Tag Archives: Christian Hope

Israeli Middle East Struggle for Peace with People who want no Peace

Israeli Middle East – We republished this article on Israel. Originally written in Trumps tenure as president, Israel had a good friend in the USA then. However, today under Biden his anti-Israel proclivities have taken hold. Israel’s enemies are emboldened. All because a Marxist political thrust has taken over the government of America. They are anti-Israel, anti-patriot, and many are antichrist. Here now you can read this original article as it was written then under Trump when indeed our nation was a better country and so were the people. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Commentary | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Choice, Chance, and Consequences

The post discusses the concepts of Choice, Chance, and Consequences, framing it in a deeply religious context. It argues that all people have the choice to live righteously or wickedly, implicitly affecting their fate in life and after death. The article further introduces the belief that accepting Jesus Christ leads to righteousness and ultimately salvation, while evil results in damnation. It uses biblical references and real-life examples, such as the case of the 2017 Sutherland Springs Church shooter, to underline its arguments. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Christian Living Turbulent Endtimes

Living in #turbulenttimes, #Christians around the world are facing #increasedpersecution, even in nations where they previously practiced their #faith freely. The writer implores #Christians to remember #teachings from the #bible, mentioning natural disasters as part of the end of days preceding the forthcoming #judgementday. Amidst the #fear and #anxiety arising from #physicalconflicts and #spiritualbattles, Christians are encouraged to stay #groundedinfaith, continue to #witnessforChrist, and stay #steadfast in their #belief that #faith in #JesusChrist provides #victory over the world. Continue reading

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Endtime Judgment Justice and Mercy

Endtime Judgment Justice and Mercy! The Lord will at some point in the lives of all people judge those who stand before them. For now, the deeds and work are recorded and all those on this earth will be judged by their works. When he comes, all shall behold him and all that dwell on the earth shall wail because of Him! Mercy is given, but Justice and Judgment are rewarded. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Finite Life and the Infinite Truth

People today live recklessly as they face a Finite life and then realize too late there is Infinite Truth. Today, many people are moved emotionally. But the reality of your life is that your life is not yours alone. God can take your life at any moment. Finite Life and the Infinite Truth means Living Life and knowing there is the Eternal God. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Free Born or Slave, Children of the Promise

Today as America swings into a realm of chaos amidst socialist agendas, covid, pandemics, and open borders hitting this nation it is more important to focus your priorities. Your life today, no matter where it is, can find the greatest hope today. The ancient Patriarchs knew about the Children of the Promise. If you’re a disciple of Jesus Christ by faith and repentance and are his Child, then you are set Free from the bondage of the law and the curse. If not, you can find help today through him who provided atonement for you. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Americas Righteous Truth

Americas Righteous Truth is here. One choice is clear today. The other choice is what is happening today, especially in America. I speak of doing that which is right in your own eyes, a problem that has existed before. This forsakes the Word of God as a foundation. Thus, nations are left with no ultimate truth. Truth becomes self-centered, biased, and is conformed to society. It is here that today’s world is finding its personal delusion. So too is America.. Continue reading

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Choosing Life and Blessing instead of Judgment

Choosing Life and Blessing as opposed to rebellion to the will of God. As Christians we are not to love the world, nor are we to gratify the lust of the flesh; indulge our eyes in lustful ways or allowing ourselves to be puffed up by the pride of this life. In the hearts of people proceed evil things that defile a person that can bring upon them judgment and a curse. There is an example of this Judgment of the Lord upon the people of Jerusalem. This included a warning to the young women who in their pride brought upon themselves condemnation. This led to misery, mourning, and lamenting what happened. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian, Christian discipleship, Christian Faith Life, Christian living, Commentary | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

America’s Prophecy Harbinger of Portent

Americans today are sleepy and tired from years of false impeachment, stolen elections, liberal socialism, Covid, pandemics, lockdowns, antifa, BLM, lawlessness, and the open border. While denying there is a problem, America has a Coup d’état’ which is being driven by outside influences. But it is not one of overthrowing the Presidency, per se; it is one overthrowing the government and the constitution of these United States. While this is going on, many fail to see the real enemy on our border! Not to forget the enemy already among us!  Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Loving the brethren in Christ Jesus

Loving the brethren in Christ Jesus, but not as Cain loved his brother! Brethren in Christ, but Not as Cain; this is a point for all Christians to remember. This is not about loving the ungodly, helping those in need, or loving humanity in general. These things we ought to be doing. Continue reading

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