Be Still I AM God – Be Still and Know I AM GOD the psalmist writes in the 46th Psalm. Good advice for a generation today that is so busy. When trouble comes we are to evaluated all things. Slow down, acknowledge the Lord. Find His Path in all this. Remember in our weakness, His strength is made perfect.
Category: Faith of Jesus Christ
Prophecy America among the Nations
America today is so busy squabbling, infighting, and the future of America is divided. This nation and the nations of men all hang in the balance of the Lord. To say this nation is hedonistic, wicked, bloody, and libelously and deliciously sinful is an understatement here.
Psalm 91 Refuge in the time of Trouble
Psalm 91 Refuge in the time of Trouble reminds us how close we need to be to our Savior and Lord. Here if we leave the protective covering of the Lord, we are indeed in danger. Walking in Him, in His Light; see 1st John chapter one; is where we must be. Even the modern world can face pandemics, pestilences, and danger. In all these things and more, He who has redeemed us, also can deliver us in t he time of trouble.
Psalm 103 – Redeem My Life from Destruction
Psalm 103 the benefits of the Lord. Here the believer puts faith, obedience, and the Christian prayer warrior into gear. Believing God to Redeem his life and the lives of those around him. He forgives iniquities, just repent and seek him. He heals your diseases, he will redeem your life from destruction; which includes plagues. He will crown you with his mercy flowing from His love, showering you with lovingkindness and tender mercies
Persistent Faith Perilous Times
Perilous Times means survival can be ‘At any cost’. Many families know that such Peril can mean starvation, no home, no place to lay your head, and even death. In itself, America faces trouble. No doubt today is an evil time. But He can keep you. Here is more.
Weeping over National Sins
Weeping over National Sins and laying prostrate before the Lord should be happening today. However, most protest our rights and the ongoing leftist takeover of America. But the real enemy today is our National and personal Sins. These are evident.
America: Seven Abominations
America Seven Abominations be sure to Count-em in our nations. However you maybe busy for a spell because we have many more sins than just seven. But these are scriptural abominations. Within America what have we seen, watched, heard, and witnessed? The end result is one of the greatest divisions of a people in this country since the era preceding the Civil War. I ask you now what do you hear? Division, Hate, & Vitriol; is this what we have become? Who is able to read and understand this?
Socialist Dreams, Visions, and Sugarplums
Socialist Dreams Visions of Sugarplums are being pursued by a considerable number of #Americas #politicians and their #supporters. Not just since recently elected Mr.B, but also adding in former socialist and chief Mr. O and his side kick. Now they can believe anything they want.
Gospel of John – The Five Prophecies
Gospel of John the Five Prophecies, undeniable testimony of those words written aforetime for us so that we might believe and be saved. This is the disciple that testified of these things regarding Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMassiach.
Valley of Achor Door of Hope
Valley of Achor Door of Hope. Today there is need for Hope. In America and worldwide people are facing troubles times. Here we look at Hosea and the Valley of Achor. The message of the prophet to Israel is a message that resonates today. You must be listening, having ears to ear. In the Valley of Achor there is trouble, but it is also The Door of HOPE! Prepare your heart, keep faith, and ready yourself for the times ahead! The Valley of Achor directly speaks to America today. It also addresses every nation on earth, including Israel. Today we are in that Valley of Achor, the valley of trouble. It is where Achan sinned grievously before the Lord. Today we must put away sins, seek the Lord, and follow Him.
Cross Contaminating Christs Gospel
Cross Contaminating Christs Gospel represents the work of unbelief and spiritual discernment. We can see this clearly in the scripture. If we look at the Jews in Jesus day, one thing stands out. The Lord did many mighty miracles that no man had ever done, yet the Jews did not believe. The Chief Priests, Sanhedrin, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Lawyers plotted to trick the Lord. If it would only have taken a miracle, then every Jew in the Roman Kingdom should have been saved. But this is not the case. It required one more ingredient which we will discuss in this article.
Light Shining in the Darkness
Lighting Shining reveals those things which are. Light shines into the Darkness, but how great is that darkness. How great is thy light which shines upon the darkened hearts of men? Yet there comes another whose light and power are of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; It is He who will rid us of this Darkness and bring us the purity and holiness of His Kingdom.
Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom
Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. It will be that many shall hate, betray one another, and be offended; but this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations. The world today is in turmoil over pandemics, sickness, lockdowns, and threats of war globally. Yet during this, which we call shaking of nations, there is hope. While you may not believe it, people today are tired of all this going on. But one item on the list which many may ignore is that many are coming to the gospel of Jesus Christ to find hope, help, redemption, and love. There are many who are sick of hate, murder, and ongoing lawlessness. We have confirmed in our own work at the WIBR/WARN Radio people of all faiths and even no faith are all coming to the Lord Jesus Christ for redemption.
America’s Endangered State of the Union
America’s Endangered State of the Union is here. The attack on the nation we live in is perilous. It is devious. It attacks the fabric of who we are. Every word, every vowel, and every action speak loudly. The message is “we hate your guts. We hate your nation. We loathe your faith. We will take this nation over. We will flood it with people as an army would flood the plains. We will have our way, to Hell with God. We have rights”. To this I say, “we know in whom we believe”! It is not just about America. But our faith, our way of life, and the core of what made America great. Perilous, Deviously Endangered America’s state of the Union today!
American Truth -The Truth and the Consequences of any nation falling into sin, pride, and rejecting truth follows an inevitable path of Paranoia, Fear, and Delusion. If you read the beginning sentence of Psalms chapter two, it will read the following. Why do the heathen rage? Heathen here is the Hebrew goy referring to the Gentile, in other words most unbelieving peoples. Many of whom serve idols and other gods. For as scripture says, “the gods of the nations are idols” Ps 96:5. The path this nation is on finds a course that must be corrected. A divided house never stands; however, it is also true that unrighteousness does not secure a future with the Lord God.