Category Archives: Writings of the Watchman archival

The writings of the Watchman are special biblical writings given during the early years of ministry. They are direct and to the point. These can also point to current events in the past or future. Again, let me say, all are biblical and redemptive, along with judicial and the Lord’s judgment.

Thy Many Gods who shall save you!

Thy Many Gods who shall save you is a post by The Watchman Dana G Smith. This is a stark critique of modern American society, likening it to a wasting figure, consumed by multiple false gods and dominated by a spirit of anti-God attitudes. Using Biblical references and allegories, Smith calls into focus a narrative of spiritual darkness, moral collapse, and rampant injustice. In a passionate plea, he casts America as a spiritually lost nation, calling for its return to one true God, Yahweh, through understanding His Word and seeking His forgiveness. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian discipleship, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Prose by the Watchman, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Ageless Memories, On the Wings Of A Dove and Mom

Ageless Memories reminds us how short time is. When a love one is gone, they are no longer with us. We cannot visit, acknowledge, or enjoy their presence anymore. Here is a tribute to a loved one. Included are verses from Ecclesiastes. Continue reading

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Steel the Darkness Christian Fiction Release

Steel the Darkness is a Christian mystery fiction that is book one of the Steel series. Here current events play out in modern America, where prophecy and current events take place. It is a no holds barred force intent on destroying the nation. Originally published in 2017, we now introduce book two “The Rising” due out soon! Don’t miss this series! Continue reading

Posted in A1 Dana G Smith Books, B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian, Christian Faith Life, Commentary, Dana G Smith Book Posts, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Steel the Darkness Christian Fiction Release

The Materializing of Evil: The Light bearer

The Materializing of Evil brings to the forefront “The Light Bearer.” Age of Nibiru, age of Horus, the New Age, the next consciousness, no matter what you want to call it, it is here. That systematic revelation of a new light coming into man’s inner consciousness. I Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Materializing of Evil Orion’s Shadow

Orion’s Shadow Materializing of Evil has prophecy, stars, signs, aliens, and purebred evil. Against this comes purity, redemption, and truth; in a battle as old as life itself. It is said that history is something we need to understand and learn from. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Faith and the Idolatry Kings

Faith and the Idolatry Kings – As America watched and endured what was going on, the situation became worse. Even today, the landscape of America is deceit, crime, lies, and video tape. But the worst of it, has not yet been written nor revealed. Stay tuned. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment


In the Darkness of the Night where the lost seek God, it is God who finds them! This is Prose, a fictional story by Dana G Smith that presents a truth of today’s world and the dangers of the real darkness that young and old alike face. The Gospels warn us “do not offend or harm these little ones for it were better if you had a millstone around your neck and drowned in the depth of the sea.” Continue reading

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American Prophecy Dead to Rights

American Prophecy Dead to Rights and you can be sure that there are enemies of our nation who are among us. We had a President who wanted to make America Great Again. Why would Liberals and alt-liberals; socialists, communists, Liberals in Helly-wood [my word to describe the term Hollywood] hate this now former President so much?
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Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , | 2 Comments