And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
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Watchman Psalms
- Preparation; Time of the End Approaches!This is an article which includes two Psalms of the Watchman, which are Preparation for the Time of the End. This is unique writing and was written with experienced and well tested words. You will find within this writing, the WORD of God! The Time of the End Approaches brings us to the arena of the Valley of Decision and the Redemption of the Righteous. Herein describes the eternal truth that what a person does will ultimately find themselves examined on the day of Judgment. However, it is also true that many ignore this event, especially the young. Continue reading →
- Awaken to the Sound of the Trumpet!Awaken to the Sound of the Trump. Choose You this Day, whom will you serve? The Lord, the Christ of God, Yeshua HaMassiach, is the Almighty! Today through Christ Jesus and the Atonement he fulfilled Salvation for all! Indeed, it was Redemption by His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection that gave hope to all mankind. He did not come to destroy the law but fulfill it. It is here that both Jew and Gentile can come unto the Lord. There is a relationship to be completed with our Lord and God and our Savior, redeemer, and Jesus, Yeshua, Christ our Lord. Awaken to the Sound of the Trumpet, By Dana G Smith. This psalm contains three prophetic and very direct warnings of the coming of the Lord, the corrupt state of man, and the call to repent and come to the Lord Continue reading →
- The LORD, the King of GloryThe LORD, the King of Glory reminds us that those who are Christ’s chosen will obey His Word, have His Spirit, and confess their sins. These walk in the Light as Christ is the Light and also does Walk in the Light of God. We have hope beyond this world, the nations of men, politics, wars, hate, fighting, and the lusts of men and women. In the midst of a lost world we are as followers of Christ Jesus the Salt of the earth and the Light of Christ bring Hope to all men Continue reading →
- Hear the Thunder, Death of InnocenceHear the Thunder of Judgment and understand the death of the innocent, the shedding of the blood of mine elect, those in whom I am well pleased. Yet fear the sound of the Thunder of coming Judgment for you have spilled, delighted in, and covered your souls in the blood of the innocent ones. For you have killed babes, to wash yourselves in iniquity as you sacrifice and wash yourselves in their blood. Woe unto these, the nations of men, the corruptors, and those who plot to do evil. Continue reading →
- Consolation Psalm – Who Will You ServeAs this Psalm points out, many nations have forgotten the Lord God their maker. These have also turned to other gods, which are many. Within this are idols, these are those things that attract many today. Fame and fortune is an idol, it’s riches are stuff legends are made of. True riches are found in serving the Lord by walking in His ways and distributing love, compassion, and service to those in need around you. Choose on this day who will you serve. Will you serve your fleshly lusts and pride, or the Lord! Continue reading →
- Ageless the Footprint of ManAgeless the Footprint of Man & the Psalm Footprint follow article! Yes, it was in the beginning that God, brought forth the earth, the heavens, and all that therein is. It was this sovereign, just, and true God, whom then was known yet unknown. For when man first came out of the earth, so God formed man, then woman afterwards. Thus, the relationship began between God and man. It is a straightforward look at the application of the human race. Continue reading →
- End of Days Nemesis PsalmEnd of Days Nemesis is a Psalm written by Dana G Smith. It is Prophetic, and looks at the battle of the Saints against their Nemesis. It is set in traditional poetic form of a Psalm and brings you into this battle in the end of days. The Word of God, the Sword of the Lord, Faith, Atonement, and the Lord Jesus Christ helps you to know what this Psalm is all about and the message to all readers of it. Continue reading →
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Faith & Testimony of Jesus Christ!
- Fourth Estate, Fake News, and DeceptionThe Fourth Estate, have you heard of it? Be sure with Fake News facts are an unknown today. It is the Fourth Estate that has taken center stage today in America. Our best reality of American Fourth Estate is the tech power found in digital news, websites, social media, and their connection to Hollywood. Even today we find the constant battle between the giants of social media and the major left wing news channels. We saw the thwarting of Christian messages, political messages, and news. The liberals have set themselves up as judges in this new Fourth Estate and have become in themselves powerhouses of the art of banning individuals or companies who cross them. Continue reading →
- AMERICAN DISCONTENT: FAITH AND FRAGILITYAmerican Discontent -Fragility or Frailty is instability or weakness; Faith is trust, confidence, and belief. The one represents the human condition, soul, flesh, which is confronted daily by the pressures of the world. Continue reading →
- Occupy till I Come and be FaithfulOccupy till I come reflects the readiness of those who are Christians. The real question is this one. Are Christians aware of what is going on? Today, where people are so caught up on daily events it is easy to be caught off guard. It is truly something to behold when we spend so much time in our own little worlds, we have no clue as to what is going on. Further, we allow the rampant fake news to inform us. Whether it is true or not, people will sit there and soothed into unconsciousness. Numbed to it all, especially any warning of a new Kingdom Come of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to Occupy till the Lord returns, and we are required to be faithful. Continue reading →
- Preparation; Time of the End Approaches!This is an article which includes two Psalms of the Watchman, which are Preparation for the Time of the End. This is unique writing and was written with experienced and well tested words. You will find within this writing, the WORD of God! The Time of the End Approaches brings us to the arena of the Valley of Decision and the Redemption of the Righteous. Herein describes the eternal truth that what a person does will ultimately find themselves examined on the day of Judgment. However, it is also true that many ignore this event, especially the young. Continue reading →
- Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?Is this America's Destiny, Decline, Demise? America's destiny is assured in the table of history. The truth may not be welcomed, but today as we look at the turmoil in the world, the truth of the biblical end of days is proving its prophetic warnings. Today China is rising above all nations, while Putin's Russia is joined at the arms hip with China. The danger for free people worldwide is evident. Continue reading →
- American Immoral MorassAmerican Immoral Morass discusses the issue important to #America. Immoral is an adjective here. We can understand this in a #biblicalsense. While Immoral or moral is not found in the #bible, #morality is defined #biblically with #sin, #lawofGod, and #scripture itself brings this out. To be moral or walk in morality is one option that people choose daily. Immorality or being immoral is another option they can choose. When using immoral or moral terms it is in a broad sense of being moral or immoral. The standards are connected to the general or #traditionally held #moral #principles of a #society. Continue reading →
- Judgment America & the NationsJudgment America is not alone, here we find the nations of men lining up for the momentous day of the Lord. Already it can be well said that the lawlessness the Apostle Paul spoke about is in full bloom in America and elsewhere. Join us as journey into the end of days and modern society. A place where to find truth, you must seek it. Today if pay attention the prophetic end days are upon us. But during this we must live and care for our loved ones. Today, like no other time, the current shaking of nations is evident. Continue reading →
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Samuel Adams
"It does not take a majority to prevail...but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."
Ronald Reagan
"If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth."Meta
America Uncovered Truth Unveiled
America Uncovered Truth Unveiled points to the struggle in nations. As Psalm two in the KJV asks “why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? Today the world of men and nations rage while at the same time imagining things that are useless or vain. One of these is pure rebellion against the Lord and his anointed. It is true “Nothing shall be hidden but all will be revealed. Our sins have already found us out!” This includes every man, woman, and child. But the egregious sins of government and its officials who willingly lie, plot, and work to overthrow justice lay before us in full view. No matter what our society does, the laws that are passed, and the evil which society accepts as normal; surely the truth will reveal it all.
America Uncovered Truth Unveiled
While we mention Biden, Obama, Trump, Clintons; One of this is now in the oval office. The others have been the President of this nation in time past. However, the sins of this nation are not theirs to bear alone. Obama knew that to obtain his goal in America he had to flood a nation with third world refugees who were used to dictators and loss of rights. They would vote democratic. They would tolerate a socialist America. However American citizens who had deep roots in this nation would not put up with this. That is the division today. We have seen that President Trump was the Lion that the people poked with a stick. Until he got fed up and ran for the Presidency to change America back to its true form.
This is the battle, and this post brings us back to the real problem and the impeachment that dogged President Trumps first term. It was not about justice; it is about removing anyone standing in the way of the new globalist socialist America. Further, Obama had appointed many who would follow his plan. These were embedded within government to help guide this nation into an open border, socialist state. Hillary winning would have continued Obama’s plan. When Donald Trump won, this stopped the process. All efforts were then engaged to remove both Him and VP Pence. It is out of history that we find names that today are involved in the impeachment. These people had past connections to Obama. While I do not list them all, one is prominent. One who was fully involved in the impeachment attempt.
America Uncovered Truth Unveiled
In history past I now mention a certain November that at the time would confirm inevitable occurring. This election cycle would be over until the next one. Many can give a great ‘sigh of relief’ here. The election brought to the forefront an election process with the Trump machine and the Hillery push with ‘Billy I never had sex with that woman’ Clinton at her side eyeing the White House.
At that time, I would read the headlines, perusing information for our shows; the up and down of this election was evident. One day Trump or one week Trump is doing awful; then suddenly, the liberal media who pushed Hillary suddenly started reporting that Trump was doing better. When that election cycle was finished, the Lion Trump had won. It began four years of a presidential cycle that will go down in history as the most progressive agenda to change back America from what the former President did. All the while a liberal democratic elected agenda developed to stop Trump at all costs, which also failed. The outcome of the following election the entire world knows about. The result of that election is also a subject known worldwide.
However, in all this one thing is sure; a different process has been going on since 9-11. Nothing has been the same in America since 9-11, that is for sure. We have seen ongoing wars against terror while at home the polarizing of the people is evident. It is this polarizing that we continue to see in current elections that separates everything into agendas. The Black Lives Matter agenda, the elitist Republican agenda, the so-called white conservative republican agenda, the leftist liberal agenda, and more. There is no solid American constitutional agenda! Except in the hearts of true patriots.
While we mentioned the leftist liberal agenda it is not clear enough now. I now redefine the main leftist liberal agenda. When discussing this don’t forget the billions of dollars of leftist billionaires who support these causes. Do these money providers care at all about the agendas? I say no! The billionaires only care about their own selfish bigoted assumptions and goals. As in some who clearly want this nation destroyed. Then we have the agendas of the democrat, the independent, plus the agendas in reference to the sexes and here it’s not just men and women, but others. It is the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, and queer agenda as well. Then we have the Muslim agenda, the Christian agenda, and the Mexican radical agendas.
In our elections and in the White House we have seen a myriad of fiasco’s going on. The biggest of which was the eight years of President Obama doing as he pleases and mandating rules, regulations, and signing into laws; thus, by his actions congress has no say so. In this neck of the woods Obama’s policies caused undo harm to our economic and other realities. The coal industry was shuttered, companies bankrupt; all the while the carbon crunchers rejoice along with the environmentalists. Along with that the oil shale was also in the dumps. It is true that when President Trump was elected, all that changed. The oil, economy, and other important came back as Trump moved to undo the policies of Obama. Then the cheating of the election followed, and Biden was elected. His policies have destroyed the nation, its jobs, it’s oil and gas industry leadership. In fact, as of this writing I can find no good Biden has done as President.
To say that the recent White House inhabitants like the Biden’s, Obama’s, the Bush’s, and on to the Clinton era is anything remotely like the leaders we use to have been a laugh. Only one person took this nation seriously enough to change the wrongs and make this country great. That was President Trump. However, he did not do it alone. There are others who like Trump want this nation back in the saddle of true constitutionalism and freedom. It is now truer than ever, due to Biden’s policies that this country’s borders are more porous than ever.
So far, our borders have been wide open for so long that it is a wonder anyone seriously thinks those in power in D.C. will do anything about it! No doubt as far as the border is concerned there has been next to nothing done about it by Obama, the two Bushes, or Clinton. It is any wonder things are not worse. Obama aggravated the situation by not only doing nothing to stop it but allowing even more into our nation at a time we do not need them to come in.
During the Bush years ‘catch and release’ which is a phrase with a new meaning, meant that Border Patrol agents were not to bother arresting and detaining many new illegal immigrants. This policy was also continued by the Obama administration. The President of the National Border Patrol Council described the problem.
In Obama’s waning months left as President illegals were allowed to continue to stream in. The motives are to stem the human tide swamping Europe. The idea is to stop Europe from being flooded but it is okay to flood America with those same refugees. No doubt, more do nothing policies by our leaders to stop the flood of illegals or the flood of foreign refugees into the USA.
This new target would not be completed in Obama’s term but will be finished in 2017 under a new President. For all those coming into this nation, America is not your deliverer. This nation is headed into its own brand of chaos. The leadership from the republicans to the democrats and on to other parties do not do a true service to our nation. I know that there are a few who are truly honest and open. But many have agenda ridden, special interests, and global ideals that they push. Now I have described the topsy-turvy world of political agendas. At the time of this writing Biden sits as President just like Obama did or others before him. Yet his policies fail to protect this nation while his economic agenda is sinking this nation like a toilet in need of repair.
Moreover, there is this atmosphere of filth, hedonism, and uncleanness in our country, which is nothing to laugh at. Everything is open and naked today. You see it all here. The people in this country act as if there is no sin, no wrongdoing, it is all in plain view and plain sight. We teach our kids to accept this new moral realm of immorality which even the churches are willing to accept. We have changed the moral codes and said to the Lord, ‘We will break the cords you put on us!
America, your amoral attitudes will not save you! The ideal here is to save Humanity but not through the Lord God and his Son Jesus Christ. We will save ourselves; they seem to say! Leave us alone. Second Thessalonians describes generations who have rejected the ‘love of the truth.’ That truth is the gospel and the Son of God who died for our sins. It is this truth that the world rejects, and America has tossed away. This global power called America will not escape the wrath of God and the vile things you do will be requited for. Now I speak to this issue of violating the children America, i.e. ‘Teaching them such immoral ways; it is such that will find you with a just reward for your actions’. I deliberately do not go into detail here. But you and I both know what Obama brought to this nation through his new openness in the nation where he has brought lawlessness. But it has not just been his policies; however, he put the proverbial ‘uncleanness’ into a whole new elemental light in this nation!
While many discount the warning’s associated with open borders, the truth is there for all to see. If we miss one terrorist, then that mistake will be costly for this nation. Today America is open in so many ways! America, we find ‘Naked is the Day’ there is nothing hid. The latest immoral barrier to fall headlong to our lusts is an issue of ongoing documented ‘incest’ and is the latest news! Sick, this nation and people are downright sick! While the US follows blindly behind false policies and lies of political agendas, the truth is we have rejected what is true and moral. While our borders are open just as is our minds; we have erected a border against the Lord God. When Israel sinned, the Lord God allowed her enemies in because she would not repent. Today America is in the throes of being dismantled and led into an oblivion of trouble. Remember ‘Sin is a reproach to any nation’! Now that Biden is on office, that trouble is no longer just a warning.
One day that truth will be fully disclosed at the Great White Thone Judgment! You can hide your sins for only so long. But there is a cure!
America Uncovered Truth Unveiled by the Watchman Dana Glenn Smith and Tower | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days! | All scripture quoted is KJV of the bible unless it is noted to be another version.
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America Uncovered Truth Unveiled
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America Uncovered Truth Unveiled
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America Uncovered Truth Unveiled
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11
America Uncovered Truth Unveiled
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About Dana Glenn Smith
Dana G Smith is an Author, blogger, Christian Writer, Radio Host, and publisher of media and website content. He specializes in fiction, News, website content articles, and christian content. Dana is also the Watchman and President of the WIBR/WARN Radio Ministries at