The Steel Series comprises two books, Steel the Darkness and The Rising, exploring the world of conspiracy theories with a focus on Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian professor and the founder of the Illuminati. The books delve into spiritual plots and global power dynamics and introduce the Guardians, descendants of the Declaration of Independence’s signers. They fight against a secret mega conspiracy while working towards mankind’s freedom through faith in Jesus Christ.
Category: A1 Dana G Smith Books
The Featured Books from Faith Life Media, WIBR/WARN Radio and Dana Glenn Smith
The Rising Prophecy Protocol
Prophecy – After America; He now walks among those soulless persons whom he passed daily on the streets, but now in the Day of the After America, there is even more Hell to come! Yet, an offer of Mercy gone unheeded, and a love departed; so it is done! Prophetic, He now walks here; in The Day of the After America Below the story begins in a first person narrative. We find a lone individual walking. This is the Prophecy: The Day of the After America.
War Within Battle of Good and Evil
War Within Battle of Good and Evil There is a War Within. In the hearts of men Good and Evil fight one another for control. In the country called America, we also find Good and Evil in a fight as old as the tempter in the Garden who seduced Eve. If nothing in life is…
The Lucifer Project Group
The Lucifer Project Group, #Conspiracy or is it yet real and behind the scenes. Learn now as a #blackopssniper at a #remnant #patriot meeting in #America discusses some issues about the behind the scene goings on in the government. It is another line which is dealt with in the book #SteeltheDarkness.
Read all about this #secretconspiracy and what happens to the Reverend, the patriots, and Mac.
Yes, there are many Conspiracies, but the Conspiracy behind the Conspiracies is what #SteeltheDarkness is all about. #Christianfiction, #Christianbooks, #Faith, #Christiansuspense