American Truism lives on. While the Fourth is very near, it is important at this moment to know some truths. Part One of our Fourth of July Special series from the Watchman Dana G Smith. I give you the Fourth of July and the American Truism. During Division in America, partisanship, and me first; I don’t mind publishing and making these kinds of patriotic truths available right now. We need them. Today with the Biden administration, the attack on the America we grew up has continued. Yet the truths of what we believed still live on in the hearts of true Americans. The Fourth of July and the American Truism proceeds to convince us of what we say, think, and do can affect the nation in which we live. Truisms, proverbs, and axioms have influenced our way of life. We use them to convey a short quick thought.
Category: Writings of the Watchman archival
The writings of the Watchman are special biblical writings given during the early years of ministry. They are direct and to the point. These can also point to current events in the past or future. Again, let me say, all are biblical and redemptive, along with judicial and the Lord’s judgment.
False Prophets and the ‘Oracles of the LORD’
The Lord God is angry with the wicked and will punish everyone according to their fruits. Jesus, Yeshua died for sins and forgiveness of sins can be obtained along with the Power to become the Sons of God. You do not have to live under Gods wrath or condemnation.
God of Chaos Spirit of Lawlessness
God of Chaos Spirit of Lawlessness. There has always been lawlessness in the world. Yet as we look at the God of Chaos, the Spirit of lawlessness will have pure deception wrapped around it. Paul warns about it and Jesus Christ our Lord warned about not being deceived saying “Take heed no man deceive you.” This is found in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.
Awaken to Gods Mercy, Faith, and Grace
#Awaken to #Gods #Mercy, #Faith, and #Grace meets #scripture and faces the #nationsofmen. The #MysteryofIniquity that Paul warned about that which all the #Apostles knew would take place in the latter times is here now. The #Mystery here is how can such things take over the world. Many are wondering that about #America who today is not even a #semblance of what this #nation used to be. This article urges all people to Awaken to Gods Mercy and with Faith #believe our #GodandFather and our #LordJesusChrist. Within this find the #GraceofGod which welcomes all unto himself to find #healing and #help.
Law, Faith, Dynamics of the Takeover in our Nation
The date today as we prepare to publish this article is 2024. Seventeen years have passed, and our Ministry continues to publish, have Radio shows three days weekly produced in our own recording and broadcasting area. Today America is threatened like never before. In honest comparison what I wrote and warned about at the time of this writing in 2007 is in full blown overload. As today our leaders have brought America to a point where this nation is no longer the America I used to know. Read the details and read Abraham Lincolns words of warning.
In Your Mercy Deliver Me Oh Lord
In Your Mercy Deliver Me Oh Lord. A #compilation of two Psalms written by the Watchman Dana G Smith. The First is A #Psalm of the Watchman titled “Deliverance in the Day of Affliction.” Included is a grouping of verses from psalm 119. Here we find the letter “Resh” which introduces verse 153 of the 119th Psalm. Then we follow with another short Psalm by the Author titled “Dispatched”. Here in we find Mercy, #Deliverance, and #Help in a time of need.
Prophetic Marching Orders Part Two
Prophetic Marching Orders Part Two brings us into the witness of Jesus Christ and His Testimony. The Lord straitly charged or asked the Father not to take them, meaning the believers out of the world. He asked the Father to keep them from the Evil, it is here I refer to the dark one, the beast, the dragon, or Satan. Directly pointing to the fact of the Evil of the dark one and His agenda to kill, steal, and destroy. Part two of our series delves into the direct war of light and darkness and our testimony.
Prophetic Marching Orders Part One
Prophetic Marching Orders Parts One and Two bring to the forefront the end of days, America, and the world. Putting all things in order and in contrast to the world of the end of days, we have an order of the last things which will occur. Neither man, beast, nor the dragon can stop what is coming. While the darkness will have its time to rule the earth, the fact is judgment has them in its grip.
Bedrock Hope Foundation Truths
Bedrock #Hope #Foundation #Truths -When the sunset comes and the sky turns to a starry night, I look up and see the wonderful #worksofGod. I know that #Hope is buried in the one who created all things. I know that no matter what, #Hewill #makeaway. This is my #BedrockHope. When he #shallappear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. #Foreshadows of our #redemption and following #restoration as #SonsofGod. Place your #HopeinHim who is #Eternal, #JesusChrist our #Lord. The #Almighty in #Revelation chapter one, and he who will reward all according to their works in Revelation chapter Twenty-two.
The Epic Saga of Responsibility
Thus, the Epic Saga of Responsibility is ‘The Charge given, the witness is revealed, and the testimony spoken concerning these things.’ This Epic Saga of Responsibility is written as prose. It was on a day like others that I took to writing the Saga of Responsibility as it had occurred and revealed to me.
American Pygmalion Expose’ Transformed
American Pygmalion Expose’ Transformed comes to the American shore and to those who live here. Pygmalion itself is not new. In this writing we followed the truth of this word and what it means. In just this first paragraph, unless you can state the deception and how it has been pushed in the nations of men; then you could possibly, I say possibly understand the outcome to which it states categorically.
Being Kept in a Time of Evil
#Being #Kept in a #TimeofEvil is not a challenge when the area you live in is not full of evil. Growing up in my day the evil was basically, World wars or regional war like Vietnam. #America had evil in it, but the #churches were on every corner and we said the #pledgeofAllegiance and repeated the #LordsPrayer. The effects of #Christianity and #Christianevangelists and #preachers stood against the #evilsoftheirday.
The Aftermath Day of Judgment
The Aftermath Day of Judgment is a Prophetic Psalm written by Dana G Smith. It is an Indepth biblical look at the results of judgment on a nation like America or other nation. As I put in this Psalm the words of Isaiah in chapter three and verses ten through eleven, there is the key directive here and escape.
As the Mule is in Understanding so is America
As the Mule is in Understanding, so is America! A dramatic statement about a nation gone under and a people that has not yet realized it. This article has a companion post. It is called The Righteous Lord, a Prophetic Psalm warning America.
This is the Righteous Lord a Prophetic Psalm
As the This is the Righteous Lord, a Prophetic Psalm warning America. This Psalm is presented as a companion to our post warning America. That post “As the Mule is in Understanding, so is America is grounded in Psalm 32.