Tag Archives: Christian Hope

America’s Prophecy Harbinger of Portent

Americans today are sleepy and tired from years of false impeachment, stolen elections, liberal socialism, Covid, pandemics, lockdowns, antifa, BLM, lawlessness, and the open border. While denying there is a problem, America has a Coup d’état’ which is being driven by outside influences. But it is not one of overthrowing the Presidency, per se; it is one overthrowing the government and the constitution of these United States. While this is going on, many fail to see the real enemy on our border! Not to forget the enemy already among us!  Continue reading

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Loving the brethren in Christ Jesus

Loving the brethren in Christ Jesus, but not as Cain loved his brother! Brethren in Christ, but Not as Cain; this is a point for all Christians to remember. This is not about loving the ungodly, helping those in need, or loving humanity in general. These things we ought to be doing. Continue reading

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America House of Long Shadows

In the House of Long Shadows, we find an epitaph in America. In the House of Long Shadows, we find an America whose house is filled with sin and rebellion. This is a House with a vibrant and chilling tale of beginning but today a house that is divided and a people whose long shadows cast darkness over the land. Continue reading

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Grace Going Forward from Here

Grace is the tool to access God’s Mercy which flows out of His Love for us. As we move forward in our lives, His favor or Grace keeps us, guides us, empowers us through His Spirit and His Word. In the days of riots and thuggery in our land of the free, we have politicians that are devoid of civility. For those sick of this and want to move forward, do so within and with the Grace of Almighty God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Be sure, in the end of all things; we will win. Continue reading

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America By Their Fruits

A walk into the End of Days where many things are not as they seem, and the fruit of Righteousness is only sown in those who are found in Christ Jesus. A time when lawlessness and deception will rule the day and the Love of the Truth is rejected. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Christian Faith Life, Christian Hope, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Patient Endurance and Righteousness

Patient Endurance greets the end of days with a gasp. The eyes behold, the ears hear, but the heart at times is unwilling to move ahead. For chaos is reaping her reward, while the turmoil of men and women shakes the very soul. There are those who push violence and upheaval for personal reasons and gain. There are wicked people and even viler principalities and powers at work. But for the Christian disciple who beholds their Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings; victory is near as the battle heats up. Continue reading

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Living Life: Truth and Faith

Living Life is full of Truth and it requires faith to do so as a Christian. You may ask at this point, are there not lies and wickedness as well? Yes, but all humans live with what they believe are truth and they have some form of faith in something. Many people have faith in something or about something. We as believers are to live in both worlds which run counter to each other, that is; a life of faith in the only begotten Son of God and live that faith in a world that rejects this truth, see 2 Thess 2 ‘love of the truth’. Continue reading

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Light, Judgment, & the Word

Light, Judgment, and the Word can clearly be seen in the Kingdom of Men and nations. For Christianity and those who carry the cross as our Lord Jesus Christ did, there is a cost. One of those men, a Chinese … Continue reading

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Labor Day Toil and Trouble

Labor Day Toil and Trouble is along with the rest of the calendar year one huge bucket of trouble. Riots, pillaging, murders, fires, open borders, inflation, supply shortages, and more. If those who know what is happening, here the conservatives, and others who are awakened to the agenda to Marxism in America don’t do something, then there won’t be a Labor Day. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Prophesied Lawlessness Mystery of Iniquity

Prophesied Lawlessness for the Fellowship of Truth means that the world will find itself in a time when rebellion finds fulfillment. Everything that has been deemed true and natural is now cast aside. Man and woman have always had the propensity of ignoring those things that please God. Continue reading

Posted in B1 Dana G Smith Articles, Commentary, Faith of Jesus Christ, Faith Testimony Jesus Christ | Tagged , , | 1 Comment