Category Archives: Faith of Jesus Christ

Christ Jesus of the Faith you Follow

Follow the Faith of Jesus Christ of the Faith. It is not the religion, the denomination, the current trend, or any other man-made thing or theology. The brass tack of the situation. The hard nose fact of who we are. It’s not the Faith, but the Christ of the Faith whom you are to follow. We don’t follow faith. We are to have faith. Continue reading

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The WORD, Light, and Life

The WORD, Light, and Life bring to us the testimony of John in the first chapter. The apostle John made sure that his testimony began with The Word. Continue reading

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Light or Darkness Choice of Generations

Light or Darkness Choice of Generations brings you to a choice. Today’s many generations, from the young to the elderly, all decide that choice daily. Many will not come to the Light because they loveDarkness more. Continue reading

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Christian Battle Field Earth Last Days

Here Christian Battle Field on Earth in these last days! Here is the scene from the United World Space station today. As our cameras on the ground send images which in fact go into all the nations of the earth Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian, Christian discipleship, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Psalm 46 – Be Still I AM GOD

Be Still I AM God – Be Still and Know I AM GOD the psalmist writes in the 46th Psalm. Good advice for a generation today that is so busy. When trouble comes we are to evaluated all things. Slow down, acknowledge the Lord. Find His Path in all this. Remember in our weakness, His strength is made perfect. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | 1 Comment

Prophecy America among the Nations

America today is so busy squabbling, infighting, and the future of America is divided. This nation and the nations of men all hang in the balance of the Lord. To say this nation is hedonistic, wicked, bloody, and libelously and deliciously sinful is an understatement here. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian, Christian Faith Life, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Psalm 91 Refuge in the time of Trouble

Psalm 91 Refuge in the time of Trouble reminds us how close we need to be to our Savior and Lord. Here if we leave the protective covering of the Lord, we are indeed in danger. Walking in Him, in His Light; see 1st John chapter one; is where we must be. Even the modern world can face pandemics, pestilences, and danger. In all these things and more, He who has redeemed us, also can deliver us in t he time of trouble. Continue reading

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Psalm 103 – Redeem My Life from Destruction

Psalm 103 the benefits of the Lord. Here the believer puts faith, obedience, and the Christian prayer warrior into gear. Believing God to Redeem his life and the lives of those around him. He forgives iniquities, just repent and seek him. He heals your diseases, he will redeem your life from destruction; which includes plagues. He will crown you with his mercy flowing from His love, showering you with lovingkindness and tender mercies Continue reading

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Persistent Faith Perilous Times

Perilous Times means survival can be ‘At any cost’. Many families know that such Peril can mean starvation, no home, no place to lay your head, and even death. In itself, America faces trouble. No doubt today is an evil time. But He can keep you. Here is more. Continue reading

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Weeping over National Sins

Weeping over National Sins and laying prostrate before the Lord should be happening today. However, most protest our rights and the ongoing leftist takeover of America. But the real enemy today is our National and personal Sins. These are evident. Continue reading

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