Category Archives: Faith of Jesus Christ

The Pagination of the Pagan Nation

The Pagination of the Pagan Nation, Technology vs biblical morals. The online of our day is Amoral, it neither has preference for the good or the bad. In addition, religion, spirituality, and meditation can also influence it. The bible, though is the Word of God and truth for all people at all times, for all ages. Finding the morality online. The internet is therefore subject to many influences and in itself is godless, motionless, and a creation of man. It is in this online world, therefore that many find a hiding place, a location for friendship of any kind, and for knowledge. Amoral versus Biblical truth. Continue reading

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Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight

Antichrists Deluge America let us Fight till all be exhausted and banner raised. For our fight is not with guns and bullets but with faith and the Sword of God; which is the WORD of the Lord. We are now at a place where the ship of state of many former countries have fell. Continue reading

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Greatest Miracles, Simplest Faith

Greatest Miracles, Simplest Faith! As a little Child, Faith, Jesus, and the Man born blind stunned those who saw it! The greatest Miracle was very real. There were no answers, except Jesus did heal the man born blind. Yet to the learned of the scriptures, they had no idea. They sought to find evidence to condemn Jesus for this miracle. Modern era nations of men do the same thing. Continue reading

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Christian Truth and Warrior Faith

Christian Truth and Warrior Faith – Rise O’ warrior of the faith, there is but One God and Father and One Lord Jesus Christ, it is to this truth we must gather the sword. For the battle has arrived and we must fight. It is here that our battle is not one of guns and bullets but of faith and truth. Our sword is the Word of God, our truth is the Son of God and his Father, and our message is one that cuts like fire and hammers like a stone. Continue reading

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Islam and the Antichrist Jesus

In the battle for the truth we find the center of it all the Son of God Jesus Christ. For these end of days the Apostle Paul warned us about the rejection of the Love of the Truth and the acceptance of a delusion. Continue reading

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Mother of Harlots and the Beast

The article is an analysis of religious symbolism, focusing on the Mother of Harlots who is seen riding the beast as described in Revelation 17. The author explores the metaphorical representation of the Mother of Harlots, relating it to the rise of the universal whore church and beast, rebellion against God, and worldly pursuits driven by human lusts. It also discusses various aspects of Christianity, the Vatican, and the influence of Pope Francis, providing interpretations of multiple Bible verses to emphasize the significance of faith, truth, and redemption.
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Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Jesus christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Choice, Chance, and Consequences

The post discusses the concepts of Choice, Chance, and Consequences, framing it in a deeply religious context. It argues that all people have the choice to live righteously or wickedly, implicitly affecting their fate in life and after death. The article further introduces the belief that accepting Jesus Christ leads to righteousness and ultimately salvation, while evil results in damnation. It uses biblical references and real-life examples, such as the case of the 2017 Sutherland Springs Church shooter, to underline its arguments. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Christian Living Turbulent Endtimes

Living in #turbulenttimes, #Christians around the world are facing #increasedpersecution, even in nations where they previously practiced their #faith freely. The writer implores #Christians to remember #teachings from the #bible, mentioning natural disasters as part of the end of days preceding the forthcoming #judgementday. Amidst the #fear and #anxiety arising from #physicalconflicts and #spiritualbattles, Christians are encouraged to stay #groundedinfaith, continue to #witnessforChrist, and stay #steadfast in their #belief that #faith in #JesusChrist provides #victory over the world. Continue reading

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Endtime Judgment Justice and Mercy

Endtime Judgment Justice and Mercy! The Lord will at some point in the lives of all people judge those who stand before them. For now, the deeds and work are recorded and all those on this earth will be judged by their works. When he comes, all shall behold him and all that dwell on the earth shall wail because of Him! Mercy is given, but Justice and Judgment are rewarded. Continue reading

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Finite Life and the Infinite Truth

People today live recklessly as they face a Finite life and then realize too late there is Infinite Truth. Today, many people are moved emotionally. But the reality of your life is that your life is not yours alone. God can take your life at any moment. Finite Life and the Infinite Truth means Living Life and knowing there is the Eternal God. Continue reading

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