Tag Archives: Christian Hope

God’s Eternal Clock of Redemption

God’s Eternal Clock of Redemption ‘download Free E-Book’ -It is where the end begun and the mystery of God’s Eternal Clock of Redemption which was kept secret in God were finally manifested to the church! For it was in the shroud of the eternal heavenlies; that the Father and the Son in the beginning purposed these glorious things. Continue reading

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Cultural War of Jihad in the Modern Age

Cultural War of Jihad has constantly made its way into the modern world. In America, what once was a Republic and held steadfast to traditional values has fallen from favor in many social groups in this country that hold to a quite different view of America’s future. In conclusion, there is much to do if Americans intend to save the nation that we seemed to have lost. Multitudes encamp on our streets and in the cities waiting to inherit this land and nation Continue reading

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Churches Could Talk, if it were true what would they say? The Lord said in Luke chapter 19 and verse forty “I tell that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” In Numbers chapter twenty-two and verse 28 the LORD “opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam…” In this I have written a satirical, poetical, Article to reveal a point. So if Churches Could Talk, what else might they do? The main characters are the Church building, those who want to destroy the building, and the Pastor. Stay with me here, take a short journey into that land of America where at last, a Church stood up to give testimony. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian living, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

American Missionaries need to Reach Lost America

American Missionaries – Since the fifties we have seen gradual decrease in the faithful discharge to reach the lost. To the point that today we have generations of pagan Americans. Continue reading

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In Christ Jesus Non-conformity to the world

In Christ Jesus Non-conformity to the world. This is the Beginning and Ending of All Things in Christ Jesus. Here we are in the world but not fashioned according to it’s desires and lusts. There is a place found in Christ that frees us from the bondage of sin, lusts, and desires of the minds. The fact that the Lord wanted his children to be separate from the world dates back to the very beginning. This is truly Christian Non-conformity in the world! Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Philippines Marawi Crisis and the ISIS threat

This Featured article from our archives some years back reminds us that the threat to any nation’s sovereignty is not far away. Especially in the Philippines. It is not surprising that in this battle in Marawi, the damnable Islamic fighters have taken hostages and use them as human shields. This is an old tactic of the cowardly Islamic fighter; who cannot just stand and fight. It should not come as a surprise that we find Sunni Muslims fighting. Worldwide Sunnis work, many of them to see their version of a worldwide Caliphate, along with a viable Caliph to bring in their version of hell on earth. Now this hell is trying to gain a foothold in the southern Island of Mindanao. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Jesus christ, Persecution advocacy, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Phenomenon of President Trump

At the time of the upcoming 2020 election the title of the post read “Elect President Trump Reject Liberal Agendas”. We found out that it is not beyond the pale, so to speak; for the Democrats to use any means possible to win. Van Jones declared it was a White Lash, speaking of the election of Trump the first time. Make no mistake the Trump event hit in all it’s glory and majesty for his supporters. Meanwhile for the Democrats and other extra liberals out there, this was an unmitigatged nightmare. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

The Pagination of the Pagan Nation

The Pagination of the Pagan Nation, Technology vs biblical morals. The online of our day is Amoral, it neither has preference for the good or the bad. In addition, religion, spirituality, and meditation can also influence it. The bible, though is the Word of God and truth for all people at all times, for all ages. Finding the morality online. The internet is therefore subject to many influences and in itself is godless, motionless, and a creation of man. It is in this online world, therefore that many find a hiding place, a location for friendship of any kind, and for knowledge. Amoral versus Biblical truth. Continue reading

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Islam and the Antichrist Jesus

In the battle for the truth we find the center of it all the Son of God Jesus Christ. For these end of days the Apostle Paul warned us about the rejection of the Love of the Truth and the acceptance of a delusion. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Mother of Harlots and the Beast

The article is an analysis of religious symbolism, focusing on the Mother of Harlots who is seen riding the beast as described in Revelation 17. The author explores the metaphorical representation of the Mother of Harlots, relating it to the rise of the universal whore church and beast, rebellion against God, and worldly pursuits driven by human lusts. It also discusses various aspects of Christianity, the Vatican, and the influence of Pope Francis, providing interpretations of multiple Bible verses to emphasize the significance of faith, truth, and redemption.
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Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Jesus christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment