Enemies of the Messiah – did they know? Did they realize that this one, indeed, was the Messiah to come? The rumors filled the streets as he walked among the people. He went into the temple and declared he was fulfilling this scripture.
Category: Christian discipleship
Perilous Living -Best and Worst of times!
Perilous Living -Chaos in the World? Really or is it just that people can’t get along? Well in the world of prophecy all we do is go to the book. Here I mean the bible. What is it here that we living today must face such times? Why can’t it be some other people, some other time period? Why did God allow the days we live in to be “perilous times” and upsetting at that?
Thy Many Gods who shall save you!
Thy Many Gods who shall save you is a post by The Watchman Dana G Smith. This is a stark critique of modern American society, likening it to a wasting figure, consumed by multiple false gods and dominated by a spirit of anti-God attitudes. Using Biblical references and allegories, Smith calls into focus a narrative of spiritual darkness, moral collapse, and rampant injustice. In a passionate plea, he casts America as a spiritually lost nation, calling for its return to one true God, Yahweh, through understanding His Word and seeking His forgiveness.
Comforters of Job in Times of Trouble
Comforters of Job that show up in Times of Troubles is an experience all it’s own. Not all who come to help or comfort those in trouble are like these in Job. Yet we can look at this experience and think “how would I survive such an ordeal as Job.” In addition, I have experienced the “pain on my bed”. But I know of many others who go beyond pain and have a battle with death itself in the abode of the destroyer. Their bones waste away, they cannot eat, there is no strength left. They wait to die, hope is in the Lord, but there is no hope nor faith for healing. We look at this in this Comforters of Job in Times of Trouble.
Deceived Sin Skin and that within all find themselves targets of a greater delusion. When looking for change today in our society in this new America, you will not have long to wait. The nation that was the emblem of freedom, faith, and opportunity is rife with troubles. The woke generation today has attempted by protest, threat, violence, and sheer tenacity worked to overthrow the whole of America with a new morality.
Prophetic Winter – Formerly America’s Winter of Discontent written originally in 2009. This is updated, rewritten, and expanded. I look back at this and ahead considering this season. We move from the pages of John Steinbeck’s acclaimed novel to the Words of a Shakespeare play, and on to the current events in America. The pages of the 60’s revolution to the burning of America and overthrow of the foundations this nation has forged through the fire of the past the Winter of Discontent has revealed itself. Prophetically as these events unfold, history will not lie; for truth can be skewered to those living it. Yet the truth will unveil itself in ways the deceived cannot imagine.
Hosea Startling Prophecy
Hosea Startling Prophecy bring a life lesson using the Prophet Hosea, a Whore, and children from that union. Each child has a name representing what the relationship between God and his people. It is indeed an amazing story. The Whore, the Prophet, and the Kids reveal startling Prophecy of coming attractions.
Expected End Image of Christ
Expected End Image of Christ is the Goal of God our Father and Jesus [Yeshua] Christ our Lord. Plain and simple, yet hard to bear. All who are in Christ Jesus will be brought to an Expected End. That is an End of peace, faith, love, comfort, and everlasting joy in the presence of God. Yet, it is the beginning. Paul said in Acts “through much tribulation do we inherit the kingdom of God. Howbeit, the present sufferings are not to blot out our hope and victory in Christ.” Much has changed over the years in America. For believers the change is evident, if you are looking.
High Calling of God in Christ Jesus Meditation
Prize High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. Paul reminds us “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.”
America and America’s Judgment “When Hell Comes Knocking”!
To many Americans anyway, hell is that vague representative of a bygone era. One where death, destruction, and everlasting torment reside. It gives forth the belching of fire, volcano’s, heat, sulfur, and darkness. As for Americans, #sinners and #hell have been replaced by fun and a do it #yourway #mentality that has even #invaded the #church. The question then must be asked is America too #civil to become a #devilshouse?
Credulity, Choices, and Consequences
Meeting #America’s #lastGenerations Head on with #BiblicalTruth! What is Truth? #Credulity, #Choices, and the #Consequences! Biblical Truth is at odds with #humanendeavor, #aspirations, #goals, and the daily grind of #humanlife on planet earth. #God gave all people choice, it is in their best interest to make the best ones. In this we find Credulity, lots of Choices, and the Consequences of these #decisions.
Israeli Middle East Struggle for Peace with People who want no Peace
Israeli Middle East – We republished this article on Israel. Originally written in Trumps tenure as president, Israel had a good friend in the USA then. However, today under Biden his anti-Israel proclivities have taken hold. Israel’s enemies are emboldened. All because a Marxist political thrust has taken over the government of America. They are anti-Israel, anti-patriot, and many are antichrist. Here now you can read this original article as it was written then under Trump when indeed our nation was a better country and so were the people.
Choosing Life and Blessing instead of Judgment
Choosing Life and Blessing as opposed to rebellion to the will of God. As Christians we are not to love the world, nor are we to gratify the lust of the flesh; indulge our eyes in lustful ways or allowing ourselves to be puffed up by the pride of this life. In the hearts of people proceed evil things that defile a person that can bring upon them judgment and a curse. There is an example of this Judgment of the Lord upon the people of Jerusalem. This included a warning to the young women who in their pride brought upon themselves condemnation. This led to misery, mourning, and lamenting what happened.
The Work Unveiled ‘Opus Postestas Revelare’
The Work Unveiled ‘Opus Postestas Revelare’, it is revealed, unveiled, and is here in front of us. Since the days of John the Revelator we have had this information, but today we are living it! No matter what the nation or people, you are in it.
Lord of Sabaoth Vindicated
Lord of Sabaoth -The Day of Vindication for those who have cried unto the Lord and have sought to find the evil done to them relieved. For the Lord will hear their cries and avenge them on the day that he brings all evil to an end. Christians are meeting challenges, tribulation, and persecution knowing that the foundations of faith are secure within Christ Jesus. To this end we labor as the end of days progress. No matter how dark, dank, and sinful people are, the Lord can save to the uttermost. Mercy is here, judgment comes; make your choice!