Thus, the Epic Saga of Responsibility is ‘The Charge given, the witness is revealed, and the testimony spoken concerning these things.’ This Epic Saga of Responsibility is written as prose. It was on a day like others that I took to writing the Saga of Responsibility as it had occurred and revealed to me.
Category: Faith of Jesus Christ
You have Killed the Just, and he does not resist you, so says James. Scripture itself points to the difference between the Just and the Wicked. Persecution Murdering of the Just is done many times daily worldwide.
America Grace, God’s Grace
America Grace, God’s Grace are words to remind us that despite man’s ability to think, build, and live on His own: in two short words. Man cannot!
When the Grinders Shall Cease
When the Grinders Shall Cease points to a day when this generation will find its path of vanity over. It is a time when old men realize the foolishness of the past and wisdom which they would of God had known back then.
Times Seasons God Secrets
Times Seasons God Secrets breaks into the world of technology and humanism. It brings an ancient secret of whose really in power. The forces today are carving out a world without responsibility.
Reprobate: The Nation whose god is not the Lord
Today we have generations of people who imploded into a mass of what is called the “me generation!” It is about “me” today, “my rights”, “my truth”, and “my world as I see it”. We have rejected truth, even at the highest levels today. Reprobate Nation: Listen and read what this means.
Persecuted Christians “no Freedom of Religion”
Persecuted Christians – “I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” In John eighteen, we find in verse 18 the phrase “If the world hates you”. Today we find that phrase in the news.
DESTINY’S PROPHETIC PROGRESS AMERICA ; What is the progress of this destiny to which a minority seek? Where is this coming from? Why is America in denial over those who blatantly threaten the American way of life?
This is the Righteous Lord a Prophetic Psalm
As the This is the Righteous Lord, a Prophetic Psalm warning America. This Psalm is presented as a companion to our post warning America. That post “As the Mule is in Understanding, so is America is grounded in Psalm 32.
I am Searching the Reins and Hearts
I am Searching the Reins and Hearts. I am that Light which penetrates the darkness and exposes the dark secrets hidden within. I am He who brings to light the deeds and brings the fire of my refining to you. There is a way to walk therein. I will reward to all according to the fruits of their doing. Depart from the desires of the mind and the lusts of the flesh; be sure there is a righteous path to walk before me. I have redeemed thee to walk therein, that fruitful path to which pleases me. Every man will be rewarded as they have so done.
Enemies of the Messiah
Enemies of the Messiah – did they know? Did they realize that this one, indeed, was the Messiah to come? The rumors filled the streets as he walked among the people. He went into the temple and declared he was fulfilling this scripture.
Perilous Living -Best and Worst of times!
Perilous Living -Chaos in the World? Really or is it just that people can’t get along? Well in the world of prophecy all we do is go to the book. Here I mean the bible. What is it here that we living today must face such times? Why can’t it be some other people, some other time period? Why did God allow the days we live in to be “perilous times” and upsetting at that?
Faultless to Stand Before the Lamb
Faultless to stand before the Lamb, being found in the Lamb; having believed, one day our faith will be rewarded. One day it will be done. Here we look at the fact of your standing in Christ Jesus and the reward that awaits all those who are in him, who loved us and died for us. So talk a walk with me today and be inspired, be at peace, and enjoy the Word of God and what it means for you today!
America, If the Foundations Be Destroyed is one of the most important articles you are now herewith charged to read. Do not let this go by you. When you see it on social media or on our websites, read it all. Ponder this, pray about this. Your family, your future, and your very lives are at stake. While many may take this lightly, I assure you this is something to warn, exhort, and allow you to make your own choice in this matter. The issue here is detrimental to society, American’s future in America, and to all nations who want to live and enjoy their own structured societies. I challenge you therefore to read it, pass it along to others, and postulate for yourselves those things herein.
Aperitif Coming Son of Perdition
Get the free e-book Aperitif Coming Son of Perdition; that comes with this post! Aperitif Coming #SonofPerdition can take you by surprise. Today all around the world #lawlessness, #persecution of #Christians and other groups are increasing. All while the #globalists push a #one #world# government. Even in #America the woke crowd and statue removers are in full swing all the while blaming the white race. Not everyone is on board with this. In fact, the #globalists and #socialists are not having an easy time of it. One this is for sure lawlessness is rising faster than ever before. Here we find the Aperitif. The Aperitif, an alcoholic drink taken before dinner to stimulate the appetite. So it is, the nations aperitif has and is being drunk. While the #nationsofmen believe they are #Gods and in charge, the opposite is true. There is another hand which rules, judges, delivers, saves, and will hold all nations and peoples accountable.