Have generations of children been in the dark concerning these truths? The answer is obvious. Do you know this answer yourself? The mystery of Iniquity feeds on this. It grows and nourishes itself in this.
Category: Christian discipleship
The Apocalypse Waits for No One
The Apocalypse waits, or does it? While the World marches on in all its faint-hearted glory, the Apocalypse will wait for none of them! Apostles James and Jude warn about what is coming, but for the most part; the world ignores this. Instead choosing to do their own thing. Party on is the mantra, live for today for tomorrow we die. It can be solidly stated today, The Apocalypse Waits for No One; that is, except the Lord. All things are held in balance by, supported by, and for the Lord and his glory.
Logos Word of Truth
John chapter fifteen verse twenty the scripture reads as follows “if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours”! The problem is this is not just a saying as the KJV reads it.
Maximum Overdrive Christianity
Maximum Overdrive Christianity empowers you through God’s Word, Gods Holy Spirit, and God’s faithfulness, as well as Your own faithfulness to your Lord. It goes beyond mere Christianity and into the realm of the supernatural.
Nations of Men, who is Lord over us?
Nations of Men, who is Lord over us? Preparation: This comes upon the Nations of men, are you ready? Would you like to restore virtue, honor, and truth?
The Testimony and Faith of Jesus Christ
The Gospel of life, given to all people so that they would repent and believe on Jesus Christ. The Faith and Testimony of Jesus Christ at the time of the end.
The Highway of our God
The Highway of our God is a pursuit. Governments of men have their agendas. Here, the Lord God called the end from the beginning. He also gave his born-again children a look into that future, it is called prophecy. It seems in the last couple of decades, every year we always seem to be on the brink of chaotic global war. For many years radicals have made war globally. Christian genocide is occurring in the world, while nations face cataclysmic storms, floods, and unrest. In America, the division is clear cut. We saw the change with Barack Hussein Obama for Eight years. They when President Trump was in the White House. Democrats and liberal media were schizoid nuts and in hate mode. Yet for this President, his term was historic. Now with Biden the inmates of the Psycho ward have taken over the reins of the American Government, the border is open, the cities lawless, and in the Dem’s world, “everything is fine.”
Prophecy, the Feasts, and the Word of God
Prophecy, the Feasts, and the Word of God all combine to bring you shadows of things to come. It is here that we can follow and understand the mysterious biblical events which approach. We have seen this in action from the 2014-2015 double blood moons. Then we saw the Great American summer eclipse, and there is more to come. Today we look at these things and review the book for things to come and that which we have seen already. Below is an excerpt from the E-book, Prophecy, the Feasts, and the Word of God. Download your copy below.
Prophecy’s Long Shadow
Prophecy’s Long Shadow is a shadow cast over the entire world. Today Prophecy is the bearer of change for a world that is destined to be in the throe of chaos. This Chao’s precedes the coming of the Messiah Yeshua Ha Mashiach; Jesus Christ. The truth is all governments of men, and the inhabitants of the earth are subject to our great God and Savior. It is here that the ends of all things were written aforetime. It is here that he knows them that are His and to this lay great reward, while to the wicked shall be perdition forever.
Whose WORD is it?
Whose Word is it, the Word of the Lord or is it just an opinion? But just maybe it is not the Word that you were taught in your man-made denominations? You see, in those denominations; traditions have set up fences around the Word
Bedrock Hope Foundation Truths
Bedrock #Hope #Foundation #Truths -When the sunset comes and the sky turns to a starry night, I look up and see the wonderful #worksofGod. I know that #Hope is buried in the one who created all things. I know that no matter what, #Hewill #makeaway. This is my #BedrockHope. When he #shallappear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. #Foreshadows of our #redemption and following #restoration as #SonsofGod. Place your #HopeinHim who is #Eternal, #JesusChrist our #Lord. The #Almighty in #Revelation chapter one, and he who will reward all according to their works in Revelation chapter Twenty-two.
American Truth of Men, Donkeys, and Elephants
Truth is relative to who is speaking it. In relation to that truth, my experience for over two decades, people I used to listen to for the #truthful news is not the same today. The liberal charade continues to this writing. Round and round we go in circles and the days fly by. No matter, be sure the liberal fix is in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But we know hope is around the corner. Somewhere, that is! If this mess goes on long enough the coming of Jesus Christ will be here first. Well, that is okay with me. Yet for all the troubles we have, people are working hard.
The Epic Saga of Responsibility
Thus, the Epic Saga of Responsibility is ‘The Charge given, the witness is revealed, and the testimony spoken concerning these things.’ This Epic Saga of Responsibility is written as prose. It was on a day like others that I took to writing the Saga of Responsibility as it had occurred and revealed to me.
You have Killed the Just, and he does not resist you, so says James. Scripture itself points to the difference between the Just and the Wicked. Persecution Murdering of the Just is done many times daily worldwide.
I am Searching the Reins and Hearts
I am Searching the Reins and Hearts. I am that Light which penetrates the darkness and exposes the dark secrets hidden within. I am He who brings to light the deeds and brings the fire of my refining to you. There is a way to walk therein. I will reward to all according to the fruits of their doing. Depart from the desires of the mind and the lusts of the flesh; be sure there is a righteous path to walk before me. I have redeemed thee to walk therein, that fruitful path to which pleases me. Every man will be rewarded as they have so done.