Today through these same prophets we can address many sins of the church. For though these prophets spoke to Israel, yet they will speak to the church, the pastor, the prophet, and the everyday believer. The sins, idolatries, and rebellion Israel did by not listening is found in the secular carnal church that is in the world today. They have religion, yet they don’t have the presence, power, or glory of God. They have in fact done as Israel has done and more so. For these have had more knowledge, more revelation, and the Messiah, yet for all this they go out of their way to sin and twist the word of God. Again, we can make note of the church today not keeping Torah, Sabbath’s, feasts, the commandments of G-d, and even the faith and testimony of Jesus. Hard you say. Well, this is the prophets speaking. For their words bear hard upon the church today and warns the church that when they face the Lord, they will face his light which reveals all truth and hidden secrets. The church and their leaders will not be able to disguise their sins in the plethora of religiosity that we now cloak it with.
To Israel the prophet Ezekiel spoke of the shepherds of Israel. Here meaning the king, prophet, and priest. Those who were set in charge to keep the Lords flock from scattering. Yet in her history Kings and Queens like Ahab and Jezebel did the opposite and in the process Israel strayed. So too, we find America and those who are set in charge of many denominations, including those overseas, all of which have led the flock in the way they think it should go. Christianity has flourished in the postmodern world, and we have become experts in professional religiosity, professional corporations, pastors who are corporate presidents, and boards of directors who oversee the multi-million-dollar operations.
It is all slick, nice looking, and professional. We have doctors, lawyers, professionals of all types, sociologists, and psychiatrists all who are ready to help the flock. We have slick music times, slide shows, youth nights, women nights, men nights, and more. We are rich, think we have all the answers, and in many cases need nothing, especially spiritual. Why? We think we have it all! The truth is, if you need healing, deliverance, and the power of the Spirit; it is not there. Christians today are sickened with heart attacks, diabetes, ulcers, cancer ridden, and die. The professionals in the church can only help if the knowledge they have as a doctor, sociologist, psychiatrist, or a PHD in Religion can help them. When man can do no more, the patient usually dies.
The real judgment will fall on the heads of those appointed to leadership roles in what we call the church today. All their myriads of denominations, all their doctrines, and teachings of men. All of it will come under scrutiny and judgment of the Lord of the church. Why? Because they have not done right before the Lord! Here is Ezekiel’s warning to Israel! Read it. Today we find indeed a wandering, scattered diseased ridden, devil infiltrated flock and church. This flock is not ready for the storm that is coming! Add to this the thousands of separate man-made denominations and you have a glimpse of what man-made Christianity has done to the truth of the Word of God. Yet for all this they will not listen. Just as Israel turned on the prophets who spoke the truth, so too will these in the modern Christian churches turn on those who walk in the ways of the L-rd.
Shepherds Prophesy against the Shepherds
“I will deliver my flock from their [shepherd’s] mouth, Ezekiel 34:10 KJV.” Tough? You bet, but their sin was intolerable! Who are those that walk in the Lord’s ways, keeping his word as his disciples? These are those who keep the ‘commandments of God and the faith and testimony of Yeshua, Jesus.’ These are those who overcame by the blood of the Lamb, their word of testimony, and love not their lives unto the death.’ [Find all these in Revelation]. It is to all these shepherds, both political and religious, leaders of all stripes here I address, listen close, by word of the prophet do I speak. I write his words, the Word of the Lord, who tells you this: “Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves anymore; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.” Yes, you will see the day in America that G-d will deliver his people from the mouth and greed of these shepherds and leaders. All who do these things in his Name, yet they do not know him.
Yet this word goes further. The Lord as a shepherd will seek out his flock and deliver them. He will deliver them out of all the nations where they have been scattered. Here we find that the prophet speaks of Israel being gathered. For those in the churches today, this too is relevant, for in the Lord is the ‘stick of Ephraim’ and the ‘stick of Judah’, together they shall be one stick in the Lord’s hand. Out of Ephraim you will find that the gentiles come out of this line. Yet again, scripture speaks that there shall neither be ‘Jew or gentile, male or female, but all one in Christ Jesus.’ Today, though, this word from the Prophet and the word given to you is that the Lord commands us to come out of ‘her my people’. We are to be separate, saith the Lord. We will be gathered and brought into that place. That one place in the Lord, where is safety.
I will both search my sheep and seek them out saith the Lord.
Below is a final portion of scripture from Ezekiel 34. The phrase ‘showers of Blessings’ is found here. The Gentile churches have sung “there shall be showers of blessings” since I was a kid and before. They adapted, took it, nurtured it, and did not relate that this specific phrase has much to do with end time prophecy, Israel, and the gentiles in the largest re gathering of its kind ever seen. It is tied with Israel, the gathering of the flock of the Lord to Israel, and ‘my servant David a prince among them.’ This is all end time prophecy. My servant David a prince, is our Messiah Yeshua [Jesus Christ] who gave his blood and life on calvary, was resurrected from the dead, seen alive with many infallible proofs, and ascended to the right hand of the Lord God Almighty, our Father. There he ever lives to make intercession for us. The rest of this is prophecy to be fulfilled in the times in which this generation lives’
My Servant David
This is the millennium, the restoration of all things, the rule of the Son of David, Son of Joseph, Son of G-d on the throne of David, the temple, and the millennium. In this we also find Israel brought back, restored for ‘his names sake’.
For Mine Holy Name’s Sake
Therefore, say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.
Ezek 36:20 | Showers of Blessings End Time Harvest
We are here because of the Lord, the Son of David, our Savior who saved us. In the end of it all, those gathered will be only those who are “circumcised of the heart” by the Spirit of God. Here Ezekiel says “I will sprinkle clean water upon you, ye shall be clean from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments and do them.”
I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all countries”
In conclusion: these prophecies target the gathering of Israel back to the “land the L-rd G-d gave their forefathers.” The church and many scholars separate this from the gentiles. So much so we have a gentile Jesus and a Jewish Yeshua for the Jews. We have gentile Sabbaths, gentile feasts, gentile salvation, and gentile understanding of it all. Then we also have the Jewish Sabbaths, feasts, and the Apostles who kept these as well. We don’t have both, even though today it is that way. There will be one Lord, and one Israel. Yet all called the Commonwealth of Israel, both Jew and gentile, male and female, in Christ Jesus.
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Warning Nations ~ Preparing Generations
Showers of Blessings End Time Harvest by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith. The Warn Radio shows are Hosted by the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower who is co-host.| WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
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Showers of Blessings End Time Harvest
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Showers of Blessings End Time Harvest
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Showers of Blessings End Time Harvest
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Showers of Blessings End Time Harvest
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