Bloodguilt I Cain Kill Abel. We focus on Bloodguilt which is a word that is not discussed much. Plain in simple we can find an example of it. Biblically I speak of Cain who slew his brother Abel. Abel’s works were more righteous than Cain’s. In a rage one brother slew the other one. This is relevant in our nation and around the world. People are in raged from social media to the political lawmaking bodies of nations. We find rage over political agendas, social agendas, religion, prophecies, drugs, jalousies, and much more. Perilous times warned about by the Apostle Paul has engulfed the world. One example for America is our divisive political agendas. Currently in America there is war going on as to whether America shall stand as our constitution has been established or allow Social Marxists to take it apart. The trouble with all this is that the murder rates are up, illegal entry an all-time high, and drugs flowing into our country at an all-time high. These are just a few of the issues. Be sure that the rise of Bloodguilt in this nation as also risen exponentially.

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”
“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith
WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
Blood Guilt I Cain Kill Abel
Recently I saw several news stories about all the murders in Chicago. This city is infamous for Capone, and it looks like it still has his bloody imprint and murderous spirit abounding in it. Today many live in a bubble far from the madness around them. Yes, they know what is going on, but they ignore it. But not all do this. We have a sizeable portion of radicalized young people who have sided with Marxist ideals, socialist goals, open border globalism, and openly hate America. However, although this goes on, we all have the same thing before us. As humans it stands as a road sign of how we live our lives. This is Choice. Cain had one and so did Abel. Abel according to Hebrews chose Faith. He utilized his faith as he offered his sacrifice to God. He believed in this God and that this God would personally accept what he was doing in this sacrifice. Abel had a heart and soul targeting the Lord God. While he sacrificed to God, he had another sacrifice inside and through his actions. This was his faith and belief that the Lord would accept what he did.
By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.
Heb 11:4 KJV | Blood Guilt – I Cain Kill Abel
Thus, Abel in his actions sacrificed to the Lord and in his heart, he believed God. Here are two sacrifices, one overt in the sacrifice the other inward in his heart towards God. The inward work towards God is today a redeeming aspect of our faith. Cain, however, did not have faith. It is not that Cain did a lot wrong, not at all. Cain had given a sacrifice, but he did not have faith as his brother. Cain worked hard and yet was not fully tuned into the God of all creation. Further, Abel brought the ‘fattest firstlings of his flock, the best that he could bring’ so says Keil & Delitzsch on this subject. Scripture says so and it is surely evident that Abel just did not bring any old portion. But he gave the very finest, the very fattest, and the very first portion. This is first fruits offering here.
A large part of the crimes of the earth have been caused, as in the murder of Abel, by the want of brotherly love. Nothing but love would be necessary to put an end to the crimes, and consequently to a large part of the misery, of the world. -Albert Barnes, Commentary 1st John 3:12
Albert Barnes Commentary on 1st John 3:12 KJV | Blood Guilt – I Cain Kill Abel
Yet the Law had not been given. Abel gave the best he could to the Lord and this action with his faith was evident in what he gave. Yet Cain only brought fruit from the ground, not the finest nor the first fruits of his garden. The Lord looked upon Abel’s offering and accepted it. Cain saw the difference here and was mad. The Lord asked him to the effect as to “Why he was mad”? Further the Lord asked Cain that “if he did well would he not be accepted”? The answer is of course he would, the Lord is no respecter of persons here. But the Lord also warned this indifferent brother that if “he did not do well” then “sin lieth at the door”!
And the LORD said unto Cain, why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him
Genesis 4:3-10 KJV context | Above verses 6-7 | Blood Guilt – I Cain Kill Abel
Here it is clear that Cain paid no mind to what he was told. Jealousy rose upside the brother and then this turned to hate, which in turn moved him to cold blooded murder. Further when Cain killed his brother and the Lord asked him about it, Cain lied and denied he knew where Abel was saying ‘Am I my brothers’ keeper?” Indeed, Abel and Cain were brothers and as such they were each other’s keeper. You look out for those you love, no matter what! But the Lord told Abel that the innocent blood of Cain cried out from the ground!
For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brothers righteous.
1st John 3:11-12 KJV | Blood Guilt – I Cain Kill Abel
Cain represents the wickedness, stubbornness, pride, and evil ever present along with a choice of what to do with it. As man can have goodness and faith as Abel, he also can do evil and be unbelieving as Cain. This is the choice today. We have murders that have no equal in our largest cities. Not just Chicago either! We have a division of jealousy, hatred, and disgust spewed out on social media 24-7, in the news, on Radio and Television, and on websites. It never ends! We know no good thing to say it seems. Exceedingly rare are those who try to heal and bind the injurious hate. We have gangs like Antifa and other socialist gangs who stand off against any Patriots, Constitutionalists, Republican conservatives, or anyone who disagrees with them. Everyone it seems is either caught up in this hate and jealousy by practicing the same or they simply ignore it. But in all this, the true test is manifesting who you are! Find the consequences of these choices, read Revelation Chapter Twenty-two.
He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
1st John 3:8-10 KJV | Blood Guilt – I Cain Kill Abel
Today Christians are in this test, and it will not go away. Just as Cain and Abel, Christians around the world meet the fate they live with. If in Pakistan Christians are the enemy and many times wind up dead or in prison or in bondage. In Turkey just being Christian and giving away food, clothing, and bibles can get you sentenced to life in prison. Iran is the same way, not too long ago an entire Iranian church of Christians was thrown in prison. So, while you are complaining of how bad it is in America; your brethren in Christ overseas are finding themselves in a worse predicament. But many Christians in the comfortable west do not consider these things; this is my opinion here. If more cared, as if more churches really cared then Christians by the tens of thousands would be demonstrating against such abuse.
“A Christian couple have reported that a court in Boushehr has just sentenced them & 10 other Iranian Christians to one year in prison each for ‘Propagating against the Islamic Republic in favor of Christianity.‘
CBN This group of Christian converts was arrested on April 7, 2015, | Blood Guilt – I Cain Kill Abel
But in the news, I personally find very few stories from Christians and churches who stand up in this way. Sure, I find many ministries and non-profits who do stand up, contact congress, and urge action on Christian persecution. But other than these, nothing is said. I read lots of news headlines, stories, and you can be sure that I would notice such things. Over two decades now of doing end time ministry I found the church silent, comfortable, and going about their own business. But the truth is that as Christians we are of God and as 1st John 3:8 KJV says, “the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil”! This verse gives clear distinction between evil and righteousness. If as a Christian we do not follow righteousness and fail to love our brother, then we are not of God no matter what church we attend or what we say. The entire world “Lieth in wickedness” John says further in his first epistle chapter five and verse nineteen KJV. We who live as believers can truly attest to this wickedness and in America, I can say it is the worse it has ever been. This nation is headed for hell, and we are seeing this nation descend into hell faster than you can comprehend.
And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.
1st John 5:19-20 KJV | Blood Guilt – I Cain Kill Abel
A Prophetic Word for those who have ears to hear!
Blood Guilt – Cain was a murderer and wicked and faithless from the beginning. Abel was righteous and suffered at the hands of the cold-blooded murderer who took his life. Any life as Cain who has been murdered and resulting blood shed is called Bloodguilt. Something I have taught on for many years. When this occurs in a land, the blood defiles the land. Things get worse if left unchecked. Eventually those in the land are spewed out by the curse on the land from this. Be warned America! Know this that anyone who murders others are ensuring that the curse will strike the land where they live. In this nation, murders, and bloodshed as this will ensure that one day America will absolutely and completely cease to exist.
America will cease to exist if division and hate towards our brother is ongoing. In addition, within the church we are commanded to love one another. The division of the church and the loveless Christians for one another will also bring judgment to the church.
Woe unto thee oh harlot for thy sins have found thee out! Woe unto thee oh America for thy sins have reached the throne of God and his hand is against thy wickedness. He will breach thy borders, kill thy sons, and take thy life for this rebellion. The righteousness and judgment of the Lord will do this. For the fire shall cause thee to run and when thou flee; the pit shall arise to catch thee. When you scramble out of the pit, you shall be captured in your own vanity. Woe unto the person who will not repent but walks in his own pride and wickedness.
God’s grace and forgiveness is before you, but this gift will not always be there! Repent today!
Know this oh Nations of men, you will stand at judgment with the Lord God of the nations, America will not be the only one judged so harshly!
Word of Warning from the unspoken word given to me at this moment of writing. Aug 16; 2018 Dana G Smith the Watchman Is 21: 6 | Blood Guilt – I Cain Kill Abel
7 Prophetic End time truths to live by today!
- For believers in Jesus Christ our Lord and to the elect of God through his mercy, the shed blood of Christ, the blood of the atonement, and the redemption to which we hope for; let us attain to that calling.
- We are to focus on the Lord, walk in his grace, live in his grace for it is enough for us. His grace [favor] will sustain us in the darkest hours and his Spirit will be with us.
- Look to him as the one in whom you will dwell, abiding in him as it tells us in John chapter 15.
- We have overcome the wicked one by the “blood of the Lamb, the Word of our testimony, and we love not our lives unto the death” -Rev 12:11
- Turn too and look unto him for the days come when all that is written will be fulfilled.
- We are living in the end of days and in America the end could happen at any moment and there are many all too willing to make sure this occurs.
- God is not willing that any should perish, therefore he sent His only begotten Son. But many will not come to the light for they love darkness more. Therefore, we are the light and the testimony of Jesus Christ to this world. [read John 3:14-21 for the full context]
And he said, what hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.
Cain Slew Abel context found in Genesis chapter four, verses 3-10 | Above is Genesis 4:10 KJV | Bloodguilt I Cain Kill Abel
Bloodguilt I Cain Kill Abel by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith and Tower | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An Indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
Bloodguilt I Cain Kill Abel
The Work and Ministry of the WIBR/WARN Radio is about: The Testimony of Jesus Christ, Through the faith of Jesus Christ; By the Mercy of God our Father through His Grace extended, flowing from the Love of God to all People everywhere; Commanding everyone to Repent!
Bloodguilt I Cain Kill Abel
Warning Nations ~ Preparing Generations
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Bloodguilt I Cain Kill Abel
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
Bloodguilt I Cain Kill Abel
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Thanks Watchman…America is devolving into hell, rapidly. The haters, with their stiff necked pride, refuse to listen to anything that violates their ideology. They refuse to listen, they refuse to repent, and now we have blood guilt in America. The Lord is watching all of this, and the end is soon. But the remnant will stay faithful to the Lord. Our Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.