The King of Glory Shall Enter In, Even Him who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Wickedness and evil penetrate the nations and the people succumbed to the darkness upon the land. There is no escape to those that reject the one who died for all people giving himself as a Ransom for all the sins of men.
Category: Christian Faith Life
Articles, e-books, books, and other media written, broadcast, and produced by Dana G Smith and pertaining to the Christians faith life.
I ‘am He Yeshua To Believe or Not
Yet I ‘am He, the Messiah which is to come, he said. The battle for truth is in the world today.
America Perilous Last Days
America Perilous Last Days and It is Another Day in the Nut house called America. But we look at the perilous situation today, which are the last days prophetically. Nope, we are not in some future city or nation. We are here in the United [disjointed and divided] States of America.
Law, Faith, Dynamics of the Takeover in our Nation
The date today as we prepare to publish this article is 2024. Seventeen years have passed, and our Ministry continues to publish, have Radio shows three days weekly produced in our own recording and broadcasting area. Today America is threatened like never before. In honest comparison what I wrote and warned about at the time of this writing in 2007 is in full blown overload. As today our leaders have brought America to a point where this nation is no longer the America I used to know. Read the details and read Abraham Lincolns words of warning.
Partakers of Christ -The bareknuckle fact of faith is that it is just that. Faith, you believe first. Then continue to trust until it happens. Today Christians are Partakers of Christ. We are in Him, found in Him, and he is in us, through His Spirit. As we move through this fiasco of liberalism, socialist agendas, and the democratic push to take over and control all of America; we must recognize one important fact. The Democrats and their leadership do not hold the future. Neither do those radicals who continue to burn, steal, and pillage our nation in the inner cities. As well, those who are today murdering as if there is no tomorrow. These people will know all too soon that they will reap what they sow. There is one who does hold the key to our future.
America for Whom the Bells Toll
#America for #WhomtheBells #Toll. A lonely ringing of a bell, several rings of a bell for a signal, or one final #dyingring of #death knell to a #bygoneera. Thus, today it is easy in #America to find those who want to change #Americafundamentally and permanently. The #battle for which #nation will arise out of the #division within America is yet to be determined. A #dividedhouse, a #dividedpeople, and a #politicalclimate likened unto the #Second #WorldWar. #Generations of children have been #taughtliberalism, #anti-God, and pure-bred #humanistic #socialism. But amidst all the troubles, there is but #onehope.
Perilous Living -Best and Worst of times!
Perilous Living -Chaos in the World? Really or is it just that people can’t get along? Well in the world of prophecy all we do is go to the book. Here I mean the bible. What is it here that we living today must face such times? Why can’t it be some other people, some other time period? Why did God allow the days we live in to be “perilous times” and upsetting at that?
Faultless to Stand Before the Lamb
Faultless to stand before the Lamb, being found in the Lamb; having believed, one day our faith will be rewarded. One day it will be done. Here we look at the fact of your standing in Christ Jesus and the reward that awaits all those who are in him, who loved us and died for us. So talk a walk with me today and be inspired, be at peace, and enjoy the Word of God and what it means for you today!
Steel the Darkness Christian Fiction Release
Steel the Darkness is a Christian mystery fiction that is book one of the Steel series. Here current events play out in modern America, where prophecy and current events take place. It is a no holds barred force intent on destroying the nation. Originally published in 2017, we now introduce book two “The Rising” due out soon! Don’t miss this series!
Expected End Image of Christ
Expected End Image of Christ is the Goal of God our Father and Jesus [Yeshua] Christ our Lord. Plain and simple, yet hard to bear. All who are in Christ Jesus will be brought to an Expected End. That is an End of peace, faith, love, comfort, and everlasting joy in the presence of God. Yet, it is the beginning. Paul said in Acts “through much tribulation do we inherit the kingdom of God. Howbeit, the present sufferings are not to blot out our hope and victory in Christ.” Much has changed over the years in America. For believers the change is evident, if you are looking.
Christian Discernment Frogs, Folly, Truth
Christian Discernment Frogs, Folly, and Truth brings upfront the issue of societies of men. In America, we are also at risk. There is no doubt today, society is lawless. But years ago, there were voices who warned of these days.
Earthly Choices Bring Eternal Consequences
There are many Earthly Choices for today’s generations of Americans. What is more they seem oblivious, ignorant, or plain rebellious concerning the Eternal Consequences of their ways before the True and Living God and our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua! A careless and reckless generation needs reproof, guidance, and finally a path to a new life in Jesus Christ.
High Calling of God in Christ Jesus Meditation
Prize High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. Paul reminds us “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.”
America Truth Violated Meditation
America Truth Violated brings to the forefront scripture wherein lay Hope. Taken from Psalms 9, we find cities destroyed, those who have plotted against the nation, and the judgment of Almighty God. There is Hope, for the Lord stands to be a refuge in the times of trouble. Today America has been taken by plotters who have burned, pillaged, lied, and worked to overthrow the system. In this plot we find many who are culpable but not actively involved; yet the attempt to destroy this nation is in the final process of political means to do just that.
Credulity, Choices, and Consequences
Meeting #America’s #lastGenerations Head on with #BiblicalTruth! What is Truth? #Credulity, #Choices, and the #Consequences! Biblical Truth is at odds with #humanendeavor, #aspirations, #goals, and the daily grind of #humanlife on planet earth. #God gave all people choice, it is in their best interest to make the best ones. In this we find Credulity, lots of Choices, and the Consequences of these #decisions.