Living Lights and Looking for the Day of God while living in a world of darkness! Living Lights Truly. As holy, upright, and those who walk in true godliness; we are looking for the Day of God. That day when all things shall be dissolved and the righteousness which we have looked thereunto shall arrive when we see and behold our Lord Jesus Christ.
Category: Christian Faith Life
Articles, e-books, books, and other media written, broadcast, and produced by Dana G Smith and pertaining to the Christians faith life.
Psalm 46 – Be Still I AM GOD
Be Still I AM God – Be Still and Know I AM GOD the psalmist writes in the 46th Psalm. Good advice for a generation today that is so busy. When trouble comes we are to evaluated all things. Slow down, acknowledge the Lord. Find His Path in all this. Remember in our weakness, His strength is made perfect.
Prophecy America among the Nations
America today is so busy squabbling, infighting, and the future of America is divided. This nation and the nations of men all hang in the balance of the Lord. To say this nation is hedonistic, wicked, bloody, and libelously and deliciously sinful is an understatement here.
Psalm 91 Refuge in the time of Trouble
Psalm 91 Refuge in the time of Trouble reminds us how close we need to be to our Savior and Lord. Here if we leave the protective covering of the Lord, we are indeed in danger. Walking in Him, in His Light; see 1st John chapter one; is where we must be. Even the modern world can face pandemics, pestilences, and danger. In all these things and more, He who has redeemed us, also can deliver us in t he time of trouble.
Psalm 103 – Redeem My Life from Destruction
Psalm 103 the benefits of the Lord. Here the believer puts faith, obedience, and the Christian prayer warrior into gear. Believing God to Redeem his life and the lives of those around him. He forgives iniquities, just repent and seek him. He heals your diseases, he will redeem your life from destruction; which includes plagues. He will crown you with his mercy flowing from His love, showering you with lovingkindness and tender mercies
Socialist Dreams, Visions, and Sugarplums
Socialist Dreams Visions of Sugarplums are being pursued by a considerable number of #Americas #politicians and their #supporters. Not just since recently elected Mr.B, but also adding in former socialist and chief Mr. O and his side kick. Now they can believe anything they want.
Gospel of John – The Five Prophecies
Gospel of John the Five Prophecies, undeniable testimony of those words written aforetime for us so that we might believe and be saved. This is the disciple that testified of these things regarding Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMassiach.
If I could Praise Thee Ten Thousand Times
If I could Praise thee Lord God, our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. The Word Dwelt, The Word Ascended, Word calls us to be Called of Christ. NO flesh will glory in his presence for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
American Immoral Morass
American Immoral Morass discusses the issue important to #America. Immoral is an adjective here. We can understand this in a #biblicalsense. While Immoral or moral is not found in the #bible, #morality is defined #biblically with #sin, #lawofGod, and #scripture itself brings this out. To be moral or walk in morality is one option that people choose daily. Immorality or being immoral is another option they can choose. When using immoral or moral terms it is in a broad sense of being moral or immoral. The standards are connected to the general or #traditionally held #moral #principles of a #society.
There may come a time when Trusting God in Tribulation will find you with Trepidation. When Trouble and Turmoil hits a nation, it causes fear & agitation. Here, you may find yourself failing in the confidence that the Lord will make a way for you and your family. Especially if this continues for some time. Instead of faith, you are filled with dread, apprehension, and even distress over events that you see happening.