Righteousness Confronts the Age of Lawlessness -Living Righteous in a time of uncertainty, pride, trouble, and immorality. Peace is the moment that many people seek in life. Whether you are rich, poor, or somewhere in between. Turmoil, politics, war, sickness, pandemics, and other life events affect that peace. In the end of days which we live, it is an Age of Lawlessness. Righteous living and following Righteousness is an affront to a lawless society.
Category: Faith of Jesus Christ
Transforming Hope
Through the glass Darkly, Hope and Transformation bring us into the arena of Hope and our Future. To be sure that today we are Seeing through the glass Darkly, but one day we shall see all things face to face! Hope and the Transformation from mere human that faces sin, death, and the grave; then to have the ultimate victory over the same sin, death, and the grave through Jesus Christ, yes; it is the victory!
Body of Christ Presses Toward the Prize
Body of Christ -The born-again believer Presses ahead, that is; to pursue, to follow. This is as in pursuit, where you are in a race to reach the end prize or mark which is the “High Calling found in Christ Jesus”! Trouble comes in many forms, when it does the true believer has guidance to press ahead toward the prize. That is to keep faith, walk in truth, and not give in or give up. To believe more than anything else that the Lord will make a way for you. His Grace is sufficient.
Living Lights in a world of darkness
Living Lights and Looking for the Day of God while living in a world of darkness! Living Lights Truly. As holy, upright, and those who walk in true godliness; we are looking for the Day of God. That day when all things shall be dissolved and the righteousness which we have looked thereunto shall arrive when we see and behold our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Resolute Christian Amidst Chaos
The Resolute Christian finds a world of confusion greeting the faith which Jesus Christ demonstrated. Without such faith we cannot please God. Events in the world today has made our societies full of confusion and many times we see unjust people committing the most horrible crimes. Death rates skyrocket because of murder. Dangerous criminals are released back into society by corrupt politicians. Our borders are overrun creating havoc in the land, which was once blessed, free, and safe. Today more than ever we need the Resolute Christian amidst the Chaos of our world.
A Refuge in the Day of My Trouble
A Troubled #America needs A Refuge in the Day of My Trouble; Every American needs #hope today beyond this nation which has become compromised and in danger!
Gods Overcoming Grace for Perilous Times
Gods Overcoming Grace is understood as his favor toward us. I know that the Lord is almighty here; but it is not especially a good thing if we are outside his grace and favor. Here in the end of days we find perilous times. A person or a family can face personal challenges so great that it would break them. However, there is a source of favor towards us in challenging times as these. Furthermore, Grace is found in the beginning of the book saying, “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord”. Then in the last book of the bible it says as well; “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your all”!
Watch Ye Pray Always
Watch Ye Pray Always to Escape these Things is a command to the believers in Jesus Christ [Yeshua]. It details that as a snare, or a trap shall it come on all people living in those perilous ends of days.
Kept from the Evil
Kept from the Evil, Jesus in John 17 prays for those who believe on him. For these followers to be kept in the world. Here the words “should not take them out of the world” are pertinent. But in this context, he also said “but that thou should keep them from evil.” Here this evil is consummate evil, the devil, Satan, and all his attacks along with the evil in the world. Today believers face a lot of evil in the world where they live.
Light of Christ Jesus Kingdoms Call
Light of Christ Jesus Kingdoms Call is woven deep within all believers in the Lord today. The proof is in the fact of the fruits and the walk of Christian believers today. In addition, the Love of Christ flows through believers no matter where they live. True as well are those who hate this light. As the battle of darkness versus light is ongoing in the world, we see many times wickedness and evil prevailing. The fact is, Jesus Christ has already overcome all principalities and powers. Thus, as we see the upheaval in the last days, we must remember we are victors.
Our Enduring Christian Hope
Our Enduring Christian Hope resides within the sphere of the provisions of God. For sure, we have no Continuing City here. We are to seek one to come. It is the City of God where Righteousness Dwells!
The Apostle Paul was ready to check out of hotel earth and go to his mansion in Heaven. This Apostle knew it would be far better for those to whom he ministers if he stayed. Yet he was hard pressed to be with Christ, which was far better. The Apostle was surely aware of Our Enduring Christian Hope to be present with the Lord.
Christ Jesus of the Faith you Follow
Follow the Faith of Jesus Christ of the Faith. It is not the religion, the denomination, the current trend, or any other man-made thing or theology. The brass tack of the situation. The hard nose fact of who we are. It’s not the Faith, but the Christ of the Faith whom you are to follow. We don’t follow faith. We are to have faith.
The WORD, Light, and Life
The WORD, Light, and Life bring to us the testimony of John in the first chapter. The apostle John made sure that his testimony began with The Word.
Light or Darkness Choice of Generations
Light or Darkness Choice of Generations brings you to a choice. Today’s many generations, from the young to the elderly, all decide that choice daily. Many will not come to the Light because they loveDarkness more.
Christian Battle Field Earth Last Days
Here Christian Battle Field on Earth in these last days! Here is the scene from the United World Space station today. As our cameras on the ground send images which in fact go into all the nations of the earth