For the Love of God

The Love of God is what was given to mankind. Our Lord Jesus Christ affirmed that gift when he died on the cross for our sins. This fulfilled the blood covenant, which gave this redemptive gift to everyone who wanted it. In these modern times we laugh at sin and joke at how bad things are. That is until it affects a nation, it’s people, and the lives they are living. The Love of God is here today amidst these troubles. Join me in looking at the prophecy, nations of men, and know that there is a greater hand in all this than mere mortals.

For the Love of God article image
For the Love of God

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | For the Love of God
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False Prophets and the ‘Oracles of the LORD’

False Prophets – The Lord God is angry with the wicked and will punish everyone according to their fruits. Jesus, Yeshua died for sins and forgiveness of sins can be obtained along with the Power to become the Sons of God. You do not have to live under Gods wrath or condemnation. Jesus Christ on the cross-providing atonement for all those who repent allow you to come near to the Lord God through Jesus. Ignoring atonement and forgiveness is to lose any hope of becoming Sons of God. Don’t be foolish. Come now and be fully forgiven and restored.

False Prophets and the Oracles of the Lord article image
False Prophets and the Oracles of the Lord

(19) Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.  (20)  The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly.  (21)  I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

Jer 23:19-21 | False Prophets and the ‘Oracles of the LORD
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Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

The Encoder of Words

Encoder of Words Revealer of Mysteries is what I do. Silence B. Goode is my name, add Mr. to it when addressing me unless we are acquainted with each other. I am a premier investigator of the mysterious. My name as is what I do is unique. It is for me or any investigator that uncovering the solution to any mystery is the reward. However, monetary recompense is welcome. Herein is the Encoder of words and revealer of mysteries. This article follows our Prose, a type of fictional writing with a message.

The Encoder of Words article image
The Encoder of Words

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
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Heavenly Signs Prophecy and America

Heavenly Signs Prophecy and America reminds us that we are well through the original events that are mentioned in this post. It is true that former signs remind us today how pertinent they were to what is going on. The politics are extremely divisive and partisan. Now that Biden and the Marxist democrats are in power; America is extremely over the edge in many ways. Foreigners are pouring over our southern border in a wave of unstoppable humanity. This is a updated post of signs and prophecy. As America heads into apocalyptic circumstances, the leaders of America are making it worse. The dates and some content are from the original post. Herein, we discuss events and sign specifically 2017 eclipse. All material also relates to this.

Heavenly Signs Prophecy and America article image
Heavenly Signs Prophecy and America

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Heavenly Signs Prophecy and America
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Our Christian Hope Faith Unashamed

Christian Hope in a lost and dying world can make a renewed Hope for many today. Our Faith as believers is unabashedly and truly unashamed. If you as a Christian are ashamed of being one, then make sure; you aren’t one. If you are not a believer in Christ Jesus, Yeshua; there is a solution. He is calling all people unto Himself. The time is short so come to him today. Even as we live in a world where we are surrounded with division, hate, and war; there is Hope.  Yet in this world many are filled with a desperate hopelessness. America has everything going for it. It is still free. It is not embroiled in a civil war, yet! People can still be free to drive, walk, play, and work pretty much as they want too. But our own hatred, our own desires, and our own selfishness has brought us to our knees. But this issue is bigger than America or the nations of men. Nations rise and fall, but the Kingdom of our Lord is coming, and it shall never fail nor fall.

Christian Hope Faith Unashamed article image
Christian Hope Faith Unashamed

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day, and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world! | Christian Hope Faith Unashamed
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Out of the Belly of Nations

Indeed, America was formed out of the Belly of Nations. It was in that womb of the nations of men that they came. It was to be free, safe, independent, and to worship the Lord as they so choose. The foundation was laid, constitution written, and the force of war brought the womb and the infant nation to birth.

Out of the Belly of Nations article image
Out of the Belly of Nations

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
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Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian Prophecy, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Offended: The World and the Faith of Christ

Offended by the World? Not have any Faith, let alone the Faith of Christ? Ask the world a Faith question and chances are they really will have no clue as to the real issues of Jesus Christ. You may hear the Word, but it is diluted! I should say ‘Deluded’! Today we are in a swamp of unbelief, secularism, and filth. Yet it seems a strange thing to really discuss filth. To declare thus saith the Lord. Everything today is user friendly. Including Christianity. In America, I call this the Sugar Plum church and the Fairy tale Jesus.

Offended: The World and the Faith of Christ article image
Offended: The World and the Faith of Christ

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
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Christian Spiritual Warfare

Christian Spiritual Warfare discusses deliverance for the believer. To bring peace back into your life. You can apply the Word of God to overcome anxieties and troubles. Find that deliverance in your life today. You must decide to do so. Herein lay scriptural commands and promises to help. These form the foundation of your Christian Spiritual warfare to defeat the enemy. In addition, find twelve tips to sum up the steps needed to be successful and to help others become that overcomer Christ intended. Defeating the Peace Stealer’s in your life is not easy. However, through Christ Jesus we have been given the power and authority to overcome the enemy!

Christian Spiritual Warfare Article image
Christian Spiritual Warfare

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By God’s grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day, and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
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Perceive Truth: Loving Praise of Men

Perceive Truth, to recognize it as true. In the gospel and in the life of Christ he spoke in Parables. These were confusing to the listeners at times. People were required to follow this Messiah and listen. Today in the world people herald many truths. Also actions of people reveal that many rather be people pleasers than tell the truth. At times, the real truth can be brutal. In today’s article we find those who loved the praise of men. How many politicians and famous people; along with those around us who follow this without thinking. In Christianity this can cost you your soul.

Perceive Truth: Loving Praise of Men article image
Perceive Truth: Loving Praise of Men

“A Journey for those who look into the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day, and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for an nonstandard world!
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God of Chaos Spirit of Lawlessness

The movie was vivid, Caesar, Nero, in fact, was playing his lyre. All the while Rome was burning. In the backdrop were flames of the city Rome. Before this was the character Nero looking crazy or mad, smiling while enjoying his music. Of course this was Hollywood’s version.  However, today in America the scene here is of Chao’s wrought by a President that has thoroughly brought this nation down by His misguided misfits who help him ruin this country. This President and those behind him are lawless.

God of Chaos Spirit of Lawlessness article image
God of Chaos Spirit of Lawlessness

“A Journey for those who investigate the Whirlwind of these Last Days! Bearing the Cross in the War of Ages where Faith is the Victory that overcomes the World.”

“By Gods grace, we endure from faith to faith; day to day and pass by from trouble to endurance to an overcomer!”

“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”

“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words” — The Watchman Dana G Smith

WIBR/WARN Ministry Warning a Generation, Heralding the Second Coming of Yeshua. WIBR Warn Radio Biblical standards for a nonstandard world!
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Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, christian faith, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Jesus christ, Writings of the Watchman archival, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments