Prophets Burden -The prophets spoke the light of God with his truth. But the truth had fallen, his prophets were full of wind. That which was to be the light of God had become the dwelling place of Baal. Thus, Isaiah was given the Burden of the Valley of Vision. The Prophets were to be God’s mouthpiece, but it failed to transpire. So, God sent Prophets that knew him to bring the Word to a people whose own prophets failed. This is a type and a warning for the people of God and the Church today. Therefore, God sent other prophets. These men were different, for they knew the God of Gods.
Month: January 2025
Finding Grace in Time of Need
Finding Grace, forward to article: There is no doubt in perilous times we need God’s grace and guidance to help us in our journey in these dangerous prophetic ends of days.
God’s Word of Light for All
God’s Word of Light forward to article. Those who are hungry for #truth, for #redemption, and #forgiveness can find #hope in the Light of #GodsWord.
Building the High Places
A biblical and prophetic warning for a modern age! Building the High Places brings in Israel of old and looking forward to the time of the end. There is Grace, Forgiveness and Restoration. Yet the nations today maintain their own High places Amidst the Harlot Church today. To those Christians that are Truly born Again and serving the Lord Keep your eye and heart on the Lord. I address both the church and the Nations of men. The Lord Comes and with Him he will bring judgment, justice, and redemption
Faith Words Spring of Life
Faith Words come from a Spring of life, everlasting water. Faith words do not come from a dry well. Faith Words, “Dig your well, and again I say dig your well. Let it not be a dry hole, but a well full of water unto everlasting life”. My friends this article is not about polishing your faith for obtaining cars, houses, money, debt relief, or another related item. This is about that faith which will save your life.
Believers #Endtime #Faith Introduction Pt1
Believers Endtime Faith arrives with Part one. Today, you could say that many believe we are in the last times, or the #endofdays. That time leading to many #prophetic events as well as, #wars, #cataclysmic #weatherchanges, and the rise of the #manofSin commonly called the ‘#SonofPerdition’ or the ‘#Antichrist’.
Noah Found Grace – In these days of the end, our Lord warned to not be deceived. It is paramount to understanding the last days. Yet, in these last days the Lord Jesus Christ reminded us that these days would be like unto the Days of Noe.
America, We Have Piped You Have Not Danced!
America, We Have Piped You Have Not Danced! Herein lay wisdom and a warning directed at America and her generations. Wisdom, Jesus said “is justified of her children”. Today more than ever there is a way out to find Truth, Freedom, and healing directly from our Lord. Do not pass these words and this article by.