Americas Righteous Truth is here. One choice is clear today. The other choice is what is happening today, especially in America. I speak of doing that which is right in your own eyes, a problem that has existed before. This forsakes the Word of God as a foundation. Thus, nations are left with no ultimate truth. Truth becomes self-centered, biased, and is conformed to society. It is here that today’s world is finding its personal delusion. So too is America..
Category: Faith Testimony Jesus Christ
Glory Land of the Unclean
Glory Land of the Unclean, America in Distress and a good portion of America likes it that way. While at the same time many Americans support the traditional nation that represents True America. One of Freedoms, Bible believers, Faith, Hard workers, and a knowledge of the Founding fathers and our Founding documents. The attempt to overthrow America began some time ago and even republicans supported the New World Order then.
America By Their Fruits
A walk into the End of Days where many things are not as they seem, and the fruit of Righteousness is only sown in those who are found in Christ Jesus. A time when lawlessness and deception will rule the day and the Love of the Truth is rejected.
Rebellion or Mercy the Path Well Worn
Rebellion or Mercy – There is a Path Well Worn and it has been traveled since the first beginnings of man on the earth. Today we are far removed, but the same sin problem is in effect. Included is a special insert called An Ode to Mercy and Rebellion. It is Prose written in style to reveal a truth.
Labor Day Toil and Trouble
Labor Day Toil and Trouble is along with the rest of the calendar year one huge bucket of trouble. Riots, pillaging, murders, fires, open borders, inflation, supply shortages, and more. If those who know what is happening, here the conservatives, and others who are awakened to the agenda to Marxism in America don’t do something, then there won’t be a Labor Day.
The Bane of a Lawless People
The Bane of a Lawless People reveals that it is the ‘Misery, blight or curse’ of a ‘uncontrolled and ungovernable’ people who will not follow the moral code of the Lord God. Here in the one of most richest nations on earth with Judeo-Christian foundations that we find such a people.
Prophesied Lawlessness Mystery of Iniquity
Prophesied Lawlessness for the Fellowship of Truth means that the world will find itself in a time when rebellion finds fulfillment. Everything that has been deemed true and natural is now cast aside. Man and woman have always had the propensity of ignoring those things that please God.
Manifest Deliverance Present Evil World
There is a Manifest Deliverance from this present Evil World! There is a path, a way, a light, and a plain path for all to find this deliverance. In short, we call it redemption. To redeem one from bondage. To free, liberate, or to buy back from darkness and the curse.
World Governments Global Chao’s
World Governments Global Chao’s. This article features a major report we covered on the refugees and the crisis in 2015. The world staggered at the trouble this caused. The weight of Islamic Jihadism throughout the world, the population that is without a home was unprecedented.
Revelation Stark Vision
Revelation Stark Vision where we find an all-encompassing evil with powers to subdue, conquer, and make War. From the end of days comes this thought proving look at the look at the aspect of this time.
Eye of the Lord upon the Righteous
The Eye of the Lord is upon those who hope in him! For many in America today, the troubles have people in a state of shock. Never have many of these spoiled Americans, and believe me; I count myself as spoiled.
Lords Lighthouse – A city on a hill cannot be hid, nor can a lighthouse that is brightly shining on a high outcrop on the rocky cliffs overlooking the seas of life.
Globalist Maneuver to Remove Internet Free Speech
Globalist Maneuver to Remove Internet Free Speech. I was there when the internet first appeared. I had paid to get a local techie to make me a computer to work on this new tech online. From that point on Free speech and a new world of information appeared.
Transforming Hope
Through the glass Darkly, Hope and Transformation bring us into the arena of Hope and our Future. To be sure that today we are Seeing through the glass Darkly, but one day we shall see all things face to face! Hope and the Transformation from mere human that faces sin, death, and the grave; then to have the ultimate victory over the same sin, death, and the grave through Jesus Christ, yes; it is the victory!
Kept from the Evil
Kept from the Evil, Jesus in John 17 prays for those who believe on him. For these followers to be kept in the world. Here the words “should not take them out of the world” are pertinent. But in this context, he also said “but that thou should keep them from evil.” Here this evil is consummate evil, the devil, Satan, and all his attacks along with the evil in the world. Today believers face a lot of evil in the world where they live.