Last Days Deception Ever Learning but not the truth! Wisdom of the world, knowledge, and always learning doesn’t mean you really know the Truth! The Apostle warned us of the last days, which is the farthest or final or ends of; the days which humans live in.
Category: B1 Dana G Smith Articles
Writers Life is the writing of Author and writer Dana Glenn Smith, Dana is the Watchman and President of WIBR/WARN Radio ministries. This endtime ministry in it’s twentieth year.
Articles and writing of Dana Glenn Smith. He is the author of Steel the Darkness, Incognito, and numerous other books and e-books. He has written many, many articles over the years. His writing centers around Christian, Faith, Life, Politics, America, Research, Fiction, Non-fiction
Lord of Sabaoth Vindicated
Lord of Sabaoth -The Day of Vindication for those who have cried unto the Lord and have sought to find the evil done to them relieved. For the Lord will hear their cries and avenge them on the day that he brings all evil to an end. Christians are meeting challenges, tribulation, and persecution knowing that the foundations of faith are secure within Christ Jesus. To this end we labor as the end of days progress. No matter how dark, dank, and sinful people are, the Lord can save to the uttermost. Mercy is here, judgment comes; make your choice!
Coup d’état Descent America’s Foibles
The Coup d’état Descent America’s Foibles takes you up and center into the nation today. Looking back, many people have 20-20 vision. But in a current circumstance, they are blinded and cannot comprehend the path that they are on is dangerous. There exists an American propensity to have America’s Foibles thrust upon the whole nation.
Technology Building God
Technology Building God who or what is your God? The world today is filled with societies that daily bring technology to its people. It is an ongoing conflict between faith, prophecy, and technology.
The Lost Glory of Americanism
There is a lost glory of Americanism, that ideal for which many have fought and died for. The departure from England at the beginning of our nation was one to create a new world and lose the old European system. There are many Patriots today in America. They come in all sizes, shapes, and races. The attraction to freedom and the constitutional guarantees is not bitten off because of race or sex. Freedom is innately in the soul. It feeds the appetite for that freedom which began so long ago. My own Grandfather and Great Grandfather knew of this well. As did our many forebears in our own family. The question today is, can we keep it, restore it, and continue to enjoy today with enemies in our congress, government, and law enforcement?
Jesus Christ Enemy or Lord in America
Jesus Christ Enemy or Lord in America? This is a much-needed question, yet the truth will come out in time. We have churches, Pastors, congregations, religious institutions, Faithful people, and more freedom of religion than many nations. Freedom of speech as well goes a long way to prove that the Faith of Jesus Christ is alive and well in America. Yet, one could also point out the myriad of items that are an abomination to the Faith of Christ. I won’t go into detail, for if I must list them out for you; then it is clear you have no sense of moral Christian rage over the things we have seen in this nation.
Society may sink into oblivion of global disorder but the Foundation of God Stands True. Our future includes being Redeemed, Resurrected, and Reigning; To be sure the Lord Knows those who are His own. Yet today for those on this planet much turmoil and tribulation occur. More is coming, be sure of it. For much is at stake in the souls of men. But know this the Foundation of God stands true. Here that which will win the day is Gods Truth. God cannot lie and His Word stands. For believers, there is a seal to which has brought us into the beloved.
A Prophet the Whore and Children
A Prophet the Whore and Children bring to the forefront a major prophecy given to Hosea. It concerns both houses of Israel. Both houses underwent judgment. Only Judah was delivered from her captors after seventy years and returned to the Land.
Lords Lighthouse – A city on a hill cannot be hid, nor can a lighthouse that is brightly shining on a high outcrop on the rocky cliffs overlooking the seas of life.
Globalist Maneuver to Remove Internet Free Speech
Globalist Maneuver to Remove Internet Free Speech. I was there when the internet first appeared. I had paid to get a local techie to make me a computer to work on this new tech online. From that point on Free speech and a new world of information appeared.
Age of Lawlessness Confronts Righteousness
Righteousness Confronts the Age of Lawlessness -Living Righteous in a time of uncertainty, pride, trouble, and immorality. Peace is the moment that many people seek in life. Whether you are rich, poor, or somewhere in between. Turmoil, politics, war, sickness, pandemics, and other life events affect that peace. In the end of days which we live, it is an Age of Lawlessness. Righteous living and following Righteousness is an affront to a lawless society.
Transforming Hope
Through the glass Darkly, Hope and Transformation bring us into the arena of Hope and our Future. To be sure that today we are Seeing through the glass Darkly, but one day we shall see all things face to face! Hope and the Transformation from mere human that faces sin, death, and the grave; then to have the ultimate victory over the same sin, death, and the grave through Jesus Christ, yes; it is the victory!
Body of Christ Presses Toward the Prize
Body of Christ -The born-again believer Presses ahead, that is; to pursue, to follow. This is as in pursuit, where you are in a race to reach the end prize or mark which is the “High Calling found in Christ Jesus”! Trouble comes in many forms, when it does the true believer has guidance to press ahead toward the prize. That is to keep faith, walk in truth, and not give in or give up. To believe more than anything else that the Lord will make a way for you. His Grace is sufficient.
What is Truth?
What is Truth! It is also pertinent to ask, who will hear the Truth? For the Truth will set you free. For only Jesus Christ is the True Savior of all Men. He said “I am Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father but by me”-John 14:6.
Living Lights in a world of darkness
Living Lights and Looking for the Day of God while living in a world of darkness! Living Lights Truly. As holy, upright, and those who walk in true godliness; we are looking for the Day of God. That day when all things shall be dissolved and the righteousness which we have looked thereunto shall arrive when we see and behold our Lord Jesus Christ.