Category Archives: Faith of Jesus Christ

Eye of the Lord upon the Righteous

The Eye of the Lord is upon those who hope in him! For many in America today, the troubles have people in a state of shock. Never have many of these spoiled Americans, and believe me; I count myself as spoiled. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Enemies of the Messiah

Enemies of the Messiah – did they know? Did they realize that this one, indeed, was the Messiah to come? The rumors filled the streets as he walked among the people. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

American Foundation

American Foundation – The Truth for America. How long has this nation been divided? We could go back numerous presidents, like Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush one and two, Clinton. There was division between all of them, howbeit the radicalized leftist in Biden’s presidency has been here for at least a decade. These groups became more organized. This Modis-operandi is common where socialists and Marxists attack a system of governance. Yet, despite this attack on America, our foundation is still there.
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Last Days Deception Ever Learning

Last Days Deception Ever Learning but not the truth! Wisdom of the world, knowledge, and always learning doesn’t mean you really know the Truth! The Apostle warned us of the last days, which is the farthest or final or ends of; the days which humans live in. Continue reading

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Coup d’état Descent America’s Foibles

The Coup d’état Descent America’s Foibles takes you up and center into the nation today. Looking back, many people have 20-20 vision. But in a current circumstance, they are blinded and cannot comprehend the path that they are on is dangerous. There exists an American propensity to have America’s Foibles thrust upon the whole nation. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Technology Building God

Technology Building God who or what is your God? The world today is filled with societies that daily bring technology to its people. It is an ongoing conflict between faith, prophecy, and technology. Continue reading

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Society may sink into oblivion of global disorder but the Foundation of God Stands True. Our future includes being Redeemed, Resurrected, and Reigning; To be sure the Lord Knows those who are His own. Yet today for those on this planet much turmoil and tribulation occur. More is coming, be sure of it. For much is at stake in the souls of men. But know this the Foundation of God stands true. Here that which will win the day is Gods Truth. God cannot lie and His Word stands. For believers, there is a seal to which has brought us into the beloved. Continue reading

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Lords Lighthouse – A city on a hill cannot be hid, nor can a lighthouse that is brightly shining on a high outcrop on the rocky cliffs overlooking the seas of life. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Globalist Maneuver to Remove Internet Free Speech

Globalist Maneuver to Remove Internet Free Speech. I was there when the internet first appeared. I had paid to get a local techie to make me a computer to work on this new tech online. From that point on Free speech and a new world of information appeared. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Age of Lawlessness Confronts Righteousness

Righteousness Confronts the Age of Lawlessness -Living Righteous in a time of uncertainty, pride, trouble, and immorality. Peace is the moment that many people seek in life. Whether you are rich, poor, or somewhere in between. Turmoil, politics, war, sickness, pandemics, and other life events affect that peace. In the end of days which we live, it is an Age of Lawlessness. Righteous living and following Righteousness is an affront to a lawless society. Continue reading

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