Category Archives: Faith of Jesus Christ

American Social Justice Doctrine

American Social Justice Doctrine in this nation today is on display. After decades of pushing Marxist thought, it is a war fought on the streets. The pandemic not only brought COVID, but Antifa and BLM to push their versions of Social Justice. Antifa is well known from actions previously in this nation. During 2020 outbreak of COVID with lockdowns and into 2021 we have seen these soldiers of social Marxism on the streets with sticks, armor, army helmets, boots, and many other armaments. After burning down many businesses in New York, Seattle, Portland, and elsewhere; we saw a pattern of leftists Democrats in charge in these cities. Antifa managed to hit cities where the Federal reserve banks were at. They burned out many Latino’s, blacks, and other Americans in their social justice quest. Continue reading

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Christian Discipleship Meat not Milk

Heralding Truth Warning America! Do you ever get tired of, let us say in America; that wickedness is so prevalent. That indeed this nation today has no concept of unclean and filthy, nor of the righteousness of the righteous. Continue reading

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Earthly Choices Bring Eternal Consequences

There are many Earthly Choices for today’s generations of Americans. What is more they seem oblivious, ignorant, or plain rebellious concerning the Eternal Consequences of their ways before the True and Living God and our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua! A careless and reckless generation needs reproof, guidance, and finally a path to a new life in Jesus Christ. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian Faith Life, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living

Goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living, a great phrase. It is one that many might mistake for those living in America with no threat of violence or trouble against a believer in our Lord. Yet as we look at this phrase, we find the phrase “I had fainted” which is connected to “unless I had believed”! Continue reading

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Goodness Lord Land Living Meditation

Goodness Lord Land Living are four words that give hope to the hopeless. It creates faith, makes a path to victory, and sets you apart from the crowd. In society we face troubles, but in the Lord we put on the armor and faith of the Lord and walk with courage in this land of the living. We must have hope to see the very “goodness of the Lord in this land we live in!’ Continue reading

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Prophetic Events the Time will Come

Prophetic Events for the Time, that is; for this age is here now. Many years ago, the Lord one night awoke me to a phrase. Since that time, I have used it on and off for years. This phrase is the Materializing of Evil. It is that aspect when the curse mentioned by Isaiah in chapter 24 devours the earth. A time we are living in right now. The same curse associated with man as he fell from God’s grace. It also affected all creation, and this curse would increase as time moved ahead. Because of this, it would seem as if all nature is falling apart. However, the Materializing of Evil refers to those unseen entities, ethereal spirits, and others that will be able in these days to Materialize whenever they will. Continue reading

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Reclaiming America’s Heritage Trump Style

Reclaiming America’s Heritage Trump Style. It may well be a toss up for those who really want to save America. With Xi in China and Putin in Russia mocking America over Biden’s inept presidency why do we find the leftist machine ignoring it all. We can look back to the proverbial good days with President Trump at the top of His game Continue reading

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Pride Destruction any Moment

Pride Destruction connects two words when addressing both cause and effect. Pride leads to Destruction. Pride goes before a fall. In America we have Pride of all shapes, sizes, reasons, and all of it to cause an effect. Continue reading

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Eternal Choices Avenue of the Foolish and Absurd

ETERNAL CHOICES AVENUE OF THE FOOLISH AND ABSURD A house of the Foolish, Absurd, and meticulously born and bred to destroy a #freenation. This is a #spiritualbattle. Our #Hopes are high, the #cost is tremendous, and the #rewards are #eternal. Make your choice oh people of this #greatland of #America and to the #nationsofmen make your choice. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian Faith Life, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

American Destiny Hate Driven Rebellion

American Destiny Hate Driven Rebellion which lay before us. It is not new. History is replete with Marxist rebellions and other forms of political change. The division and battle is evident today and every American, no matter what side they are on, know the dangers of such Hatred in America. Has our Hatred for each other become our American Destiny? We see this Hate Driven Rebellion especially in the Congress, politics, and in elected officials backed by liberal money who want America destroyed. Continue reading

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