Tag Archives: American Watchman

Building the High Places

A biblical and prophetic warning for a modern age! Building the High Places brings in Israel of old and looking forward to the time of the end. There is Grace, Forgiveness and Restoration. Yet the nations today maintain their own High places Amidst the Harlot Church today. To those Christians that are Truly born Again and serving the Lord Keep your eye and heart on the Lord. I address both the church and the Nations of men. The Lord Comes and with Him he will bring judgment, justice, and redemption Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian Faith Life, Christian Hope, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Building the High Places

Highlight Discipleship Occupy till I Come Pt 17

Discipleship Occupy – It is true, Gentiles to thy Light, so shall they Come! Today billions can attest to that, since Yeshua, #JesustheMessiah came long ago bringing Atonement to all people that believe Him and walk in the light as He is the Light. This also includes Israel and Jews everywhere if they will understand and receive him. Today amidst the hatred of Israel and the Jews, let it be known that God is not finished with Israel although many who hate #Israel and her Jews, the truth is even #Christians are hated today and #persecuted Continue reading

Posted in A Warn Radio, A3 Sound the Shofar, Christian Faith Life, Christian Hope, Commentary, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Highlight Discipleship Occupy till I Come Pt 17

Nephilim, the Thirteenth Floor, Lucifer Risen

Nephilim “The Best Laid Plans of Men cannot stop us Now!” Nephilim, the Thirteenth Floor, Lucifer Risen; these three events are here already. It is a battle between forces and the array of plots, battles, and plans are made. There are those who will tell you this. They know! Now deep within the Thirteenth Floor of the underground base the secret is revealed. They don’t advertise it, but they are giddy with excitement because the Best Laid plans of men cannot stop them now! Continue reading

Posted in A1 Dana G Smith Books, B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Dana G Smith Book Posts, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Nephilim, the Thirteenth Floor, Lucifer Risen

America’s Captors a Prophetic Warning

“America’s Captors” by Watchman Dana G Smith is an apocalyptic warning to America and other nations. The text urges repentance and a return to biblical principles, highlighting the dangers posed by sin, corruption, and immorality. It emphasizes impending judgment and offers a choice between mercy and condemnation. Smith’s decades-long prophecy stresses the importance of heeding divine revelations, interpreting societal decay as a signal of end times. He calls for individual choices that favor righteousness over wickedness for deliverance from impending doom.
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Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on America’s Captors a Prophetic Warning


Gun Control, even our Forefathers warned us of the dangers of those who would take away our nation and our rights! It is a secret, one that today you will know. That is, if you read this short and informative article titled Gun Control, Talk to your Guns Immediately. This is something that most Gun owners do not know. This secret goes back to the days of Noe, Cain, and Abel. Yet our own Forefathers also warned us as well. This article is a satirical look at a serious topic. We can trace the lack of defense, including the defense of using Guns for protection to the slaughter and genocide of people worldwide. Two of the staunchest areas are North Korea and China where on the communists in control have weapons. In America, this topic never goes way. Join me in this true look at Gun Control with a Satirical aspect to it. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian living, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Cup of Sorrows Truth of Righteousness

or the Last of the Last days. It pits nations of men against the Lord and His anointed. It brings tools to this battle using governments, laws, actions, and wickedness. Today there are those who will stop at nothing to get their agenda fulfilled. Whether it be worldwide Islamic rule, Globalist socialism, or nations of hedonism; many would destroy to get the thing they cherish. In Christ Jesus, the light and the promise are of Hope, Healing, and Redemption is ever present.  Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian living, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 1 Comment


Jesus Christ of God Son Saviour . My goal is pointed to address the church, America, and the nations of men in these last days. It is never easy to see a nation you were born in, lived in, had a family in; turn to the things this country today has done. Be sure, this of which I write is but a tip of the tentacle which faces humanity today. I urge you to draw nigh to the Lord, focus your heart, mind, and Spirit on Jesus Christ our Lord. Be given to fasting, prayer, and the Word of God. Forgive others and walk in Love. Nurture your family, love them to the fullest, and be blessed. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian Hope, Christian Living Series, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on JESUS CHRIST OF GOD SON SAVIOR

The Night Far Spent in America

The Night is Far Spent in America. A time when the deeds of people mirror those days of lawlessness spoken of by the Apostle Paul. This is a time when we see that society is absurdly proud of being evil and prepossessed to do as they please. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, christian faith, Christian Hope, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Prose by the Watchman, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

America Sins of Your Sister Sodom

America Sins of Your Sister Sodom reaches a pinnacle for this modern generation. How does this judgment on Judah and being compared to her sister Sodom go against traditional ideas? Many of whom do not believe that judgment would or could hit this nation. In fact, they also do not believe that this nation could fall forever and, in its place, rise a nation more wicked than this nation today has ever been. The modern nations do not believe that man in his raised heights of technology, science, knowledge, and enlightenment are in any danger from any God. That is if they even believe there is a God. You could well make the case that if we are in so much danger in America from our sins why are not all the biggest Mega-Pastors and churches all warning us. In fact, the lack of warning tells us more than you think Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian discipleship, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Writings of the Watchman archival | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Council of God Call Upon Me!

 The Council of God Call upon Me is a collection of two psalms. These are a prophetic warning of the Day of the Lord, the Wickedness of a Nation, and a final Word to Call upon the LORD. It calls upon the nations and the people therein to take heed. A staunch warning given in two prophetic psalm Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, christian faith, Christian Hope, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Psalms of the Watchman | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Council of God Call Upon Me!