Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise? America’s destiny is assured in the table of history. The truth may not be welcomed, but today as we look at the turmoil in the world, the truth of the biblical end of days is proving its prophetic warnings. This Post is a repost, topic content with links were fine at the time of first publication. Today China is rising above all nations, while Putin’s Russia is joined at the arms hip with China. The danger for free people worldwide is evident. Germany’s decline is occurring and is tied to Hitler’s rule and the Muslims. But we see Christianity declining in Europe, the UK, and in America. Thus, we ask if globalist America is headed for the destiny to which it must owe to its own doing? Whether you like it or not, America is catapulted headlong into a system of globalism that will implode into war and in the end, we will find the Beast of Revelation 13 at the head!

Is this America's Destiny, Decline, Demise? article image
Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

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WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

America, Germany, and Politics: The abyss of bad Globalist policies

Germany has been on the international front for many decades and of late Angela Merkel has led it. It is this German leader whom Hillary Clinton would like to emulate. Hillary has known Angela as far back as the 1990’s and even appeared on the same German TV show together.  Donald Trump said Monday in a detailed policy speech on radical Islam that Hillary was in fact aiming to be “America’s Angela Merkel”. Further, a Breitbart report pointed out that Clinton, if elected would push to ‘resettle close to one million Muslim migrants in her first term as President alone.’ This is according to the latest data from Homeland Security. While many democrats led by Barack Obama have no qualms about such a massive influx of Muslim immigrants, there is much to consider. Especially if we look at Angela Markel’s Germany, we will find how unstable Germany is today.  Does America want to mirror the E.U. or say Germany? I think not!

“But the safety of the people of America against dangers from foreign force depends not only on their forbearing to give just causes of war to other nations, but also on their placing and continuing themselves in such a situation as not to invite hostility or insult; for it need not be observed that there are pretended as well as just causes of war.”

John Jay, Federalist No. 4, 1787| Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

World War Two Aftermath: Hitler, Himmler, and Al-Husseini

Today we can look under the rug and see the political policies of Merkel and those who side with her over the allowance of Islamic tides of refugees into the German nation. We can see that Germany’s relation to and for Muslims goes back to Hitler. At the time it was expedient for Hitler to have help fighting not only the whole of Europe and the Americans. However, Hitler’s new deal included the riddance of the world’s Jews! Hitler’s aim was to extinguish the light of world Jewry wherever the Nazis could find them. But in the Muslim, the German leader found an ally!  This is further revealed in a November 2, 1943, telegram, which Himmler wrote to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem saying:

The National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry. It has therefore followed with particular sympathy the struggle of freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish interlopers. In the recognition of this enemy and of the common struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world. In this spirit I am sending you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until the final victory.

Reichsfuehrer S.S. Heinrich Himmler” | Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

The Final victory according to Himmler who led Hitler’s policies was a world without Jews! It is Al Husseini who did much in the Middle East to push his plans for a greater and united Arab world.  Al Husseini ‘recruited Bosnia Muslims’ so they could fight for the ‘German Waffen SS’. These Muslim Nazi warriors were Albania and Bosnia. But in Yugoslavia alone this brigade of Muslim Nazis ‘was responsible for the murder of over 90 percent of the Yugoslavian Jewish Population’.  After the war, the Mufti of Jerusalem by this time was fleeing the wrath of the allies who conquered Hitler. The Muslim leader of the Nazis wound up in Egypt. His role was not finished. He was the most important influence there was, and his scheme was devious as his policies would challenge generations of Muslims to fight Jews.

The influence of Al-Husseini and Islamic Jihad

We find further evidence of this on the Middle East Forum.  Husseini’s place in history is firm, as he is a heralded as a Palestinian hero. Today you can find references to him in textbooks and he is viewed as one of the founding fathers of the nation. His plans are well documented.

The absurdities for which Husseini became famous in the 1940s have continued to play a far too prominent role in the Palestinian political culture ever since. He did incite others to murder Jews. He did spread ridiculous conspiracy theories comparable to those of the Nazis. He did all that he could to help the Nazis in a failing effort to spread the Holocaust to the Middle East and to win the war in Europe. He left behind a legacy of hatred, paranoia, religious fanaticism and celebration of terror so long as it was aimed at Jews and Israelis. The Palestinian authority and Hamas even more so have kept that legacy is alive and well and fills the heads of Palestinian teenagers with rubbish that has led to the terror wave of recent weeks.

Middle East Forum Netanyahu, Husseini, and the Historians, 2015 | Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

It is this same branded Islamic fervor which we find in the Middle East today. Although the target for Husseini was Jews and Palestine, today the war has extended to America, Europe, and the world.

However today after the push by Angela Merkel of Germany to accept so many Muslim refugees, it is no wonder why Germany has the largest Muslim community in Europe.  France was considered to have the largest Muslim community. Germany the second, times they say; have changed. It is in Germany because of Merkel’s policies, where the number of Muslims in Germany could reach Five million, thus making it the largest.

“We could suddenly have five million Muslims,” said Thomas Volk, an Islam expert at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, a think tank associated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.

Thomas Volk, an Islam expert | Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

The Example of Merkel’s Germany and rise of Islamic influence there

As a result, you can see Islam taking over Germany. The irony is that that Hitler accepted the Muslims and their radical hate for the Jews. It was Hitler who first used the combination of radical Islamic hate for Jews and Hitler’s desire to rid the world of Jewry that combined so long ago.  But again, we find irony in that today Germany and the German people are radical pacifists. While on the other hand the Muslims have an even greater hate and purpose to destroy the Jews. But to this add on the global aspirations of ISIS, Iran, and others who see a global Islamic caliphate or Mahdi taking over the nations of the world. The steppingstone for this is Europe and the main brick in that have been Germany and its former Reich ruler, Adolf Hitler and his henchmen.

Using the Husseini brigades of Muslim Nazis came in handy to help fight the war and in the process exterminate Jews. Yet as Hitler did accept the Muslim and his fomenting hatred into Germany it should come no surprise that Muslims overrun Post Germany. A fact led by Merkel’s own policies and something Hillary Clinton would like to emulate. Certainly, Barack Obama has followed the policy of Muslims first, and then only a few Christians allowed in the United States.

Germany’s Decline, Christianity’s Demise, America’s destiny

Is it fitting judgment for Germany to be facing a flood of Muslims, a rise of Atheism, and the fall of Christianity? If we ask ourselves was this not the nation that lauded Hitler and did nothing to stop his holocaust not only on the Jews but on Europe.  Was it not Germany’s partner Japan who brazenly attacked America, forcing the nation into the Second World War? Although we are in a post-World War Two era and many have forgiven both Germany and the Germany people for their role in this chapter of world history, the facts are the facts.

Furthermore, is this not a modern Germany led by Angela Merkel who the German’s have sat by and allowed to flood their nation with foreigners?  Today Germany sits as a major player in the E.U. and it is failing in many ways, not to mention that the very existence of the nation itself is threatened by German Islam or a related brand of Islamic teachings.  Germany is going the way of many in the Middle East being taken over by social jihad and bad politics. The E.U. is in the same boat. Christianity is declining there, and Islam today has done what their efforts during the crusades could not do, which is to infiltrate Europe and slowly take the whole place over and institute Islamic rule.

Again, as I said before, it is this same political and social agenda led by Angela Merkel that Hillary Clinton wants to imitate!  If Hillary gets in, America will become more like Europe, Germany, and others who have become targets for Islamic social jihad. Make no mistake there are those in America that look forward to a United Muslim States of America. Well Hillary did not get in, but President Trump took office for four years as you know. President Biden emulating Obama era policies have allowed a radicalized globalist agenda to swamp this nation. Update 2025, as many know Donald J. Trump became President. Editor’s note.

Innocent blood, Germany, and fall of Christianity

In addition, all these years later the innocent blood spilled in Europe during World War Two, both of Jews and others at the hands of the Nazis and their Muslim counterparts is still on the land. The land is infected with this curse of innocent blood, although Germany was defeated; they today are reaping results of the Hitler regime and his connection to the Muslims.

What is more, we find that Christianity is being extinguished in Germany. This is a trend we find in Europe as well. Not to mention America where we do have Christian influence, but it is waning and giving way to liberal policies that will destroy America.

The fall of German Christianity leaves an emptiness that seems likely to be filled by a more multicultural and Islamic society. That is why Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, just called for the creation of a “German Islam.” Merkel’s powerful ally linked the rise of a German Islam with the national demographic disaster. “Demographic change is one of our great challenges,” said Schäuble. Germany today houses Europe’s largest Muslim community.  Gatestone Institute

Der Spiegel says that the ‘citizens of the former German Democratic Republic have by far the ‘world’s highest rate of Atheism.’  It is here that in Post Hitler Germany, the East German portion became communist East, and it is documented that in this area a high portion of those living under such communist rule were atheists. This today has affected Germany who is now rejoined with both East and West under one nation.

A new study released by an American research organization found that just 13 percent of people in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) say they have always believed in God. Der Spiegel

The term used in Germany by one professor of religious sociology is coined as “the New Atheism” and the author of this phrase is *Detlef Pollack. In East Germany only 4% of Protestants attend a church regularly. But it is not just atheism that is changing as those watching the decline of Christianity in Germany have also said the Catholic Church is declining their as well.

Germans have been leaving the Catholic Church in droves. In 2015, 181,925 Germans formally chose apostasy. By comparison, only 2,685 people have converted to Catholicism. The number of baby baptisms has also decreased by one third, from 260,000 baptized in 1995 to 167,000 in 2015. The situation is even more dismal for weddings. Twenty years ago, 86,456 couples married in a church. Last year, the number dropped by almost half: in a nation of 80 million people, only 44,298 couples sworn eternal love in a church. The proportion of people who attend church has declined from 18.6% in 1995 to 10.4% in 2015. *Gatestone, Lights out in Germany

Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

It also bears repeating, that the problem Germany faces is one that Europe and America faces. Solving the problems in the Middle East and stopping the Islamic Jihad mentality for taking over the world is paramount. Nevertheless, the jihad mentality is one that has been stirred and planted, nurtured, and watered since the time of Al-Husseini and his relationship with Hitler’s Nazi regime.  Today the Jews in Israel know certainly well that this hatred continues, and global war is around the corner. In fact, the war in Syria and Iraq has been touted as the Third World War. Even Putin has been warning of a global nuclear war with the United States. Further we find NATO in the same respects speaking of a nuclear war with Russia.  Things could never be more unstable today that it is right now!

Iran on War:

Our strategy now is that if we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran’s national interests, and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions,”

Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

Putin warning foreign journalists of nuclear war with America and NATO:

A is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

Make no mistake Islamic Jihad works best when nations are in turmoil. Today the refugee influx worldwide has pushed this turmoil. When nations find themselves in such chaos, it makes it better for Islamic jihad to strike. Their purpose is to take over. They could not defeat many of these western nations and European nations outright. But if a war broke out, well just as Hitler used Muslims to back his agenda, so too Muslims will embark on their own branded form of war. They will take over the systems from within. The enemy therefore is among us! Neither Hillary, nor Merkel, and certainly not the E.U. recognizes the threat of all this.

Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

It was former President Barack Obama that fostered his own brand of ill-conceived world affairs as is par for the course for America. It was because of Obama that a weak response to Syria, Iraq, and his feeling that ISIS is a junior varsity team that has allowed such a flood of refugees to swarm the world. As they do enter European and Western societies, they take over. Further the push of Islam, Islamic teachings, and social jihad are all part of this.  Even more destructive policies were Obama’s Iran policies that have allowed the Shia state to push ahead with nuclear ambitions and secure its money, sell its oil, and be free to do as it pleases. Iran is a state sponsor of Islamic jihad and terrorism. While many fear ISIS’ Sunni Islam brand of a caliphate, Iran’s Shia policies are headed a threat as well. They look establish and help bring in their Mahdi, who they believe will take over the world and establish worldwide Shia Islam. Obama’s Iran policies are pushed by the current Biden administration allowing among other things, a nuclear armed Iran -Editor’s note.

The problem with all this is that not only is the UK, E.U., and Germany blind to this. We find America surely blinded as they pursue globalist policies and ignore America’s foundation. Today in America while we have churches, seminaries, and many denominational aspects to our Christianity here, the fact is we have radical Islam here as well. Under Obama’s watch we have also seen more Islamic terror strikes in this nation while at the same time the administration does all it can to not say it is ‘Islamic terrorism’. As America falters and the foundational aspects of this nation are under attack, including traditional Christian beliefs, the threats to this nation cannot be any more perilous than with the current crops of political amoralists and globalists we have. These include both Republicans and Democrats.

As we see Europe go and with it those nations like Germany, we also see the free world, western Christianity, and our way of life as we know it. In America we have become our own worst enemy! We have that anything goes belief and with any moral proclivity has been trampled asunder especially any biblical Christian morals left in this nation.  Thus, this is damning our nation to judgment. Far worse will America be than that of Nazi Germany.  We must awaken out of our abyss of tolerance and apathy.  We must stop the globalist agendas and if it must, so let it come.  Here let it reflect the parting of the ways between that which is good and that which is evil.  Let the reader understand what this means!

“But should the people of America once become capable of that deep simulation towards one another, and towards foreign nations, which assumes the language of justice and moderation while it is practicing iniquity and extravagance and displays in the most captivating manner the charming pictures of candor, frankness, and sincerity, while it is rioting in rapine and insolence, this country will be the most miserable habitation in the world; because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams, To the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, 1798

Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

This paper is not meant to be an in-depth treatise on all aspects of Hitler, Himmler, Husseini, Germany, or the current geo-political setting.

This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

Psa 24:6-10 | Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise? by The Watchman Dana Glenn Smith | WIBR/WARN Websites and Ministries | An indepth Biblical Teaching, preaching, warning, agency in these last days!

Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

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Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

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Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

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About Dana Glenn Smith

Dana G Smith is an Author, blogger, Christian Writer, Radio Host, and publisher of media and website content. He specializes in fiction, News, website content articles, and christian content. Dana is also the Watchman and President of the WIBR/WARN Radio Ministries at
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2 Responses to Is this America’s Destiny, Decline, Demise?

  1. George Sheehan says:

    Thanks Watchman…the world is in dire straights. World war is looming on the horizon, yet most Americans are apathetic, and would rather stroll along the beaches, totally oblivious of what lies ahead for them. Either there is total apathy, or there is total insanity i.e. dilusional voters obediently voting for democrats (and the establishment republicans are not much better). For anyone who does in depth research, these new age adherents talk about “spirit guides.” These are demons, guiding humanity into a meat grinder, make no mistake about that. And even though we want no part in this, the rain falls on the just and unust alike. May America wake up and REPENT!! Peace to you and Tower in the Name of our Lord…Amen.

    • George it is true, these leaders lead bringing the masses into destruction. The Son of Perdition, Son of Destruction will lead masses into destruction, they have rejected the love of the truth and God, so they believe a lie. Thank God for our redemption through Christ Jesus and the light he has given us. This is peace to our souls and light to our path. Shalom, The Watchman and Tower

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