Meeting #America’s #lastGenerations Head on with #BiblicalTruth! What is Truth? #Credulity, #Choices, and the #Consequences! Biblical Truth is at odds with #humanendeavor, #aspirations, #goals, and the daily grind of #humanlife on planet earth. #God gave all people choice, it is in their best interest to make the best ones. In this we find Credulity, lots of Choices, and the Consequences of these #decisions.
Category: Christian
This is Christian content, in general that we have on the site of
America’s National Repentance
America 🇺🇸 Faith and Testimony of Jesus Christ revealed that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth must repent.
Past Prophetic Eclipse Warned America
Past Prophetic Eclipse Warned America of this to come. A dire warning dressed up in an event that many flocked to see. But many did not see! It did occur and at the time this Past Prophetic Eclipse was a major attraction. It was in the Summer of 2017 we experienced the Great Summer eclipse. There was a major warning associated with this event to which I told people. It was a messenger to all America of a great event. One that was already there. It was a Prophecy that came to pass and still affects this nation today.
Conspiracy beyond the Conspiracies
The Steel Series comprises two books, Steel the Darkness and The Rising, exploring the world of conspiracy theories with a focus on Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian professor and the founder of the Illuminati. The books delve into spiritual plots and global power dynamics and introduce the Guardians, descendants of the Declaration of Independence’s signers. They fight against a secret mega conspiracy while working towards mankind’s freedom through faith in Jesus Christ.
Israeli Middle East Struggle for Peace with People who want no Peace
Israeli Middle East – We republished this article on Israel. Originally written in Trumps tenure as president, Israel had a good friend in the USA then. However, today under Biden his anti-Israel proclivities have taken hold. Israel’s enemies are emboldened. All because a Marxist political thrust has taken over the government of America. They are anti-Israel, anti-patriot, and many are antichrist. Here now you can read this original article as it was written then under Trump when indeed our nation was a better country and so were the people.
Choosing Life and Blessing instead of Judgment
Choosing Life and Blessing as opposed to rebellion to the will of God. As Christians we are not to love the world, nor are we to gratify the lust of the flesh; indulge our eyes in lustful ways or allowing ourselves to be puffed up by the pride of this life. In the hearts of people proceed evil things that defile a person that can bring upon them judgment and a curse. There is an example of this Judgment of the Lord upon the people of Jerusalem. This included a warning to the young women who in their pride brought upon themselves condemnation. This led to misery, mourning, and lamenting what happened.
The Work Unveiled ‘Opus Postestas Revelare’
The Work Unveiled ‘Opus Postestas Revelare’, it is revealed, unveiled, and is here in front of us. Since the days of John the Revelator we have had this information, but today we are living it! No matter what the nation or people, you are in it.
The Rising Prophecy Protocol
Prophecy – After America; He now walks among those soulless persons whom he passed daily on the streets, but now in the Day of the After America, there is even more Hell to come! Yet, an offer of Mercy gone unheeded, and a love departed; so it is done! Prophetic, He now walks here; in The Day of the After America Below the story begins in a first person narrative. We find a lone individual walking. This is the Prophecy: The Day of the After America.
War Within Battle of Good and Evil
War Within Battle of Good and Evil There is a War Within. In the hearts of men Good and Evil fight one another for control. In the country called America, we also find Good and Evil in a fight as old as the tempter in the Garden who seduced Eve. If nothing in life is…
Lord of Sabaoth Vindicated
Lord of Sabaoth -The Day of Vindication for those who have cried unto the Lord and have sought to find the evil done to them relieved. For the Lord will hear their cries and avenge them on the day that he brings all evil to an end. Christians are meeting challenges, tribulation, and persecution knowing that the foundations of faith are secure within Christ Jesus. To this end we labor as the end of days progress. No matter how dark, dank, and sinful people are, the Lord can save to the uttermost. Mercy is here, judgment comes; make your choice!
The Lost Glory of Americanism
There is a lost glory of Americanism, that ideal for which many have fought and died for. The departure from England at the beginning of our nation was one to create a new world and lose the old European system. There are many Patriots today in America. They come in all sizes, shapes, and races. The attraction to freedom and the constitutional guarantees is not bitten off because of race or sex. Freedom is innately in the soul. It feeds the appetite for that freedom which began so long ago. My own Grandfather and Great Grandfather knew of this well. As did our many forebears in our own family. The question today is, can we keep it, restore it, and continue to enjoy today with enemies in our congress, government, and law enforcement?
Jesus Christ Enemy or Lord in America
Jesus Christ Enemy or Lord in America? This is a much-needed question, yet the truth will come out in time. We have churches, Pastors, congregations, religious institutions, Faithful people, and more freedom of religion than many nations. Freedom of speech as well goes a long way to prove that the Faith of Jesus Christ is alive and well in America. Yet, one could also point out the myriad of items that are an abomination to the Faith of Christ. I won’t go into detail, for if I must list them out for you; then it is clear you have no sense of moral Christian rage over the things we have seen in this nation.
Christian Battle Field Earth Last Days
Here Christian Battle Field on Earth in these last days! Here is the scene from the United World Space station today. As our cameras on the ground send images which in fact go into all the nations of the earth
Psalm 46 – Be Still I AM GOD
Be Still I AM God – Be Still and Know I AM GOD the psalmist writes in the 46th Psalm. Good advice for a generation today that is so busy. When trouble comes we are to evaluated all things. Slow down, acknowledge the Lord. Find His Path in all this. Remember in our weakness, His strength is made perfect.
Prophecy America among the Nations
America today is so busy squabbling, infighting, and the future of America is divided. This nation and the nations of men all hang in the balance of the Lord. To say this nation is hedonistic, wicked, bloody, and libelously and deliciously sinful is an understatement here.