Category Archives: Christian discipleship

Believers #Endtime #Faith Introduction Pt1

Believers Endtime Faith arrives with Part one. Today, you could say that many believe we are in the last times, or the #endofdays. That time leading to many #prophetic events as well as, #wars, #cataclysmic #weatherchanges, and the rise of the #manofSin commonly called the ‘#SonofPerdition’ or the ‘#Antichrist’. Continue reading

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Discipleship Occupy till I Come Faith of Jesus Christ Pt19

Faith of Jesus Christ reminds of the glory of Jesus Christ and the Father. This also is the important link for all believers. For our Justification by Faith is made possible by God’s Grace towards all men. It is this Grace that brought the Atonement to us which was provided by Yeshua, Jesus Christ to the glory of our God and Father. As Paul the Apostle wrote in Romans chapter three verse 23-24 saying “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (24) Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian discipleship, christian faith, Christian Hope, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Discipleship Occupy till I Come Faith of Jesus Christ Pt19

Consolation Psalm – Who Will You Serve

As this Psalm points out, many nations have forgotten the Lord God their maker. These have also turned to other gods, which are many. Within this are idols, these are those things that attract many today. Fame and fortune is an idol, it’s riches are stuff legends are made of. True riches are found in serving the Lord by walking in His ways and distributing love, compassion, and service to those in need around you. Choose on this day who will you serve. Will you serve your fleshly lusts and pride, or the Lord! Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian discipleship, christian faith, Christian Hope, Christian living, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Consolation Psalm – Who Will You Serve

Persuasion Persistence Perfection

Persuasion Persistence Perfection is what being a believer in our Lord is about. In America for many centuries, we were deemed a Christian nation. Long ago it changed as this nation became antichrist in its beliefs. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian discipleship, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Discipleship Occupy till I Come Pt 18 “Trouble and Tribulation”

Today, it is true we have Trouble and Tribulation in the nations of men. Nation shall war against nation, and kingdoms against kingdom. In this we also find the arrival of the Dark one as I call him, the beast of Revelation chapter thirteen. Our focus is not to cover the end of days, the tribulation. Trouble and Tribulation go hand in hand in this week’s part eighteen of Occupy till I come. This week we also look at chaos amidst the global upheaval and the End of Days. Along with Trouble and Tribulation we find deception, great signs and wonders, and more evil that can deceive even the elect. Don’t miss this coverage.
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Season of Hope, Eritrea, Vietnam Persecuted, Lebanon Fear, Believers Persevere, GospelAdvocacy @WarnRadio

Season of Hope is a phrase referring to the fact that many who celebrate Christmas and other Christian holidays, as the one coming up this December, brings the Truth of our redemption front and center. In this season of Hope, believers from Christian Humanitarian groups like Samaritan’s Purse, International Christian Concern, Barnabas Aid and many others bring their love and ministry of help to Persecuted Christians worldwide. Season of Hope is a phrase referring to the fact that many who celebrate Christmas and other Christian holidays, as the one coming up this December, brings the Truth of our redemption front and center. Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A2 Remnant Battle lines, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Persecution, Christian Hope, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Season of Hope, Eritrea, Vietnam Persecuted, Lebanon Fear, Believers Persevere, GospelAdvocacy @WarnRadio

Deceitfulness Discernment Decision

Deceitfulness Discernment Decision are three words that define believers today. As we look through Deceitfulness with our Discernment and then make our Decision that will bring us into God’s favor through His Son Jesus Christ. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian discipleship, Commentary | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Striving for Faith of the Gospel

“Striving for Faith of the Gospel” is more a reality today than ever before. Thus, it behooves us to form a united front for the completion of the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ to all nations.” Increasingly we find the persecution of Christians in every nation on earth. This persecution can be a form social outcast, harassment, beatings, or outright killing of Christians. Regularly we report on these matters in our WIBR/WARN Radio Advocacy broadcast. We know, for example groups like Boko Haram, Al-Shabab, Fulani Tribesman, and other radical Islamic groups target believers. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian discipleship, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Striving for Faith of the Gospel

Sons of God Trust in Him

As the storm assails you will make decisions based on what you trust.
Sons of God Trust in Him, our #Lord #JesusChrist; #YeshuaHaMassiach to the glory of our #Father and great God. We have notable examples of #TrustingGod for #Refuge, #Protection, and #Promise. Continue reading

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Servant Disciple: He is Not Above His Master

Servant Disciple – One of the common themes in the gospel end of days scenario is trouble worldwide. Continue reading

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