Rebellion or Mercy – There is a Path Well Worn and it has been traveled since the first beginnings of man on the earth. Today we are far removed, but the same sin problem is in effect. Included is a special insert called An Ode to Mercy and Rebellion. It is Prose written in style to reveal a truth.
Labor Day Toil and Trouble
Labor Day Toil and Trouble is along with the rest of the calendar year one huge bucket of trouble. Riots, pillaging, murders, fires, open borders, inflation, supply shortages, and more. If those who know what is happening, here the conservatives, and others who are awakened to the agenda to Marxism in America don’t do something, then there won’t be a Labor Day.
Introducing MR. TRUST WELL HOPE. So, the parable, the anthem of heaven; the redeeming truth, shall you hear it! Trust Well Hope, quite a name! Mr. Trust Well Hope addressed me and pursued in helping me to maintain the Hope to which I should attain. Being first introduced came early one day as I sought the refuge of Gods Holy Word. This is a comfort and one I should not betray.
The Bane of a Lawless People
The Bane of a Lawless People reveals that it is the ‘Misery, blight or curse’ of a ‘uncontrolled and ungovernable’ people who will not follow the moral code of the Lord God. Here in the one of most richest nations on earth with Judeo-Christian foundations that we find such a people.
Prophesied Lawlessness Mystery of Iniquity
Prophesied Lawlessness for the Fellowship of Truth means that the world will find itself in a time when rebellion finds fulfillment. Everything that has been deemed true and natural is now cast aside. Man and woman have always had the propensity of ignoring those things that please God.
Manifest Deliverance Present Evil World
There is a Manifest Deliverance from this present Evil World! There is a path, a way, a light, and a plain path for all to find this deliverance. In short, we call it redemption. To redeem one from bondage. To free, liberate, or to buy back from darkness and the curse.
World Governments Global Chao’s
World Governments Global Chao’s. This article features a major report we covered on the refugees and the crisis in 2015. The world staggered at the trouble this caused. The weight of Islamic Jihadism throughout the world, the population that is without a home was unprecedented.
Revelation Stark Vision
Revelation Stark Vision where we find an all-encompassing evil with powers to subdue, conquer, and make War. From the end of days comes this thought proving look at the look at the aspect of this time.
Eye of the Lord upon the Righteous
The Eye of the Lord is upon those who hope in him! For many in America today, the troubles have people in a state of shock. Never have many of these spoiled Americans, and believe me; I count myself as spoiled.
War Within Battle of Good and Evil
War Within Battle of Good and Evil There is a War Within. In the hearts of men Good and Evil fight one another for control. In the country called America, we also find Good and Evil in a fight as old as the tempter in the Garden who seduced Eve. If nothing in life is…
Enemies of the Messiah
Enemies of the Messiah – did they know? Did they realize that this one, indeed, was the Messiah to come? The rumors filled the streets as he walked among the people.
American Foundation
American Foundation – The Truth for America. How long has this nation been divided? We could go back numerous presidents, like Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush one and two, Clinton. There was division between all of them, howbeit the radicalized leftist in Biden’s presidency has been here for at least a decade. These groups became more organized. This Modis-operandi is common where socialists and Marxists attack a system of governance. Yet, despite this attack on America, our foundation is still there.
Last Days Deception Ever Learning
Last Days Deception Ever Learning but not the truth! Wisdom of the world, knowledge, and always learning doesn’t mean you really know the Truth! The Apostle warned us of the last days, which is the farthest or final or ends of; the days which humans live in.
Lord of Sabaoth Vindicated
Lord of Sabaoth -The Day of Vindication for those who have cried unto the Lord and have sought to find the evil done to them relieved. For the Lord will hear their cries and avenge them on the day that he brings all evil to an end. Christians are meeting challenges, tribulation, and persecution knowing that the foundations of faith are secure within Christ Jesus. To this end we labor as the end of days progress. No matter how dark, dank, and sinful people are, the Lord can save to the uttermost. Mercy is here, judgment comes; make your choice!
Coup d’état Descent America’s Foibles
The Coup d’état Descent America’s Foibles takes you up and center into the nation today. Looking back, many people have 20-20 vision. But in a current circumstance, they are blinded and cannot comprehend the path that they are on is dangerous. There exists an American propensity to have America’s Foibles thrust upon the whole nation.