Author Dana Glenn Smith

Dana Glenn Smith is the President of WIBR/WARN Radio Christian Ministries. Alongside Dana is his wife Tower [her handle]. They are the team of WIBR/WARN Radio along with their listeners and friends
The End Time ministry known to many as Warn Radio has been an Endtime, preaching, teaching, and warning for over two decades. We are also an agency that advocates for the Persecuted Church..
- He is also a Freelance writer & publisher
- He is the author of numerous Biblical Prophetic books.
- He has written many, many articles over these many years.
- He has also published many E-books including: The Prophetic Fall Feasts, The UN globalist Operations and the USA, and 7 Tips for living during the Apocalypse.
- The Rising is a Christian Mystery Thriller, see the Rising below
- Steel the Darkness is the first book in the Steel Series, and the Rising is book two. The Steel Series is finished with no plans to write other books in this series. All books are set in current day America and are Christian Mystery Thrillers with solid Christian theology!
The Steel Series Project is finished!
- The first book in the Steel Series is A Christian Mystery Thriller set in America find media page here!
- Book Two is an exciting look at the America we know today, it is called “The Rising”
Our focus is editing, republishing many articles from our archives and unpublished. We are looking at more upgrades in our websites along with a special Prophecy website. We shall see, one day at a time!
As a Freelance Writer, he is always writing and publishing. His Warn Media has published books, eBooks, graphics, and more related items. His current projects include Christian fiction, articles for website content, publishing, and media creation. When not writing He enjoys Gardening, Fishing, researching, and time with Family. He is a graduate of Trinity Bible College and has been broadcasting on Radio for many, many years.
About the Author | About WIBR/WARN Radio and Media
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- Christian Books7 products
- Christian E-books3 products
- Christian Hard Cover1 product
- Christian paperback books3 products
- Steel Book Series7 products
- A Warn Radio
- A1 Dana G Smith Books
- A1 Warn Radio Classic
- A2 Remnant Battle lines
- A3 Sound the Shofar
- B1 Dana G Smith Articles
- B1 New Testament Series
- B2 Prophets Isaiah series
- Christian
- Christian discipleship
- christian faith
- Christian Faith Life
- Christian Faith Persecution
- Christian Hope
- Christian living
- Christian Living Series
- Christian Media
- Christian Persecution
- Christian Prophecy
- Commentary
- Dana G Smith Book Posts
- E-Books
- Faith of Jesus Christ
- Faith Testimony Jesus Christ
- Isaiah prophecies
- Jesus christ
- Persecution advocacy
- Prose by the Watchman
- Psalms of the Watchman
- Romans Series
- Writings of the Watchman archival
- Yeshua Ha Massiach