The Lucifer Project group
The Lucifer Project Group, a Conspiracy or is it yet real and behind the scenes. Learn now as a black ops sniper at a remnant patriot meeting in America discusses some issues about the behind the scene goings on in the government. It is another line which is dealt with in the book Steel the Darkness.

“I often note with equal pleasure that God gave this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in manners and customs, who by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side through a long bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.” –John Jay, Federalist No. 2, 1787
Mac sat for a moment and looked at the group. They were patriots from all over America. Many were veterans and well-worn fighters. Some were atheists, others were Christians, and still others just concerned citizens. Well, here they were, and this nutty preacher had them all paying attention. It is certain he is serious. Mac thought a moment about what he was going to say. Soon he would be next to address the group and what he had to say would scare the bejesus out of them.
Continue on to read more on the Lucifer Project
The Lucifer Project Group

All eyes held fast attention as the Rev waved his arms in ecstatic gestures. The Reverend continued and held rapt attention as he spoke in a serious and convincing tone “But we will defend ourselves. Need I remind anyone here that if Israel did not defend herself there would be no Jews in the Holy Land today? When they did not defend themselves, they died, as in Hitler’s camps. Now another has come, he looks like Hitler, and he is Hitler for all intents, for war and bloodshed is in his heart. His allegiance is to the God of this world. He works for what we call the Lucifer Project. However, they have many projects; but only one Goal. This Colonel is the Hitleresque nightmare we are fighting.” The Rev stopped for a moment and looked at the eyes of those who were watching him. Nodding in agreement while some said amen it sounded more like a church service than a gathering of remnant patriots who were devoted to defend family, friends, and country.
“My friends” the Rev continued; “We have here someone who came out of the death throes of the enemy’s camp. He is here to let us know the depth of what we are up against. I am honored to have him here as a friend and compatriot.” Motioning to Mac, he saw the hardened soldier was having a tough time adjusting to the surroundings.
At the microphone, a battle-hardened black ops sniper looked more uncomfortable than ever as he stepped up where the Rev stood waiting for him. Usually those who spoke did so with ease and looked like they enjoyed being front and center.
Mac looked around and came close to the mic. “Hello everyone, I am new to your group; but I am not new to the Colonel or his kind. The battles we face are ones that mean life and death to many people. It is not just the death of the USA, but of many of our allies and the people within their borders.
The plans for takeover are global, starting with America.
This is a secretive group that was established before our nation was yet ten years old, a group formed to bring about a coup in this nation.
But at that time, they could not finish it, they kept secret and those within became extraordinarily rich and powerful.
They worked to change the country from within and it was not until the 21st century that they had made enough headway to take over.
Their power and heritage passed from Father to son, lineage to lineage, and generation to generation.
They have succeeded in putting people in high places. They have connections from Pentagon to Wall Street to the Federal Reserve and the World Bank. They employ only the professional cold-blooded killer. They have carried out a covert war of intrigue and assassinations for many years. Remember President Kennedy, it was not Harvey Oswald alone or Jack Ruby by himself who killed the leader of the nation. It was a black ops hit and planned from within the confines of this group. It is this group which the Colonel works for.”
Read all about this secret conspiracy and what happens to the Reverend, the patriots, and Mac.
Yes, there are many Conspiracies, but the Conspiracy behind the Conspiracies is what Steel the Darkness is all about.
Meet the Guardians who work in secrecy and yet live out in the open. The Lucifer Project Group is but one aspect!
You never know who your neighbor really is!

Get the Book Steel the Darkness and read it. Leave a review on amazon for it. Then be ready for the next book in the series.
We are taking names and ideas from people like you along the way.
But that is another post in this series.
Get Steel the Darkness paperback here!
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The media and info page is on my writer’s site here!
Read all the special Book posts regarding Steel the Darkness and get the Book for your library. [partial list]
1. The Conspiracy behind the Conspiracies
2. No Classification conspiracy beyond the Conspiracy
Thanks for reading this, enjoy the journey! Seek the Lord.
Mr. Dana Glenn Smith Author Steel the Darkness
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Thanks Watchman…half way done with Steel The Darkness…great read! That Col. Schmidt is one evil man, purely driven by hate/pride/power lust. Lucifer himself makes an appearance for the elite brothers of darkness, in level 13.
All of these elitists sold their souls to this devil long ago, and expect to be seated in high places when he takes control of earth. Mac has a lot of conflicting emotions, having worked for the Col. in the past. And these black ops projects, used to further their goal, while deluding humanity…and this is all going on now, in real life. Very troubling, but it is a comfort to be faithfully following the Lord. The Lord’s peace to you and Tower…Amen.
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